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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Hi pcwhite64 and welcome to the grey forum. Coco is a good looking TAG. Great picture.
  2. Ray P


    Great chicken dance
  3. Its funny when you go to the frig and take the cheese out they know the sound of the cheese box being opened and they are there in a flash.
  4. When all our fids get a little sharp cheddar, Its like they inhale it, gone in a flash. My fids have a cheese fetish.
  5. If you beleve a different nama fits your grey better, and it is a baby and has not come home yet than now is the time to do it.
  6. Ray P


    You have your gold star
  7. Ray P

    Here's Bubba!

    You are real bird people !!!
  8. Ray P


    Hay TWIX Check the Honored Amazons thread , Its a sticky. Yes I am one and for that you get a blue star. Now go for the gold.
  9. Ray P

    You tell me

    Yes you can. Go to the amazon room and to the thread Bfa and answer that question and you can have any color you want.
  10. I have told you the stories about Crickets past and how we were told that she was aggressive. I have also told you how Ceicket has never shown this side of her to us. To me my wife and son she has never shown any aggression. My wifes brother was up for a visit not to long ago. A person from Crickets past. I was telling him how good Cricket had become and he told me I was full of S**t. So out came Cricket to show him that I was not full of S**t. Cricket was on my shoulder and being her sweet self until she saw my wifes brother. She walked down my arm and walked across the table to my wifes brother and bit the crap out of his thomb. As he called Cricket every name in the book and the blood was every place Cricket just turned around and walked back to me up my arm to my shoulder and sat there like nothing just happened. I think Cricket got some revenge. That was the one and only time that I have ever seen Cricket do that. I beleve that they have a great memory and they love revenge.
  11. As the day was comming to an end I was sitting on my back deck having a beer and enjoying the sounds of nature All the birds were flying around and singing, My chickens were clucking, the roosters were crowing and my peacocks were honking. The ducks were quacking and splashing around in the pond and Corky and Cricket were singing along with Willie and Little One my cockatiels. My two dachshounds were playing in the yard. My neighbors donkeys were hee-hawing and their horse was in on it to. It was then I realized they werw celebrating the end of a beautifil day each with their own song. As I listen to their songs of celebration I dozed off and when I woken it was dark. The chickens were in their coup, My peacocks were on their roost and the birds flew back to their nest. Corky, Cricket, Willie and Little One had been covered by my son. My neighbors donkeys and horse went back to their barn. there was a cool night breeze after the sun went down. It was bliss. Than I had a thought. I better get inside before the mosquitoes eat me alive. I hope you had as good a day as I had Ray
  12. Ray P

    Proud momma

    I can see thay beam all the way over here in Ohio.
  13. Emma is a great looking grey. And Judy that was the first thing that came to my mind.
  14. Ray P

    Proud momma

    You saw your babys first flight. That is great.
  15. I love the pictures. They are so cute and sweet at that age.
  16. Hi TIMS and Kikki and welcome to the grey forums. Its great that you took in an older grey that needed a home and we will do all we can to help you socializer him. We also love pictures.
  17. I have never seen Cricket fall and she uses allll her cage every day all day.
  18. Ray P

    You tell me

    It was a thinking cap question. Dave 007 has a sticky in the Quaker sub room. It was ment to be a fun question.
  19. Ray P

    You tell me

    You get a gold star.
  20. Ray P

    You tell me

    How many Monk Parakeets are members of the grey forum
  21. There are six blue fronted amazon members of the grey forum. Can you name them and their care giver ??
  22. Hay Tango. Cricket here. Salsa sounds real COOL, My kind of zon. I always make sure I get my fair share of anything that Corky gets. Corky thinks she is the boss becaus she has been her longed, but I know better. I have to keep her in line. Thats my job.
  23. Hi Janee and welcome to the grey forum. Do you have a name for your TAG ? And we love pictures.
  24. I disagree that bigger is never better. There are many people that free fly their parrots in the all out doors. I would not do that, but a large play ground that is inside is awesome. The freedom in a special room and a tall tree. Your grey will love you forn that.
  25. Hi Sarah and welcome to the grey forum. Great video of FlapJack.
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