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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Ray P


    Yes a cockatiel will make as much dust as a grey. One good thing is a cockatiel loves a bath. They will hold up their wings and dance all around with their wings high in the air to get as wet as they can. If my two tirls see a spray bottle come out they get all excited.
  2. Cappy looks great. That is the first red canary I have ever seen. I will have to look into that.
  3. I would like you to meet Willie a male normal grey Cockatiel And Little One a female Pied. Willie has been with us for over 21 years and Little One is about 8 years old and is a rsecue and has been with us for 7 years. My wife and I have had cockatiels for 40 years almost all our married life so we do not know what life is with out them. They are great companions. Most of our mals tiels talked and some had a large vocabulary. Some pictures of willie and Little One. The first two are of willie our 21 year old. The next two are of little One our 8 year old.
  4. Ray P


    The Cockatiel, Also known as Quarrion and Weio is the smallest Cockatoo emdemic to Australia. They are prized as household pets and companions throughout the world. The Cockatiels distinctive erectile crest expresses the Cockatiels state of mind. The Cockatiels long tail feathers make up roughly half their total length. The orange area on each side of the face is oftin referred to as (Cheddar Cheeks)
  5. Ray P

    A First!

    You are now the chosen one.
  6. Ray P

    Exciting day!

    Decisions, decisions which one will it be. How about both.
  7. I hope it all turns out for the best for you and Xandir.
  8. danmcq and Dave007 are the masters on this forum. They always give the best advice.
  9. Kimijean has just added 7 more fids to our honored list of other fids. We now have. 54 parrots. 2 canaries. 2 Peafowl. 1 flock of American serama chickens. 4 flocks of other chickens and ducks. 12 parrot species. And 25 care givers. As members PM me about their flock I add them to the list so it always changes. So check in often and make sure your fids are on the honored list.
  10. Hi grazygray and welcome to the grey forum. Grazy is a good looking grey and from this point on your life is going to change. For the better. Sounds like you are off to a good start with Grazy.
  11. There are about 11 million pet parrots in the U.S. We will start out with 2 species. What % off the 11 million are african greys ? (CAG and TAG) What % off the 11 million are amazons (all species) I have been looking for the break down and have not found it YET. This is a parrot lovers question.
  12. There will come a time when if they see you have something they want it. If its food or toys you have they think it belongs to them.
  13. Having a baby grey is great and you will always look back to that time of their life, but as they grow they will do new and differant today and you can expect new and differant thinks tomorrow. You will alwyas be able to look back and to look foward, but enjoy today.
  14. It`s great when they think of you as the protector. You see the bond is there.
  15. Ray P

    Sub Room List

    Don`t be sorry for a bump in the road. Ray
  16. That is funny. My grey Corky would use the other word.
  17. All of our birds have gone camping with us and also have traveled all over the U.S. with us, When we go they go. We have two very larg tiel type cages that fit very well in our van or motor home. Are grey and zon love to travel with us and I think its because they are close to us and get a lot of extra attention. So when they see the travel cage, they know road trip and they get all excited. When people say a grey does not like change this is not always true. If you start always doing differant things and going places they can except new and differant things, Corky my grey has spent time in hotels, motels, friends home and the homes of relitives. She has also traveled in my pick up trucks our van, suv, motor home and cars and she is not afraid of anything so I say go for it and enjoy your time with them when you travel or camp out or go for just a ride.
  18. Gracie sounds like an awesome grey that will give a life time of joy and love.
  19. Hi makita725 and welcome to the grey forum. Your new baby is awesome.
  20. Hi aw64 and welcome to the grey forum. OH!!! We love pictures.
  21. Loved your pictures.
  22. I have to agree with luvparrots and Pancho has adjusted to you and your family. Always work on your relationship with Pancho because they do change and it just takes time. Keep building your bond with Pancho. Time and love will make all the differance. Cricket taught me that.
  23. Ok Dee, Now you know what it is about. A little bit of info and you are looking to find out more. That is the fun part of being a Moderator!!! ---Ray---!!
  24. Andrew Jackson had a foul mouth parrot named Poll. During the funeral ceremonies of the former president Poll was ejected from the room because he kept screaming obscenties at the mourners.
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