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Everything posted by Loki'sMinion

  1. While I was out having lunch with my husband today, Loki decided to climb to the very top perch in her cage. My daughter snapped a quick picture of her. Once she is more adept at climbing and such, her sandy perch will be the highest.
  2. Glad to hear they are going to be making this right for you!
  3. WOW! That is some terrible workmanship... or was it busted during shipment? I have never ordered through that company, so can't tell you about the service or anything but that cage looked like a great choice. I hope they get everything resolved for you quickly. Sorry you are having such a rough time with it.
  4. Loki'sMinion


    As to perching, I started out with a perch that was practically on the cage floor at 7 weeks. Once she got the hang of that I added a couple more perches, each a little higher than the other. Yesterday she blew me away when she climbed to the top of the cage. I was so scared! Can't offer advice on the stepping up as I haven't really been pushing the issue with Loki yet but with my Cockatiels and conures and such, it seems to come natural to them once they are perching regularly.
  5. Loki has figured out the joys of Lafebers Avi-Cakes today. As well as broccoli spears and cauliflower She is doing so well on trying all the new foods I am introducing to her. Oh and she managed to get onto a perch that she actually had to work at LOL .... A little dangling and wing flapping and she managed to pull herself up onto it. She looked so proud of herself afterward
  6. Thanks for posting that. It's on my watch list! Edited to add: Already added it to my Netflix account so they will ship it to me when it comes out on DVD next year
  7. Absolutely beautiful. Can't wait to hear all the stories about the mischief they get into as they grow up
  8. Excellent advice Tweedle! The reward system generally works great.
  9. LOL You have your work cut out for you there! Oh and as a side note... Those "shredders" are always a huge hit around here.
  10. That is kinda what I figured Just hadn't thought of it at a kamikaze bird lol
  11. http://www.drsfostersmith.com/ is OK and they have a standard rate for shipping no matter how much you order http://www.windycityparrot.com/ is also OK but shipping can run a bit high at times unless you order $45 or more and then you get free shipping
  12. And it sounds like an excellent idea! Thanks for sharing
  13. Now I would say that is a success!
  14. After 4 days of refusing her lunch meal I have decided to go ahead and cut it out. Some may think it is a bit early, but she is chowing on her mash, pellets and millet. I will of course be keeping an eye on her weight since I weigh her every morning anyway. She seems to be advancing a little faster than I thought she would be but I have to keep in mind that she is a TAG and not a CAG. The wing flapping continues and she almost raised up off the table last night when I was attempting to feed her at bedtime I don't think she is going to be a large TAG by any stretch of the imagination... Probably somewhere around the 300 gram range.
  15. I wanted to say welcome to the forum and Thank You for having such a huge heart to take on a Grey with the challenges yours has. It will be nice hearing more about your precious Pippa as time goes on.
  16. All I can say is WOW! She probably thinks she is in heaven being with you. She is so lucky to have you and you have come up with some great ideas for things to keep her busy and entertained. It takes someone special to take on a Grey with the medical problems yours has and I Thank you for that! You have a huge heart! Welcome to the forum and I hope we get to hear more about Pippa and her life with you.
  17. Your looking to hand feed? Might I ask why? I have hand fed many birds over the years and NON have proven to be as much of a challenge as my lil Loki has been (and still is). Have you considered a older re-home bird?
  18. Ha! You must have read some of my threads on Loki Anyway, welcome to the forum and hope you stick around for a while.
  19. How did I miss this picture?!?!?! This is probably one of the best pictures I have seen in a long while! I have two dogs that are constantly "cleaning up" after the birds too. Thanks for posting it.
  20. This is where she naps..... She LOVES that stuffed bull. Shame I will have to do away with it as soon as she manages to put a hole in it
  21. I swear, Loki has been one busy lil birdie all day long today. She is either eating or playing. She has taken a few short naps here and there but every time I look at her she is eating and playing it seems lol. With how much she has eaten today (Pellets and mash), she had better have a weight gain in the morning
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