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Everything posted by Loki'sMinion

  1. About 16 years ago my Step father had a Congo named Napoleon who would toss food onto the floor to lure in his two Jack Russels. Once the dogs were there cleaning up, Napoleon would rush down his cage and chase the dogs off, biting and yelling at them. He would do this over and over again..... the dogs never learned.
  2. Thanks for posting Too cute! Figure it will be one of the first things my Loki learns. My husband sneezes all day, everyday it seems.
  3. Not happening to me, I stay logged in. No idea why it would be happening, sorry
  4. Beautiful pictures! Looks like Cocoa is a very happy bird and that your daughter has an amazing relationship with your Grey.
  5. Loki'sMinion


    They should be good. I am betting by the weekend that you will be seeing Shaddix perching a lot more!
  6. Agreed! 100% I would be a nervous wreck! ................... Oh and Jayd... no harm, no foul. It was all in jest
  7. Nice pictures! Welcome to both you and Babalu. Hope you stick around and share some more pictures and stories with us. This is a great forum full of information and friendly people. And..... Thanks for taking in a rescue
  8. I said, me... Lisa LOL Loki has her beak buried deep in beans at the moment and she is far too young to call any Grey handsome
  9. OH MY! VERY handsome fella you have there! I love his bridge on the top of his cage, that is very cool. Nice to see he will wear a diaper for you too Thank You so much for posting the pictures.
  10. Loki'sMinion


    What type of perch do you have down low for him? Something besides dowel? I find those sandy perches with the varying widths are good for first learning. Also, those booda, comfy cable perches are good too. Something not slippery
  11. Hi Featherhead and welcome to the forum. You must get around to posting some pictures of Tattletale. We love seeing everyone's FIDS and hearing about all the trouble they get themselves into.
  12. Loki'sMinion


    Loki is stepping up now without a second thought. All it took for her was to become more adept at perching like I mentioned earlier. So how is the perching and stepping up going with your little guy?
  13. (9 weeks 2 days old) Just a little update Well Loki is starting to play hardball about her breakfast already! She only ate 1/2 her normal amount this morning and then dove straight into her mash dish She spends a good portion of her time up on the higher perches now instead of the cage floor, but still hasn't figured out how to climb down once she gets up there. She is now stepping up when asked and is as chatty as ever. I really think this lil girl is going to be a talker! I expect her first flight to be any time now
  14. This is very sad indeed. A similar thing happened here near with me and the guy left his great Dane behind without any plans for him. If I were closer I would help out but I am more than too far away. I hope they find good homes
  15. I don't see anything wrong with your post (posts) and I don't think Judy meant any harm either. Please reconsider going back to lurking and stick with us
  16. Thanks for sharing all those wonderful photos. I got a bit scared when I saw that B&G perched next to that little whiteface cockatiel hen though Eek! Lots of different kinds of birds there that day!
  17. I LOVE the beak on that fella and beautiful coloration! Can't say I have ever seen one of those Zons. Great find Jayd. Thanks for sharing
  18. Nice pictures! Thanks for posting them Looks like you had pretty nice weather for it too!
  19. Took me forever to figure out which smoke detector it was in my house that was beeping to alert me to a low battery.
  20. I have seen this video before. It is an amazing video. Something I never even dreamed of achieving with my horses. They have such a beautiful bond.
  21. Looks like they were sizing each other up!
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