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Everything posted by JJsHoney

  1. went up to see the Baby today, chest feathers are all almost in, and just a little fuzzy left on wings he is getting so big so fast!! And we weighed him today and with him being empty lol he was 297grams, http://s949.photobucket.com/albums/ad332/jjshoney/?action=view¤t=BabyGrey10weeks001.flv [sorry the video is so dark first time using the new camera and boy was this hard to upload!! Post edited by: JJsHoney, at: 2009/07/26 23:54 Post edited by: JJsHoney, at: 2009/07/26 23:55<br><br>Post edited by: JJsHoney, at: 2009/07/27 02:09
  2. well I thought I would give everyone an update, I went back yesterday to the pet store armed with my smallest camera, I had my friend walk by and try to take some from the outsaide of the building, couldn't see anything on those UGH! So I went inside, and as soon as I took the camera out, someone told me "Cameras are not allowed her Ma'am" I tried a long list of excuses but to no avail.. I WILL find a way to get these people.. lol oh but they did tell me they have a website with pics of all there animals on it.. web address not found!
  3. This evening James and I went to visit a local pet store, we had not been in sometime 4-5 months and what we saw when we went in is disgusting! Anyone with half a brain could see their birds are in distress.. first let me give you an idea of what this shop looks like, its like anyother huge store front, windows all across the front, well in front of those windows is an aviary full of finches parakeets and doves, with many many nesting boxes inside, NO food and only 1 water bottle!!, now to the side of that was a fish tank with the sadest looking baby CAG I have ever seen, he is about 7-8 weeks of age, just guessing by the feathers and size.. with a mesh screen on top and a heating lamp ontop, the poor baby has NO WATER and is sitting in the corner panting!! I flew off the deep end already, asking a million questions, which of course the person working there has no answers like hoe much does he eat.. when was the last time he was fed?? she could not answer any of my questions... so her answer was to turn off the lamp and call her boss..After breathing for a few minutes i walked the window wall of birds finches parakeets conures all in tiny stacked cages hanging from ceiling, the conure had trouble standing straight, when i reach the end of this wall is a 4 month old blue and gold macaw, huttled down on a perch, wimpering, tiny food in a bowl and dirty water no toys no way to stand flat, after giving the lady a dirty look, I asked about him also, she told me that was taught to hand feed yesterday and give the baby 40cc's this morning, but by the look of the baby he didn't get it all as he was covered in formula, so i asked to hold him, jsut tto try to comfort him, as they wouldnt let me hold the grey, they unlocked the cage asked the baby to step up and the baby just fell backwards landing right on it right side, they didint try again, and wouldnt let me get him off the floor of his cage saying " oh he does that all time" he is fine!??? so I insisted again and they tried to pick him up but he just held his ground litterally so they gave up... I'm sorry this is so long but it really bothers me!! alright to get to the end, right to the right of the macaw is a cockatoo, screaming and lunging the cage, his name is isaac, which isaac has his own story but i will save that for later. Isaac has no toys green water and parakeet food to eat... one of the people that works there walks over to him and hits the cage.. making isaac stop pacing and tell the bird to shut the f%#$ up, and then says something in spanish so I cannot understand.. So now I am just about in tears I am so angry and can't even make a sentence, james said to me we HAVE to leave as he knows my temper... well to make a LONG story even longer... who should I contact about these people?? we have no animal control and the humane society is in Boston, I left a message before but no response.. Any ideas?? thanks for reading my book {Feel-bad-0002006A}{Feel-bad-0002006A}
  4. Those were fantastic pics, my fav is the zebra's and the bear with the bee TOO CUTE Thanks for sharing that link, I already sent it to all my contacts lol
  5. He is surposed to be starting on monkey biscuits??? this week, and he also absolutely loves they baby food, but it is only stage one so no solids yet, my cousin has hand fed alot of babies all are now very healthy happy adults so I am trying not question his methods to much, but from seeing where other 9 week old babies are, Should I be concerned? I have to go visit sometime today so I will ask my usual thousand questions.
  6. I was just thinking today, whenever I go up to see my baby he's ALWAYS hungry... I know he is being fed enough he has 3 meals a day with sometimes a tide over until the next meal, but it makes visiting with him really difficult as all he does is lunge for fingers and bob, does this calm down?? My cousin who is hand feeding for me doesn't seem that concerned, but we would really love to get some time with him without constantly moving away his bobbing head so we doin't make him to tired.. This is my selfish side showing.. and I have tried moving out of the kitchen where is fed and go into the living room thinking maybe the change in habit would make him calm down, and it does but only for a few minutes then he is back to hungry grey we know and love!! what do you all think??{Emotions-00020075}
  7. her is my SHORT list LoL I am still trying to figure out a name too so this is a great post!! Diego -Dora the explorers cousin, I wanted to sing the song to him Taffy -- "shake that laughy taffy" Cinza - portugese for grey Siva - Croation for grey szary - polish for grey Aila - shining light Akallah - aboriginal for parrot Tiya - parrot Simon - to hear and be heard greycie grayson Kozmo Razi - secret akima -autumn I can't really decide if I like the name or not even though thats what I call the baby, when talking about him
  8. JJsHoney


    Thanks so much for the idea, now I will have to start learning how to trick train, I'm willing to give anything a shot, hopefully this shows some type of improvment Thanks Again!!
  9. congradulations on your baby girl!! now its more hens to rule the roost!!
  10. My boyfriends Niece has been thinking for a long time about when she graduates highschool going into basic training, I have never seen such a proud little girl in all my life, she has weighed the pro's and con's about a million times and finally she decided she will serve her country with honor.. I am not so sure i agree with all that is happening, but I do know it takes a special kind of person to make such a hefty decision.. and Anyone brave and valiant enough is top in my book.. Please take care of our service men and women... this is a fantastic thread!! {Holidays-0002010D}
  11. I know I have asked this question before, but I don't think i got an answer.. well for those of you who have an Atom.. what size did you buy?? the large or Jumbo?? I have decided that I have saved enough to get one, and hopefully when the baby is able he will enjoy it. I also am thinking of maybe just getting the orbit instead any thoughts on that? Does anyone own one of those too?? {Nature-00020095}
  12. I really wish my baby would sit still long enough for me to get a pic alittle better then just a grey white and red blur lol I would LOVE for you all to be able to see what he really looks like lol the only time he sits still is when he is giving the evil eye for taking the empty syringe away or when he wants a "hug" oh and his hatch day was May 16th and he just turned 9weeks old on Saturday<br><br>Post edited by: JJsHoney, at: 2009/07/20 22:44
  13. A friend of mine had a few sugargliders but I never saw them!!! They would sleep all day in their hut and whenever night would roll around, there was a stranger in there view so they would stay hiding LoL but I have noticed whenever I am "stalkiing" Craigslist for cages etc.. There is ALWAYS many many adds for the cute little darlings.. wonder why??
  14. Finally we get some sun!!! almost all week has been lovely 80's and sunny... Humidity boy oh boy was out there but I'll take that over rain and 60 anyday!! but... the rain will be starting again on Tuesday UGH!!!
  15. JJsHoney


    Sorry to bring this one back up, I have my quaker he just turned 2 Bazil has never said a word not that I haven't thought I heard him mumble to himself at night while I am watching tv, I have been trying too. To get Bazil to stop his biting he "hisses" at everyone and bites (never broken skin) but the little bugger loves to do it, Unfortuently he was clipped when we got him at 14wks and never learned to fly, his poor little chest is pumping whenever he gets a chance to try to fly,and I am so nervous on his "landings" they tend to be a little rough I have pics posted here showing me handle Bazil and you can just he has to come out of the cage on his own and then you can ask him to step up and he will... So i guess I am looking for advise, I have sat with him for hours talking quietly over his hisses and screams I give him a bath daily otherwise he will be in his water dish everytime I clean it and we kiss and cuddle after every bath he loves treats nutriberries are his fav!! and brown rice.. so is this as good as it will get or is there something else I can try to improve our relationship.. thanks for reading my sob story lol... Bonnie
  16. JJsHoney

    Aloe Juice

    Where would I find Aloe Juice?? And also when you give the birds their mist bath with it is there anything you add to it or do you use it straight??
  17. such a cutie!! our babies seem to be close in age.. thanks so much for sharing
  18. Conradulations on your baby girl!! I hope you have alot of fun getting to know your new baby in your home, How old is she? and I Like Olive for the name very cute:laugh:
  19. I think I might be putting this in the wrong spot.. But I wanted to give everyone an update.. Akima is doing fantastic!! went to visit this afternoon and he graduated!! LoL what I mean is he is now in a cage, perching and trying to get something to eat off of the toys in there most of the wing and flight feathers are in and he finally has a red butt!! and he aslo has started eating Stage 1 Baby food, green beans and sweet potatoes so far here are some pics for everyone to see my newest pride and joy
  20. I would buy one!! I haven't a creative bone in my body lemme know!!
  21. {Nature-00020095}I would like to know where and when I can drop my boyfriend off!! Do you offer a advanced course? such as Cleaning a bird cage will infact NOT kill you, And walking the dog is not the ONLY form of activity for the day?? If you do please PLEASE let me know LoL
  22. STILL RAINING!!! Cold about 65 This is July right?? it should be about 85 and sunny!! I cannot take much more rain LoL
  23. I'm in Massachusetts and its COLD and RAINING!!! June had a whole 4 DAYS with SUN, only about 60ish we should be around 80 today... I can't take much more rain!!! {Characters-00020057}
  24. ok finally I GIVE IN lol this is my quaker Bazil and myself Bazil doing his fav activity glaring at the birds outside sweet kisses for a sweet boy!!<br><br>Post edited by: JJsHoney, at: 2009/07/01 20:16
  25. oh and we are going to DNA I would like to know, forgot to put that in my last post. And I love the fact that 1 my cousin is the one hand feeding for me and 2 he only lives about 20 min away It's much easier than a breeder I think because i'm shy around strangers and probably wouldn't ask as many thousand questions!!
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