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Everything posted by Loki'sMinion

  1. I like them both but I prefer the EZ Care Freeport Bird Cage over the other one. I LOVE the fact that you can open the entire front of the cage if need be.
  2. Will have to see about getting a new picture of them some time today. They have changed so much!
  3. Loki'sMinion


    Yes, they are Hill's pictures
  4. I like the combo package. Gives you more variety and the stand part can be moved to different locations if desired.
  5. Loki'sMinion


    No problem... I will PM you my email address
  6. Loki'sMinion


    Have you tried opening a free photobucket.com account and uploading them there? Then you simply look for the code that starts with and cut and paste that into a post on here. Give it a try and if it doesn't work, we will sort out an email you can send them to and get them posted for you
  7. I say stay as you are and don't add another.... especially if you want your relationship with your current Grey to continue to grow and improve. But I know it is easier said than done at times. I think you need to focus on what you have now and not bring in more stress and worry for you or your current birds.
  8. I hope all can be sorted out for poor Piper. I will keep you both in my thoughts. Please let us know what you find out and how Piper is doing
  9. Ut Oh! I just ordered one But I figure if I managed to get one of those other types on an Amazon in the past, I should be able to figure this one out. Good luck figuring it out!
  10. She is just too cute! Loved how she ran across to get that mean old camera LOL
  11. She was 247 grams at 45 days and is 268 as of this morning at 53 days
  12. I know they grow fast.... she is my baby though and worries me
  13. Loki is being a brat! She is chowing on pellets and such and refusing her formula. She takes the first 12cc's or so and then clamps her beak shut. She is wayyyy too young for this. I am keeping an eye on her weight to make sure she doesn't lose any. Besides that, she has become VERY vocal, is perching and is playing a lot
  14. Yes, we have been waiting to hear if you have learned anything that will help you progress in your relationship with Winter. Please let us know
  15. I agree with Judy. Lower chest height is usually good but it all depends on how deep each individual bird will allow you to get it.
  16. It can be quite noticeable to someone who hasn't been bitten by a larger bird LOL
  17. I agree with Jayd. This is for sure a Pearl Pied Cockatiel and the banding they refer to is on the underside of the tail feathers and isn't accurate on the split mutations at all. In fact it is only accurate on other tiels after 6 months of age. A lot of the pearling fades as males mature though, so I am going to guess that your bird is a female as it looks pretty mature to me.... I may be wrong. I would go with Gypsy
  18. LOL She wanted to play a little longer
  19. I give samples out to everyone who gets a bird from me. I would either request a sample from your breeder or just ask what brand your bird is currently being fed and buy that brand to start out with.
  20. I would have been scared out of my mind also. :eek: Glad everything was secure and you managed to retrieve her though
  21. Beautiful Tiel! So glad you decided to give him a good home.
  22. Great video! Loved it. Lets everyone know exactly what kind of bird he is....a very talented bird! LOL Thanks a bunch for sharing
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