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Everything posted by Loki'sMinion

  1. Figured I would start a thread here for updating you guys on my Lil Loki. First of all I will start out by letting you all know that my baby is continuing to gain weight and was 247 grams this morning at 45 days old (6 weeks 3 days). Second, Loki's appetite has picked up a bit and we now get between 22cc's and 27cc's fed at each meal. Third, I have Loki's DNA results already.... Only mailed them in on Friday. Loki is FEMALE! Was hoping for a male but I love my lil baby all the same I promised some pictures of Loki's lil red tail buds, so here they are.... (If any of these end up posting sideways, I apologize in advance. They show correctly on photobucket but when I preview them here, 2 are sideways) Finally, I figured I would show you guys why I call Loki my messy lil devil....... NEVER have I had a bird this messy while eating. Loki is unreal! I have to bath her after every meal.
  2. Awww I hope they get their lil guy back! Please keep us posted on what you find out
  3. I am hoping for male. Either way, he/she is my baby and I love him/her to pieces already
  4. I will stick with my stainless steel cookware Especially now that I have learned how to use it correctly lol
  5. So sorry to hear about Lolita. My heart goes out to you.
  6. OK I am going to update again today but after that I feel a weekly update should be sufficient. Loki had another small gain as of this morning. He now weighs 242 grams, only up 2 grams from yesterday but at least it is a gain and not a loss He is very active and getting a ton of feathers on his wings now. The lil red tail buds are a bit more noticeable but I still want to wait a few days before taking a picture of them for you guys. Thanks again to all of you for being there for Loki and I while he was sick. Oh and we sent away for his DNA test, so I should know later this week if Loki is actually male or female
  7. Never fails to amaze me when they try to take a bath in a dish that is wayyyyyyyyyyyy too small for them
  8. LOL First chicken bones are always fun to watch! Don't worry about it Tango, everyone gets stared at and pictures taken their first time
  9. Nah... not stupid. We all have those moments
  10. No kidding! Same here in Florida
  11. Says cage and toys, Doesn't say the Grey is included
  12. Loki had a 10 gram weight gain from yesterday! 240 as of this morning and still averaging between 20cc's and 25cc's per feed I truly believe he is bouncing back now and is going to be OK!!!
  13. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing
  14. Will wait a few days until they are more noticeable and then I will get some pictures
  15. He didn't regurg any of his food yesterday and I am VERY happy to say he had a 5 gram weight gain as of this morning's weigh in He consistently took between 20cc's and 25cc's at each feed. Oh and I can see 3 tiny lil red pin feathers starting on his lil tush. So at 6 weeks old (Today) he is 230 grams.
  16. Thanks to you both for all your help during all this.
  17. Nothing warms the heart more than watching a fuzzy lil Grey baby wobble around playing and flapping after a nice warm meal
  18. Thanks Dan! I think it is cute too Like I mentioned in chat earlier, I am going to be keeping him on the pedialyte / Papaya mixture once a day around midday for the next couple days. It will help flush out anything else that needs to come out of his crop. As a matter of fact, I just got done feeding it to him..... he really loves Papaya
  19. Before bed picture....... look at that full crop on my messy lil fella!!!!
  20. OK bad news first..... Loki lost a few grams from yesterday. He is down to 225g (6 weeks old tomorrow) Good news...... I ignored the vet and gave him 25cc's last night before bed and he didn't "spew" any of it Had a nice FULL crop to sleep on. He also took 25cc's this morning and didn't spew any of it If he keeps this up he should bounce back and be OK!!!
  21. I agree, it is a fantastic forum and the love and support of it's members seems endless. Loki and I appreciate each and every member here.
  22. Hi Jacks Mum, welcome to the forum! I bet your real excited about bringing your boy home. You will find tons of information here, so just take your time and look around some of the various rooms such as the food room, etc. Keep in mind that Greys as with all birds should get a varied diet of fresh fruits, veggies, pellets, nuts and some seeds as treats. Honestly I would ask the breeder what he/she is feeding him on and start out there though. I have a question for you if I may..... You said in the quote above that your worried that THE perch in the cage might be too big for him. I don't know if this is a typo or what but it is always a good idea to have several different types of perches for your guy to stand on. Perches of all shapes, sizes and materials. Such as rope, smooth wood, rough wood, sandy perches (for trimming those nails and for him to fine tune his beak on), etc. Anyway, I welcome you again and hope to see you around the forum and look forward to seeing some pictures of your new guy once you get him home!
  23. HAHAHAHAHA I needed that! Loki loved it too (He is nestled in a towel and sitting in my lap) The bit about Quakers is sooooooooo true!
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