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Everything posted by Loki'sMinion

  1. Oh I know No worries!!! I was just anxious to get started on making Loki some new toys is all and wanted my parts now LOL (I can be a tad inpatient at times LOL)
  2. Please keep us all posted and if you have any questions I am sure we will be able to offer some tips and advice. I can't wait for you to go get him and bring him home
  3. I ordered from birdsnest instead this time http://www.birdsnestonline.com/
  4. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. B&G's are a lot of bird! From what I have learned about you on the forum in my short time here, I think a nice Zon is more your style anyway
  5. I put a ton of stuff in my cart, clicked to process it and guess what?....... they were on vacation and not processing orders LOL I was sooooooooooooo mad
  6. Another option is to go ahead and keep him in his current cage since it is only going to be a little less than a week till the vet appointment anyway. Allow him time out while your getting to know each other over the initial first week of course, but at least this way you will have a cage that is easy to transport him in to the vet and not have to worry about it so much since the morning of the vet visit, you could simply just not let him out.
  7. Nah, don't be nervous. Just go at it like everything is going to go smoothly because if you are indeed nervous when you try, he will know and will react to that. I am sure everything will be OK. I would suggest the out of cage and cover up with a soft towel method.... that is of course if this doesn't turn out to be a sweetheart of a bird who steps up on cue (Which it very well might)
  8. Very nice pictures! She looks like she was really enjoying her time outside. Love the anti cat weapon
  9. Sometimes that is easier said than done Hahaha
  10. I still don't see it. It may be the way his feathers are laying in that picture or something. You will know more once you see him in person.
  11. I don't see the bump you are referring to. That poor bird stuck in that little cockatiel cage! I feel so bad for him. He isn't going to know what to do once he gets moved into that nice big cage you got for him I am sure he is going to love having all that space and more than one perch to rest his tired feet on. I suggest LOTS of toys. That poor guy only has one toy right now You can change his name if you like, I am guessing he hasn't had much interaction and isn't exactly sure what his name is anyway. Bless you for adopting him, he surely needed rescuing from the looks of it
  12. Tanya, Did you bring the lil guy home yet?
  13. WOW That is about all I can say!
  14. If I was in that area I would consider him but I am too far away. I hope he finds that special someone and a home soon.
  15. Welcome! What a cute lil darling you have there! My lil Loki (TAG) is 10 weeks old tomorrow and is not weaned yet, so don't be surprised if yours isn't and you have to wait an extra week or so. Some are weaned by that age and others are not. My lil girl is still on 1 feeding per day right now.
  16. Loki'sMinion


    I knew it! WooHoo! Shaddix will be perching and stepping up for you in no time now! Great news.
  17. We ALL learn something new every day!!!
  18. Some Greys are cuddly forever but more often than not Greys are more of a intellectual type of bird in my opinion. I am not saying they won't allow some snuggles and you loving on them. All I am saying here is that I wouldn't expect to be able to cradle your Grey in your arms and treat it like a baby, rocking it to sleep and such LOL The true "cuddly birds" are your Cockatoo's.
  19. Hahahahaha I can picture that. How twisted am I? LOL
  20. Great video! You have some nice hiking trails there and Cocoa looks to be thoroughly enjoying it
  21. That is just so cute! Not sure if it's good or bad but I bet it's a sight to see
  22. Loki tried on her Aviator harness this evening (First time)
  23. I don't mind helping at all Tanya if you would like my email address just PM me
  24. Tanya, the small birds such as Cockatiels, small Conures etc. are what I do full time. So if you need any help just let me know and I will try to answer you ASAP. You can either post or PM me.
  25. 25-34 days (3 ½ - 5 weeks) 3 x day 11 - 15 cc's 35-44 days (5 weeks - fledging) 2 x day 11 - 15 cc's 45 days to weaning (6 – 7 weeks) 1 x day 11 - 15 cc's
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