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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Its something to think about and or ponder.
  2. Hi Tina and welcome to the grey forum. I hope every thing works out for you and your new friend Loki. We love pictures when you can.
  3. I owe, I owe, its off to WORK I go !!
  4. The path is long, the steps are steep, but your destination is in sight. It will just keep getting better. Great job.
  5. It looked like it was a really fun day with a good turn out of people.
  6. Ray P


    My grey Corky is 11 1/2 years old and still does the scratch thing
  7. Master Dave has spoken. No better advice will you find. We all look to Dave for the little birdie advice.
  8. I bet you can`t wait for the homecoming.
  9. There are many parrot and parrot type birds that are kept as pets around the world and the cockatiel is one of the popular small parrots kept as a pet. Many new bird lovers may start out with canaries or finches and parakeets all who make great companions. A parakeet may spark the interest in having a larger parrot as a pet or companion, but a parakeet and a african grey or a amazon are worlds apart when it comes to living with them and having them as a companion or pet. In many cases that first cockatiel is the next step into having a larger parrot of any species. I started out with a parakeet and I have had them on and off many times over the years and they are a great companion. It was a little over 40 years ago when the first cockatiel came into my life and to this day I still have tiels and have never been with out one in all these years. It was the cockatiel that lead me to whear I am today with my fids I still have two cockatiels, Willie a male normal grey tiel and little One a female pied tiel along with Corky a CAG and Cricket a BFA all because of that next step a cockatiel.
  10. Welcome Casper and Heidi to the grey forum. Sounds like Casper is adjusting just fine so take your time with him and your bond will grow.
  11. The longer I am a member of this forum the more I am in awe. Now I will tell you why. 1. Depth; As a forum about greys we cover emotions, The good and the Bad. We share our knowledge with members in need. 2. Character; Because we care about our birds and each other. 3. Credibility; You can depend on the members here to help with good advice. 4. Diversity; We go beyond just greys. This thread will be about our Diversity, and I wanted to put this all into one thread so we as members could see our Depth, Character, Credibility and Diversity In Oct. of last year I was looking for a topic for the amazon room and I was wondering How many members had amazons and how many amazons were a part of this forum. At the same time I wanted to acknowledge the amazon membership and so came the Honored amazons of the grey forum. We have alot of zon members. 31 amazon members. 28 care givers and we cover 10 amazon species. In May of this year as I was reading post in the other birds room I had another brain fart and wondered how many other birds did our members have, and so born the other birds honored list. Well this membership showed its self again We have. 16 Cockatiels 10 Cockatoos 10 Conures 1 Lorikeet 2 love birds 7 Macaws 2 Parrlots 4 Parakeets 1 Pionus 8 Indian Ringnecks 3 Quakers (aka Monk Parakeets) 4 Senegals Non parrots 2 Canaeies 2 Peafowl (Peacocks) 1 small flock of Exhibition American Serama chickens (smallest chicken in the world) 5 flocks of other chickens and ducks. 28 Care givers NOW WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT US.
  12. She is awesome. Love the picture
  13. So sorry for your loss !!!
  14. IMO. If you and your both work a hand raised tiel is the way to go. That way you start out with a tame cockatiel that you can handle. A avary bred cockatiel can be tamed but it will take time and if you both work its extra time you may not have.
  15. Hi Daniel and welcome to the grey forum to you, Ruby and your macaw. Also if you let me know what the name and species of your macaw I will add them to the Other birds honored list of the grey forum All our birds have a place of honore as a member of this forum. So check out our other birds room.
  16. A grey can make a toy out of anything. A fancy toy is only important to the person that buys it. If its fun than its a toy.
  17. They always want to get in on the action. Great pictures
  18. Charlie looks great and is comming around very nicely. OH and smart, you have only scratched the surface.
  19. As a true amazon room member Cricket want`s to say happy birthday too
  20. I hope this is the best birthday ever and that all your future birthdays are even better. Your friend always. Ray
  21. We are a world wide family and very often a phrases in one part of the world can be taken one way and in anouther part of the world anouther way and that is the hard part of being a world wide forum. Some members have to use a Language translation software and what they are saying may not come out right in translation, so you need to take the time to understand what they are trying to say. And than there are some members like me who are not good at putting their thoughts into words and my typing is bad also.
  22. Cage by Design service is great. I bought one of their cages from their under 500.00 dollar cages and it was at my house in two days. The cage had a bad latch and I called them and I had a new latch in a day and a half. They were great to deal with.
  23. My amazon Cricket will always take her pellets one at a time over to her water dish and dip them in the water before she eats them. Some times she will leave one there for later.
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