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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Hi Miffy and welcome to you and walter to the grey forum. Walter is a good looking grey and he should bring you a lifetime of joy. OH, we love pictures !!
  2. My fids go for the box too, or the news paper, or a 2x4.
  3. Ray P


    You do what you feel is in the best interest of your fid. We will respect your decision.
  4. Hi Pepper. Your a good looking TAG. Hope to see more of you.
  5. To love a amazon parrot is to understand the species along with all the good and the bad. To be able to know what kind of behavior to expect at certain times in their life and how to get through those bad times.
  6. My wife and I were foster parents for many years and over those years we had 13 foster kids. We were long term care and had each child for 2 to 3 years because they were up fpr adoption. We can tell you all about counselling as most of them needed it before they could be placed. We have 2 dachshonds, Bacon a 7 year old male black and tan and Cocoa a long hair 3 year old brindle female that we just rehomed. Along with the birds, the cats and goats and others I think we paid for a number of new cars for the vet. The wife has been in the hospital twice this year and with all her other medical issue I think we paid for a wing at the hospital. I know where you are comming from.
  7. And Silver and Bronze A sweep.
  8. We don`t have a dog door. but Cricket will walk to every room in the house and will go in and out every room. You should see her climb stairs. Most of Crickets travels are on foot and don`t ask me why because I don`t know.
  9. I am retired, but I work part time at Wal-Mart. A lady brought her dog in to match a brown on the dogs ear for paint. She told the greeter at the door that the dog was a service dog so they let it in. They put the dogs ear under the spectro and matched the color.
  10. And now the adventure begins. Welcome home Maverick !!
  11. Ray P

    1 week!!!!!

    This will be the longest week of your life.
  12. The count down starts now. Lets see its 4: 39 now. Are you on your way yet.
  13. If they were to ask grey owners years ago we could have told them what they are just starting to find out now.
  14. I see your link worked ok. Great article.

    Sorry I did not get back to sooner, but I was goon for the day

  15. Picture #4 . I love that devil look in his eye. Picture #3 . I`m a big boy.
  16. I do not beleve that hobbling in any way is in the best intrest of our parrots.
  17. When it comes to our parrots this is not a tried and true system. If they are flying and come to the end of the cable it could pull their feet back and they could go face down to the ground. IMO.
  18. I say name it what you want to because BFs can come and go, but your grey will be with you for a long time
  19. Its not something I would use and I don`t think Dan would eather.
  20. After all that he looks like he is ready to kick butt.
  21. I remember that first day and that was 11 1/2 years ago and I still can tell you every detail about her first day home.
  22. I am so enjoying the adventures of Gabby as she takes over her new home.
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