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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I told this story before, but I was out side working in the yard and I was standing next to my car when it started up. Corky found my car keys and was playing with them and pushed the remote starter button.
  2. I think we all agree that the kitchen is the danger haven in our home. Corky loves her toast and one day when the wife was toasting some bread. Corky flue over and landed on the hot toaster. Well she diden`t stay long and she was ok, its still a heart stopper.
  3. Yep; Fergie had it all down and understood.
  4. I think they should call cpvc pipe. Tinker toys for parrots.
  5. The best of luck with your visit.
  6. Great idea. On this forum just ask a question and some one will give you a solution.
  7. I beleve as a moderator that from time to time we have to let the membership know how much we appreciate their part and input to this forum. When I am sitting at my computer I try to come up with threads that are interesting and will spark a response from the members. We don`t always hit the mark, but when we do its a good feeling. Just yesterday I started a thread called Few words and I asked the members to list a word that would describe their greys personality. Well the response was great So I sent a PM to each member that posted to thank them for their input. It was just a small way to thank them for the time they spent giving a reply. Many times a member will start a thread and the membership will keep the thread going with out our help and that is great As a moderator all we try to do is give direction not orders and the rest is up to you.
  8. The big thing I did not like about the video was the wing clipping
  9. This grey is only 9 months old and IMO is still a baby that you can do a lot with. I would say go for it.
  10. OH they do know how to work you and the word DIVA is on the few words list. Ignor the bad and praise the good.
  11. I have always said that evan if you only take small steps you will still get to your destination. We are so happy for you.
  12. My grey Corky will call the dog and say speak than bark like the dog and than drop a pellet for the dog to catch.
  13. A few words to describe your greys personaltiy. What can you add to this list in one word or -2 1. Independent, 2. but-Needy 3. Demanding 4. Bossie 5. Spoiled 6. Child-Like 7. Deva 8. Truley-Amazing------Sassy 7/10/12 9. Intelligent--------------danmcq 7/10/12 10. Sentient-being 11. Intuitive 12. Empathic 13. Loving 14. Spiteful 15. Jealous 16. Vocal-many-ways 17. Flighted- wonder 18. Gods gift 19 Loved-as if a birthed child 20. Tenacious-----------luvparrots 7/10/12 21. Stubborn 22. Determined 23. Cuddly 24. Obsevant 25. Cautious 26. Egotistical 27. Fun-loving 28. Timid----------------Kava70 7/10/12 29. Beautful 30. Silly 31. Negotiator----------Kins2321@yahoo.com7/10/12 32. Actress 33. Drama-Queen 34. Engaging------------JeffNOK 7/10/12 35. Daring 36. Comical 37. Attention-Seeking 38. Problem-Solver 39. Adorable 40. Reserved 41. Clever-------------------CLB 7/10/12 42. Impish 43. Stubborn---------------Parrot Lady 7/11/12 44. Needy 45. Loving Needy 46. My Sweet Baby 47. Dare Devil--------------Wingy 7/11/12 48. Extremely Observant 49. Very Out Going. 50. Proceptive--------------Mystyparrot 7/11/12 51. Engaging 52. Smart 53. Loving Music 54. Poetic 55. Beautiful 56. Argumemative 57. Bossy 58. Adorable 59. Loyal 60. Pain in the Neck 61. Funny--------------------Katana600 7/11/12 62. Vibrant Comedian 63. Loves to Entertain from a distance 64. wary 65. Cautious Jayd and his tribe 7/11/12 66. Aerogant---------Spock 67. Conceited 68. Gifted 69. Vain 70. Extroverted 71. Introverted------Joe 72. Reserved 73. Reticent 74. Gifted 75. Clown------------Salsa 76. Jester 77. Impulsive 78. Brash 79. Aloft-------------Tango 80. Condescending 81. Pompous 82. Disdainful P.S. We will add your name next to your word or words
  14. Corky here; I see myself as an equal. So does that make my paronts Ray and Bonnie parrots too ??
  15. Hay Jay; I have a copy of the Parrot`s Bill of Right`s hanging on my wall and every now and than I go back and reread it as a reminder of my responsibility that I have taken. It brings me back to earth and I always take anouther look at my birds and think how lucky I am to have them to share my life. Good link.
  16. You have made a great start at making your fids happy for a lifetime.
  17. We all know when you have a full flighted grey there is no place in your home that they can`t get to. Corky will followme me, my wife or my son to the bathroom if she sees us going there and sometimes if we are doing something in a differant room she will go to the bathroom to se if we are there. The other day I was going back to the bathroom and when I walked in there she was standing on the seat looking into the toilet bowl. I don`t know if she was thinking of taking a bath or not, but I`m glad my son flushed when he was done. Remember, keep the lid down. Do you know where your grey is ??
  18. I can understand the need for a bigger house. A macaw cage is like having a grand piano in the middle of the liveing room. It just takes a lot of space
  19. Hi Wisp and welcome to the grey forum. Glad to see that you want to know more about a grey as to who and what they are. The members will always do what they can to help you make the right decision before you buy any bird for a compaion.
  20. Your doing great. Keep up the good work
  21. I say go for it. You can always jump.
  22. Its good that you started her now so she will except the harness. This will add many more hours of time that you can spend with her.
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