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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Hi Nikki and Tango and welcome to the grey forum. Tango looks like a great grey and we are so glad that you and Tango have joined us. And yes we love pictures.
  2. If you have a cockatiel than you know about Night fright. If your cockatiel is having a night fright it is best to turn on a light and talk to it softly to calm it down. The top 8 causes for cockatiel Night Fright 1. Nocturnal animals and insects flitting about in the darkness 2. A draft or sudden stream of cool air 3. Cats and dogs moving around and suddenly meowing or barking close by. 4. Shadows moving over the cage or aviary. 5. Thunder and lightning. 6. Fire works. 7. Flashing lights, Such those from car headlights. 8. Member of the household coming in late after everyone else is in bed. 9. There are also reports of cockatiels thrashing about in their cage just moments before an earthquake. 8 Cockatiel Night Fright Prevention Tips 1. Do not "plunge" cockatiels into complete darkness at night, provied them with a dimmed lighting. 2. Give cockatiels some food or a regular treat 30 minutes before the lights are dimmed. It gives them something to look foward to at the end of the evening, rather than dread the approach of night. 3. Do not cover the cage completely with a black-out cloth. A covering on 3 sides and partially over the top can provide security but still enables them to view their surroundings. 4. A baby monitor placed near to the cage and linked to the bedroom can give you peace of mind by alerting you to a problem quickly so that you can attend to your cockatiel immediately and defuse the situation. 5. Do not move the cockatiels cage to a unfamiliar location at night. 6. If your cockatiel is being introduced to a new cage or toy, do it at the beginning of the day, so it has maximum daylight hours to become accustomed to it 7. Ensure that the curtains in the room are properly closed so the light from passing cars don`t spook your pet bird. 8. Ensure that your cockatiel is getting adequate sleep and is housed in a peaceful environment.
  3. Let us know when she is home so we can give her a BIG WELCOME.
  4. Loved the video. As far as snuggle toys go our grey Corky will snuggle with the wife and me and our zon Cricket well I am the one she wants to be with all the time.
  5. Oh yes the joy and it dose not stop with carrots.
  6. Hi Kimijean CAGs have been kept as pets for a long time and TAGs are like the new kid on the block. Yes, its said that TAGs are more laid back than CAGs, but they can have the same problems. They are now just starting to have a history that we can look back on and compair. As far as talking TAGs and CAGs are equal both male and female and both make great companions. The only difference is size, tail color and the CAG has an all black beak.
  7. Your house sounds a lot like my house. We have 4 parrots 4 cats 2 dogs 2 peacocks 1 rabbit 2 goats a flock of chickens a flock of ducks and yes a fish tank and a 36 year old son that won`t leave.
  8. Hi Tracey and welcome to you and your flock to the grey forum. WOW 13 fids. I bet breakfast takes a long time in your home. OH we love pictures.
  9. The point I would like to make is. There are many things printed about amazons that can be misleading. I do not beleve amazons are mean, and as far as aggression with some male species there may be a two or three years with hormonal aggression that can fall when that zon is between 5 and 12 years old and than it tapers off.
  10. Hi Teri and big welcome to you and Virgil to the grey foeum. Judy has given you some great advice to help Vergil become part of your family. And yes we do love pictures
  11. Ok there is going to be a lot of IMO in this thread, but I don`t think I`m off track in what I have to say. Cricket my Blue Fronted Amazon, Has been, Is now and always will be my teacher when it comes to zons. I know that is a strong statement, but it`s true. All you amazon care givers stand up and let your voice be heard when it comes to your zon and other zons you may know. There is a basic truth about what you hear about amazons, but what they become is up to you. (for the most part). An article in Bird Talk Magazine, In January 2002, What`s Wrong With Amazons, by Joanie Doss is a good read if you want to know more about Amazons. The article talks about the Hot three, The Blue Front Amazon. the Double Yellwo Head and the Yellow Nape males make up the hot three. The average person will not separate the female from the big three and think they are all the same. Amazons are not greys with green feathers despite the fact they are equally smart,great talkers and about the same size. Amazons react differently than greys to situations. If they were people, The Grey would be the intellectual college graduate while the amazon would be the street smart life-of-the-party type of guy. The most important factor though, was that wonderful amazon spirit that allowed them to adjust to captivity better than any other species. You can Google What`s wrong with amazons by Joanie Doss and you might come away with a different view of amazons.
  12. My CAG Corky will weigh in between 410 and 415 g. and she will be 12 in December.
  13. Great video and they seam to have a respect for each other.
  14. Jay and I have been passing PM`s back and forth about taking over the amazon of the week thread. Jay and Maggie are the birth parents of this thread and they would like to see it keep going. I had a change in mind with the thread and I ask Jay and Maggie for their blessing on the change and they said OK. The change will be from Amazon of the week to Amazon of the month and the reason is that with 33 amazon species we have less than a year before startover and by the month we have almost 3 years. In that month we could cover their diet, personality and any other points of intrest with that species. Jay would like to finish his last 3 amazons of the week before I start. This thread is to be interactive so member input is welcome and needed. OH and just so you know. This will always be jay`s thread.
  15. Ray P


    Thats the sound of a grey having a good time with their toys.
  16. A fancy expensive toy is only important to the person buying it. A toy thats fun for the parrot is important to the parrot even if its free.
  17. All I can say great post and well put
  18. When it comes to the grey forums there are two days that will stick with me forever. One of the days is Aug. 1, 2010, Thats the day I joined the grey forums. Up to this time I had joined a number of other forums and posted a few times on each of them and that was about it. Don`t get me wrong, they were good forums, but for me they did not click. At the time I had rehomed Cricket my amazon about a year earlier and this forum had a very active amazon room with Jay that seemed to be the room leader and a person that would become my mentor. When Jay became ill and was out for a time Penny asked if I would step up and help in the amazon room as a moderator. Sept. 4 2011 the day I became a moderator was my second memorable day on this forum. Even after all that has happened in the past two weeks we continue to grow not only in membership, but in integrity and credibility as we smooth out our own rough spots that make us better in the long run. Just had to tell you as members how I feel Ray
  19. They do pick up sounds they like and use them to point that you could ring their neck. We had 22 new windows put in two years ago and Corky picked up the sound of the sawzall. She has not made that sound for a while. (Thank God).
  20. Hi again Diana As I read your post you are asking some very good questions about greys and kids and I am sure you will receive many post from members who will answer your questions. Greys are like people each with their own personality. I do have a CAG and not a TAG. They say a TAG is more easy going than a Congo so I will let a TAG owner answer most of your questions. I will say that a lot will depend on how and how well your grey is socialized.
  21. Hi Diana and welcome to the grey forum. When you add a grey to your family its like having anouther kid. Glad to see you are doing your research as a grey will change your life in ways you never knew.
  22. Some thing I did for Corkys nails is I took a concrete perch and made a concrete swing. When she swings on it she holds on and the movement of her feet on the swing keeps the points rounded. She also has a wooden swing so she has a choice as to witch swing she wants.
  23. Hi Brad and welcome to you and keeco to the grey forum. I just love the dark eyes of a baby grey and you have a fun setup for keeco to play on and a friend to share his toys with.
  24. Hi Steve and a big welcome to you, Skippy and your IRN Kiwi. That was a great video of Skippy and Kiwi. We also have a great Other birds room with many sub rooms for other species of birds. I will add Kiwi to the Other Honored Birds list of the grey forum in the other birds room.
  25. We call it the EVIL EYE !!! HA HA HA
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