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Everything posted by fidsandfrats

  1. I loved watching Louie swinging and just having a great time. He is soo pretty I mean handsome:)
  2. OMG I love Nilah!!!!! Can I have her please?????
  3. that is hilarious!!!! Especially putting the bird poop on a spatula and reaching over your shoulder with the spatula and rubbing the bird poop on the back of your shirt. OMG! Hilarious. I was laughing out loud I bet my co-workers are wondering what the heck is up with me-lol
  4. OMG what an absolute sweetheart! Capo is soooo smart. You must be so proud of her.
  5. Congratulations! Glad he is doing so well. Keep up the good work.
  6. Nilah is so pretty. Love that New York accent you are teaching her!!! LOL
  7. Well I have a hard time getting Slater to go to bed too at times. Something I do is I let Slater stay up later than his brothers afterall he is the oldest-lol. I feel he demands more one-on-one time than the others do. I give all 3 of mine one-on-one but I think it helps to give Slater his last.
  8. I came across this pictures in my photos. It's baby Chili Pepper when he was just weeks old. Sooooo cute then and soooooo beautiful now.
  9. I have a CAG and DYH. My birds are out and about in their bird room all day and are only in their cages at night to sleep. They co-exist nicely. I would not say the are friends but they definitely have respect for each other. Defintely two different birds. My grey is afraid of his own shadow and my zon is afraid of nothing:) I think both are a must in a bird lovers home.
  10. Just looking back at post replies I may have missed. Thanks everyone.
  11. I am so sorry that I am just now reading this. Aww that is so nice of you to say. Thanks so much. You may have read that some slight changes to the room were made but all for the betterment of the birds especially Slater since he was the only one having the problems.
  12. How long have you had her? On May 28 Slater will be 3. I think Echoe is still young. Just give her plenty of opportunites to play and eventually she will. I remember my DYH would not play for the longest time. I thought something was wrong with him but as he got older he started playing. Now he is into everything. Echo may be too young but Slater loves to play with very noisy toys. As a matter of fact the noisier the toy the more he likes it. The other thing Slater really likes to do is to forage (actually all my birds do). Again Echo may or may not be a little young but it is never to early to start sparking their curiousity. Just don't make things too difficult for her to get to at first then make it more challenging for her. She'll figure things out real fast.
  13. thanks they tolerating each other while sharing the same foraging toy-lol
  14. I hate that-Grrrr..... I'm so excited for you. I could not imagine my life without Slater (CAG) in it. He makes me laugh each and every day. Can't wait to see the lucky grey when you find him/her.
  15. That is incredible. You go Cricket! Well sometimes I put the birds in their cages but don't cover them. Chili watchers my every move as I get their foraging toys together. As soon as his cages is opened the next morning he makes a b-line for his foraging toys. Very obvious he did not forget from the night before..
  16. Awww Scarlet looks very sweet! Congratulations. Look forward to pictures of her in her new loving home.
  17. cocoa is very pretty and so well socialized.
  18. I know you are excited for the day your baby can come home. I remember that wait it was torture. How exciting.
  19. Hi and welcome! You will love it here. What a great picture of Sylvia. she's beautiful!
  20. Love the first picture sitting there looking all pretty and she know it! Love her little baby picture too:)
  21. Hannah is stunning. Love the look on her face like she's getting away with something-lol.
  22. OMG KOKO is beautiful!!! Love that little red butt in the last picture!!!!
  23. Just a little mischief maker-lol
  24. She's beautiful. She's young. How young is she? Love greys.
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