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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Welcome Shay, Jagemeister and Shiraz to the grey forum. Great intro and story of you and your fids. Shiraz is on the honored list and I updated her name. Love your pictures of the fids.
  2. Smart kitten. Left with all its toes and its nose !!
  3. Watch or you will get the eye !!
  4. Those hot eyes should melt that Ics Bat !!
  5. I don`t think I would want to mess with Timber !!
  6. I am in awe of all macaws
  7. Some times different birds and different trainers need different techniques to reach their goal.
  8. Great thread Dan. I think the comparison between human and grey is very often over used and its not always fair to the grey. Some times new grey owners will have expectations of their grey that go beyond reality and each grey is different. We can measure IQ in a child, but not in grey. We have a long long way to go before we understand whats going on in that little head.
  9. Hi Rocky, Hows flying ? Glad you could join us. P.S. Zons Rock !! Hows that for a pun.
  10. Do you thing she wanted to break up her food better. You were not useing them at the time.
  11. Could it be a reaction to the meds ?
  12. We`ll leave the light on for you.
  13. My girl Corky never said her first word untill she was 25 months old. And now the brat will not stop
  14. Where did everybody go. Salsa, Nilah, Louie and the rest of you, are you there. I`m lonely. Come out, Come out, Where ever you are.
  15. Let me know the name of your love bird so I can put it in the other birds honored list in the other birds room. When it comes to other birds we are a well rounded forum.
  16. Hi Alexis and a big welcome to you and Stormy. It sounds like you are enjoying your baby and thats the way it should be. My grey Corky is a bit of a brat, but thats ok. We will look for pictures.
  17. We share the good. and we share the bad, we are family.
  18. Nice flock of fids. We also have a great amazon room and a honored amazon list also. Give me some time to get them all posted.
  19. Hi birdistheword and welcome to the grey forum and that goes for all your fids to. Awesome flock. Here is the best part. We also have an other birds room with sub rooms for your flock. We also honor your other birds in the honor thread. Its a sticky thread. So if you eather post or PM me with the names and species of your other birds I will enter them in the honor thread.
  20. All three are awesome and all three and their care givers are honored members of this forum.
  21. In one of your early post you said that you felt bad because you posted so much about Gilbert and not much about Java and that is what gave me the idea for the other birds honored list to follow the amazon honored list. When you look at the other birds honor list and see how it has grown you can thank Java for that.
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