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Everything posted by Loki'sMinion

  1. Oops did you mean an avatar or a profile pic? sorry Either way, you either select edit avatar or edit profile picture
  2. Look at the top right of the page and go to settings. Then edit avatar. It will tell you what to do there.
  3. It's been a weird 6 days with Loki...... Her weight has been up and down. She will gain a few and then lose a few grams. Today she is 273 grams, she was 277 at one point this week. We have A LOT of wing flapping going on and she LOVES her birdy mash. Doesn't seem to want her lunch feeding and is clamping her beak shut more often than not. I noticed this morning that she has some pink feathers on her right leg
  4. Welcome You will find tons of info here that will get you well prepared for when you add a Grey to your family. I for one am glad your doing your research before you bring a Grey home. The first thing your going to learn is just how challenging a Grey can be at times But trust me, they are worth all the "trouble".
  5. Great news! Knew you would get it figured out
  6. One of the best introductions I have seen yet! Welcome Typhoo!
  7. Not offering water until 10-12 weeks is unheard of in my book. I would be offering pellets and veggies / fruits. The veggies need to be chopped, not mashed or pureed. I would say a good size would be corn kernel or pea size. I would also introduce water. Most of the food will just be played with right now, but it is a good learning experience for your young Grey. I would also like to see you clarify the "got rid of" comment
  8. I know you say you have lots of toys but try some foraging toys with his fav treat inside and some shredding toys. When you catch him chewing on his wings, give him something more fun to shred.
  9. VERY nice photos! Your Grey looks like it is tasting pure heaven!
  10. I take into account each individual bird as far as shouldering goes. I had a B&G who used to go everywhere with me and rode on my shoulder. He would even sit on the headrest in the car when we went places. He never once acted badly. I have had Amazons who behaved nicely while shouldered and then again I have had others who acted "not so nicely" and were not given the opportunity to shoulder again.
  11. This is relating to our little Timnehs and not our Congos and I would really appreciate some input if you guys have any. At what age did your TAG's start to fledge and try to start weaning themselves? What age was your TAG considered weaned? What is your adult TAG's weight? Thanks in advance to any and all who respond.
  12. Only one cage here which is situated in the living room near the bedroom doorway and the kitchen so she can see just about everywhere. When I am home Loki will be out on the various gyms. She will be caged at night and when I need to go out somewhere.
  13. Woo Hoo! Will be one lucky Grey You MUST post pictures once you get it all set up with toys and such
  14. I have to agree with you on the DBL yellow head Amazons. Most are unpredictable. I personally have been dropped to my knees in pain by one. Had a Yellow nape cause nerve damage to the back of my neck when it managed to bite me one day.
  15. New pictures.... See how much they have changed in a week or so....
  16. I have seen birds do that very same thing. It is so cute to watch! Thanks for posting the link to the video
  17. Loki'sMinion


    If he is hungry and begging for it, then keep him on 4 feeds a day. Mine is down to 3 because she isn't hungry and is chowing on pellets and such. They all vary
  18. Ahhh Jayd is on! Now you will get some real advice lol
  19. Not overly large and tend to be mild mannered too (There are exceptions to the rule lol). Not known for exceptional speech but can and do talk. Quite playful too.
  20. Red lored or Orange winged might be two good Amazon options to research. Both of these tend to be a little more "friendly" in my opinion. ... but that is from my own personal experience and I am in no way an expert.
  21. I am not a big fan of the metal play gyms, but the one you have chosen is one of the better ones. I myself prefer the wooden, chewable ones. I also have one of these .... http://cgi.ebay.com/HANGING-PARROT-GYMS-TREE-SWING-GYM-STAND-CAGE-BIRD-TOYS-/170509444067?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27b327a3e3 But these are stationary. Then again, for the price you could buy two and have one in the office and one in the living room.
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