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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I just love your story about Tango. The day tango came home with you had to be a very happy day.

  2. Spoken like a true parrot lover. A nonparrot person could not or would not understand how you felt when other people can`t see the magic with in a grey.
  3. I think Corky will practice at night because she will just come out with a new word out of the blue.
  4. Looks great and lots of toys to.
  5. Casper blends right in with that jungle theme
  6. A ton of pictures. Thats like a mama and her pictures of her child. Bring them on.
  7. IMO I beleve a care giver should talk to their parrot and not at them. You don`t want to sound like you are barking orders at them. Talk to them like you are talking to a child. Use a phrase that is related to what you are doing at that time. These are things that will help them associate a word with an action. Its called comunication. Remember that a grey is a intelligent being and some times will look at you like your nuts.
  8. Corky my CAG started out with a playtop cage, but she did not spend much time up their. When we got Cricket our BFA she was in a small cage. We bought Corky a new clam shell top cage and Cricket got Corkys old play top. Cricket will go to the play top and play. Our cockatiels have a play top and they could care less one way or the other, their cage is very large for cockatiels and they will stay in their cage even when the door is open. They will come out when you take them out to play with, but whan you are done they go back to their cage on their own. I think its up to you and your bird. We do have some large play stands that are on wheels that we move around that they can play on when they want to.
  9. Happy happy birthday Ana Grey and heres to many many more.
  10. We love sharing your progress. Its what this forum is all about.
  11. About a month ago I bought one of those new as seen on TV screen doors with the magnets that auto close after you walk through. We bought this door because nobody would close the sliding screen door when they went out side. The French doors were between our back deck and the family room and it did not take long for the dogs to find out that thay could go in and out on there own to go to the bathroom and this was great. Our master bedroom is on a upper level and opens to a balcony that over looks the family room and off of the family room is a guest bath. Well today the wife yelled up to me and said, Ray come here now. As I came to the balcony she pointed to the guest bathroom and there was one of our chickens standing on the toilet seat looking out the bathroom wondow.
  12. Banner is an awesome looking amazon and he is on the honored amazon list.
  13. Yellow naped, or Yellow crowned, He is still a goooood looking zon.
  14. If you look real close you will see we have a great amazon room and you are welcome to be part of this great room on the grey forum. You your BF and Banner are welcome. Oh you and banner are now on the honored amazons of the grey foeums list. So check out honored amazons sticky in the amazon room.
  15. A white toenail, Thats kind of cool.
  16. My greay Corky is 11 1/2 years old and still has her band and its not been a problem. My amazon Cricket dose not have a band.
  17. Her landings will just take some practice on her part, but she will get it.
  18. I think a bird fair is just as much fun as a county fair and you can spend just as much money. lol
  19. Gabby looks awesome.. It sounds like she is going to be a great addition to your flock.
  20. Hi loco4greys and welcome to the grey forum. The best advice we can give you is ask and read. Thats why we ars here.
  21. Great thread. If I put my birds on a plane they could be at your house for breakfast by tomorrow.
  22. Poop on your back is a rite of passage. Wear it with honor. P.S. Vai is awesome.
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