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Everything posted by Loki'sMinion

  1. Well his name is LOKI For all those that don't know, Loki is the God of mischief, a trickster, always up to no good He is introducing me to the world of Greys in fine style LOL
  2. UGH! I had typed out a long response and I lost it. Anyway.... Basically I had said I wasn't overly impressed with the man but was told by the vet's office that he is an actual avian vet. He is also my only option locally. I already have some pedialyte here in my fridge and I have some papaya I had bought and mashed for him yesterday. I have already bumped his brooder up a couple degrees but will bump it up some more since you suggest having it up in the 90's.
  3. No, he didn't look inside his crop. Said it was empty when he felt it. Said his lungs sounded good when he checked them and he wasn't dehydrated either. Usually when you hear about sour crop, you hear about about slow crop or crop stasis.... so I was very surprised today when he said sour crop was the issue.
  4. Well, we are back from the vet and I am more than a little surprised at the diagnosis. He said Loki has Sour Crop. Even though his crop is emptying he says that his crop is more than likely very acidic and that is why he is regurgitating his food. Suggests I treat him with Baking soda and water and do more frequent feedings with less cc's for a while.
  5. LOL Too cute! Just like non feathered kids, they have more fun with the box not with what was inside the box
  6. Nope, still pooping all over the place and they look normal. His weight was up 3 grams today but then he turned around and only took 10cc of formula and started spewing it
  7. Well his last meal I weighed before and after and it says I got 25cc in him, then he "gurged" and I would say that after his round of regurgitating several times, he actually had about 20cc left in him. He is eating what a 3 - 4 week old would eat He is quietly napping now
  8. He has been switched to Zupreem from Kaytee. Vet appointment is tomorrow. Everything is pointing towards a bacterial infection.
  9. It's crazy what people do. Someone stole a Cockatoo from a Petsmart down here in Florida a few months back. Apparently he was also a special needs Cockatoo. They never did get him back
  10. It seemed to increase in frequency and amount. It's weird though because even with all this going on with him, he is still quite active for his age.
  11. Well, my lil Loki has an appointment at the vet tomorrow. He is worrying me sick. Has dropped weight instead of gaining it and is regurging after almost every feed (a lot) and I am NOT over feeding him. Far from it actually. He has zero feeding response and doesn't even cry to be fed in the mornings when he should be most hungry. His crop is emptying between feeds so I know that isn't the issue. Jayd and I have been back and forth in private messages over the past couple days and all my temps, techniques, etc are in line. So since these symptoms are still continuing I thought it was a fine time to bring out the "big guns" and get him seen by a professional. I am starting to think that he may have a bacterial infection going on. Besides the weight, regurging, feeding issues, his behavior is all normal for a chick his age.
  12. Here are some pictures of Diego I had the pleasure of fostering for a while. He was such a sweetheart! Wish I had kept him. On his back in my lap Hanging out on the ceiling hung play gym
  13. Wow, you have a ton of Tiels! Love the one of the Sun on Spock's back
  14. In my opinion their is no real way to answer that question because just being in the same room can count as time spent "with" him as well. Like if he is in the living room and your sitting in there watching TV and occasionally turning and chatting to him during commercial breaks, etc. Actual one on one, physical time I would say an hour or two. But like I said, just walking by and talking to him, giving him scritches or handing him a treat, etc. It all counts in my book.
  15. You brought up two very good points there. The forearm idea is great! I used to use that with the Amazon I mentioned earlier in this thread (The one who dropped me to my knees in pain). I agree about him talking when your out of the room, he very well may be trying to get you to come back.
  16. Know what I like the most about you? The fact that you searched out a place and people and actually asked for help!
  17. I know the bites hurt. Trust me! I have been instantly dropped to my knees before by a Double yellow head amazon Like Jayd said, it all takes time. It may sound silly just sitting there and reading aloud but it will mean the world to your new guy. Just being there and spending time near him. Not asking anything of him. It works wonders. I have even used this method on horses of all things and seen fantastic results! Usually in the end, curiosity wins.
  18. I needed a good laugh today and that certainly did it for me! Thanks for the laugh
  19. Clear enough to see you have a happy looking, well loved and cared for Grey
  20. And keep this in mind also...... Not every time he reaches for you with his beak is he intending to bite you. Some birds use their beak to stabilize themselves as they are stepping up onto you.
  21. It's all in your body language from the sound of it. You are nervous and he is reacting to your jerking away, etc. You need to work on your confidence and he will come around. Let him settle in a while and work on giving him treats and such like Jooles suggested. During that time you need to work on your confidence. Your sending him mixed signals asking for him to step up and then jerking away like you are.
  22. I have found mine to be quite lazy too. The only way we don't make a huge mess it seems is if I do like you described. Loki certainly doesn't have the type of feeding response I am used to with my conures or tiels.... they gobble it up.
  23. OMG I bet that was a site to be seen and heard LOL
  24. I actually have two metal spoons that are already bent. He just doesn't want anything to do with them
  25. I want to know how to get a Grey to try a spoon. I tried it with mine and all he did was flick his head side to side like it tasted bad and fling it everywhere. I was hoping he would take to the spoon because we make one HUGE mess with the syringe. Never had such a messy bird
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