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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Emma and Mabel are two good lookings fids. Enjoyed the video.
  2. Ray P

    Welcome NAVROH

    I think your little girl is going to be a quaker lover for the rest of her life.
  3. I think all those little things is what makes this forum a fun and comfortable place to be. We speak from the heart and in a way as to who we are and not from a text book. Our members live all over the world and some members use translation software just to be a part of this forum. Some times what they say may not be what they want to say because the meaning gets lost in translation. We are what we are and that is the GreyT part of this forum. We take each others short commings and put them in a box with our own.
  4. Ray P

    Babie's Video..

    Boy do I remember those days !! Tiels, tiels and more tiels.
  5. Emma is great as always.
  6. Sondheim is a good looking grey and he looks like he is really evjoying that nut.
  7. Hi Robert and welcome to the grey forum. Great intro. and we love pictures. What is the name of your little lady ??
  8. Dee I just got to this thread and I want you to know I will pray for Java. Ray
  9. One way to tell if Wozzie is clipped is if his wings cover most of his red tail he may not be clipped. With Corky my grey if her wings are folded you can not see her red tail. The tail is covered up by the wings. PS I was looking at the picture in your other post and it looks to me like a bad clip
  10. Your Anya will always be on the list. Once there always there. You could also make a post for Anya in the pet memorials room. Sorry for your loss. Ray
  11. There may not be a room for them, but if you check the other birds honored list they have their own place with their name and care giver.
  12. Navaro just made the honored list for other birds
  13. Its just great whan you can start the interaction with your fids and have a good time.
  14. Shadow sounds like a fun bird. There is nothing like the competition between human and parrot to make you feel inferior in brain power.
  15. Cricket is a hiker when it comes to going places. If she can go to the place she wants to go by walking and climbing that is what she will do. She can fly when she wants to, but if she can walk and climb there she will. The other day I left her on the dining room table and was going to change her food and water dish in her cage in the family room. When I came back she was not on the table. so I said Cricket where are you ?? Than I heard Cricket say WHAT and I looked down and there she was on the floor and I almost steped on her. I did not want to step on her and lost my balance and fell into my reclining chair. As I turned and was in the sitting position Cricket climbed up the side of the recliner to my shoulder and looked at me as if to say, what took you so long. Does any one have a bird that would walk before it would fly. Corky my grey will fly to find me if I leave the room. but Cricket will walk or yell RAY !!
  16. Weight will very during the day, before and after meals, after a big poop, in the morning, at night so weight will not always be the same as the vets. They will drop a little weight when they fledge, but that weight will come back. She might be a grey that is slighty build. Sounds like she is doing ok.
  17. Ray P

    Odd behavior??

    Nancy; I have been going back to Sassys old post and I beleve her grey is not home yet, so other people are still taking care of some of her greys needs. Neytiri is finding about his body and like wingy said at this stage distraction is a good part of helping her growing up and stoping bad habbits
  18. There is not a magazine, News Paper or billboard that will turn away money for advertising. The manufacture is responsible for the add content. If the add is illegal they can not print it. Tobacco Companies advertised in everything untill the goverment stept in.
  19. Hi Burkinagin and welcome to you and Wozzie to the grey forum. Glad you stoped by to say hello. Wozzies new set up looks great and he will love you for it.
  20. There is this thing with greys that they want to make you pay for time off. My wife has been in the hospital twice this year, each time for four days. the last time was a week ago. Each time when she comes home Corky will give her the cold shoulder for the four days she was gone and than turn around and act like nothing has happened at the end of what she feels is pay back. This has happened every time she has gone to the hospital over the past 11 1/2 years
  21. A rehome or rescue parrot can be the most changeling and the most rewarding. Old saying. You can take a good person and find something bad about them. And You can take a bad person and find something good about them. It all depends on what you are looking for. The same for parrots
  22. Hi Sarasota and welcome to the grey forum. You have one great looking flock there ! We have a honored list for other birds in the other birds room. I am going to enjoy adding your toucans to the honored list.
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