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Everything posted by JJsHoney

  1. What great pictures!! He looks like a very happy bird!! I looove the Dr. Evil pic. I had everyone in the house come see it!!
  2. Dan, I hear 2 different voices in that last part! My cousins house was a zoo!! he was owned by 7 dogs and at one point 36 birds!!! One of the dogs was named puppy and she spent most of her time in the kids area where Rene's cage was located.. maybe he is calling her?
  3. Thanks guys, they are my fir babies and I just love them Nita and Logan are Rotti/Black lab and Copper is Rotti/Lab/Rhodesian Ridgeback? He is Just the cutest thing, and his hair on his tail is black like someone dipped it in paint and his hair going down his back is a darker brown and much rougher than the rest
  4. I have way to much time on my hands and a DVR so I can catch the ones I miss... The young and the restless, Law and Order SVU, all the CSI's, Criminal minds, The Mentalist, The Dog Whisperer, Smallville, Big Love, True Blood.. I think thats about it, oh Supernatural, I watch the re-runs in the Am before I go to bed
  5. Nita 5y/o Logan 5y/o this is my newest pup Copper he is 12 weeks old
  6. My parrot Hisses at me more times a day than yours!!!
  7. Q: How many moons does Jupiter have? A: Whale Shark, Rhincodon typus
  8. A: Won the Tour De France 7 Times in a row Q: Milky Way (not Just a candy bar) is this the right way to play? LoL
  9. What great pics! Ayce is very handsome I have 3 Rotti/labs here at home, I just love them!!
  10. Well Rene has been with me for 1 week and things are going O.K We have good days and bad, I have been sick for the weekend so I have a lot of catching up here to do! and with him! My cousin (who I got Rene from) came to help me with getting Rene out of his cage he has been biting when asked for a "step up". He even got a few bites! but he keeps telling me that he will benefit more from me being forward instead of letting him decide when he wants to like me. So far my Cousin has bee right on in advice so I am going to try it his way Rene also does not like my boyfriend at all! Rene saves all his hisses and mean bites for him Rene just tolerates me lol I can rub his head only when he is in his cage, when he is out I am limited to holding his feet lol. He LOVES warm Sweet Potato and Banana he also likes to pick apart raw broccoli and will NOT eat it steamed!! He will also "kiss" for a sunflower seed, *TREATS ONLY* Well this is a recording of him, talking this morning, he is finally coming out of his shell! Sorry it is black but he growls at the camera now! ooppss lol PS TURN YOUR SPEAKERS UP! I AM SITTING DOWNSTAIRS SO HE IS ALITTLE FAR AWAY!
  11. How do you get them to coil? I have tried a few ways and they have all just looked like a mess lol, my birds liked them anyway, but I would like them to look better LoL
  12. I too am using Uhaul Packing paper, but I wouldnt go buy some I feel I use atleast 6-8 sheets a day, it is too thin and the mess just soaks right through! my Aunt had a few boxes full in her basement so I am using that until I run out and then I go back to good ol' newspaper!
  13. It looks like Sunshine had some "kitty Skin Rugs" around the cage LOL!!!
  14. That amazon would make it very loud in my house (my dogs howl to any baby cry) I was just driving them nuts with that video!! wow...
  15. Thanks guys, I know he needs me to be patient I try lol, my cousin (who I got him from) says he is really out going and to try to push him when he is receptive to it, I was just confused by the bite.. But on a good note!!! HE LET ME TOUCH HIS HEAD!! just alittle while ago I was taking the brocolli out of his dish and he came close and was watching, so I took a big chance and started rubbing all he did was push my up against my hand, like I wasnt petting hard enough, so I started scritching him, his eyes were closed he looked like he was really luving it!! Needless to say I am on cloud 999 lol
  16. Those Hawkheads are just amazing, (don't tell the greys!) Every baby is just adorable I think the work you both do is great, your hearts are very strong to let those babies go!!
  17. well of course you need two spoons!! How else can they get all the food before anyone else does! thanks that was most definetly a make me smile phote
  18. Rene has been doing ok here in his new home, we have had some arguments and a few nasty bites, but then we have the I am sorry time lol... Yesterday I got my first "blood letting" bite, I must of missed something he was trying to show me and boy did I get it! I'll do a run down of the events so you can see where I went wrong, I went to the cage talking to him and he came to the door after I asked if he would like to come out for a alittle while, he stepped up and whispered something in parrot tongue lol, "good morning Rene how are you?" well then I got pooped on I saw it coming but didn't want to move fast and startle him, so I took it like a champ and then told him we had to go to the bathroom to wash my hands, we walked into the bathroom, I placed him onto the side of the sink and ran the water, he was leaning in close to get the mist and making water dripping sounds, Again I asked for a step up and everything was fine, went back into bird room sat on chair (mind you I am speaking the WHOLE time to him) so anyway we sat for maybe another 10 minutes he was whistling clicking and had started to preen sitting on my leg, well after he was done he had started to look back to his cage and then to me, so I asked if he wanted to go "home" which immediatly he lifted his leg for a step up I picked him up saying step up WHAM!! before I could move my hand he had my index finger and I was bleeding. so I rocked my arm alittle to make him loose his balance he let go I said no biting and walked him to his cage he stepped off and all was fine he was making kissy sounds again lol... later I "repeated" the earlier events and nothing....
  19. that must be the cutest thing ever lol...such love he has for you. Your link to the picture doesn't work...
  20. Heres some pics from today, We are having some issues today, but before he turned into Mr. Grumpy I was able snap a few pictures!
  21. Good Morning everyone Thought I would give a quick update on Rene, He slept sound through the night (even though I didn't) I woke at the crack of dawn to peek in on him lol and he was sleeping soundly, he is awake now and munching, and talking he keeps says c'mhere and making kissie noises, and I thought I heard a hello, but not sure, I'm getting ready to wake my niece up so I can go change papers and water etc. LoL I'm glad she stayed in that room last night or all the birds would of been woke up WAY TO EARLY LOL, P.s I am going to try to sneak a video today my camcorder is smaller then my camera so maybe just maybe I can get some video instead.. we will see
  22. What greyt pictures of Spock and Joey!! I like the pics of the two of them looking at you like "excuse me this is a private conversation" lol. Glad to see Spock is on the mend!
  23. So can anyone tell me.. When do you come off of this new birdy high?? I'm wired LoL every little noise I hear coming from upstairs my heart races he makes me sooo happy.... already I am 100% behind you Judy I enjoy my lip un-pierced and intend to keep it that way
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