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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Jayd


    You all are good, Watermelon is, water and sugar, you get funny colored watery poop, Uno Paquito, on the mellon....Thanks Jay Nutrients in Watermelon 1.00 cup (152.00 grams) Nutrient%Daily Value vitamin C 20.5% vitamin A 17.2% potassium 4.8% magnesium 3.8% Calories (45) 2%
  2. Jayd

    beans ... ?

    Hi, Spread the mix on a pan and pick out any stones or debris, soak the mix over night, rinsing 2-3 times, heavy boil the mix until tender,[always serve fully cooked]. Check the forum for safe/unsafe beans....Thanks Jay
  3. Jayd

    Peanut Butter

    Thanks Doug, your a smart parront. Petsolutions and Dr Forster and Smith carry inshell walnuts and almonds. They have free shipping over $49.00, and regular shipping is cheap, we use Petsolution. Here's there HTTP...http://www.petsolutions.com/C/Bird-Supplies.aspx http://www.drsfostersmith.com/?ref=4136&subref=AA&cmpid=PPC-B-4136 Let us know what happen...Jay
  4. Jayd

    Peanut Butter

    Question/ Doesn't Kroger's have unsalted roasted peanuts [Canned]? Our Kroger's carry unsalted peanuts, cashew, in their brand and others. [were in Az]
  5. Doug, missed your posts, welcome back Jay
  6. Don't ever be embarrassed to post anything like this, you did the right thing when you had to... Jay and Maggie
  7. "Welcome to the Grey side" When you find the answer plese let us all know...lol
  8. There are two things we do to insure the health of our parrots, one is "regular weighing and reading the droppings" this is essential to the continued health and welfare of our parrots. [check out poopoligy on the forum] most of the time this is the only way you can get a early warning about your parrots health. Food: A youg parront needs "abundant feeding" at all times, a large assortment of foods of different variety and selection, this is a must! A parrot can develop a fear of not being fed or not having enough food, this can develop into a psychosis which can hinder proper growth and lead to phobias and possible death. Just because this didn't happen to one person, it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Please research especially if your not sure or it's of your own opinion. This forum is base on at least 99% correctness, post wisely anything that might cause harm. There are a number of "Advant-garde and esoteric sites on the web". Please use common sense when posting... Thank you Jay
  9. The reply's are great, our personal option as Judy and xSarahx said. 2 are just as easy as one. A note, Bro's and Sis's can mate! 'Tiels will mate in a social environment if allowed. The key is to not provide stimulation such as " Misting, soft food/egg food, a convenient nesting area, such as a box .] Thanks Jay
  10. Thank you, Sweet potato should always be cook, you can slice it in half, fill half way with water and microwave. Never feed the eyes of white potatoes, and very little of them at all. As for boiling, steaming/ boiling actually converts and increases the value of some veggies.[iE:carrot's, Broccoli] Garbanzo inhibits as does spinach, but they can be fed in small amounts weekly. Swiss Chard and Spinach have a lot of sodium as does canned veggies, frozen veggies are better and they retain their nutrient longer...Thanks Jay
  11. Thank you. Your doing right, keep it up. Greys, especially ones who are confused not only by the move but who were attached to someone and didn't understand why this happened, love to be talked to, read to them, ask them questions, sing, both you and your husband as you go around your daily routine. Your aon the right path, and your cage cover surly has helped. You will see a change, be patient. Keep a eye open for anything that does't seem right like saying words or names that aren't used around your house or singing a song that isn't heard in you home. If any reference is made to a name you don't recognize, ignore it and chance the subject. Example: I would say to Joe, "Jay loves you" he would never say anything, after a long ti was his me Joe said. "I love you Papa". We found out that "Ray" was a bad memory. Don't stop...Jay
  12. Being a Re-home, the problem could be deep seated. One possibility could be that the person he was attached to in his previous environment paid little or no attention to him. This is common with cockatoo's. At some point your Grey feels that he might be abandoned [again], when you first got him, not much of a problem, as time when on and he adopted your husband, things got worst, "fear of being abandoned again"...We've seen this a lot where a loved parront died or a loved parront gave the bird away...Suggestion: Ignore the actions, conduct your daily routine around him like nothing is wrong, when you walk by him, say "Hi", other times play with him as you normally wouldd, clean, vacuum, eat etc,like nothing is wrong, follow this routine, make him a part of it...This is really hard on every one. Keep a eye open for other possible "Baggage" issues. Cease all references to his previous life, cage old toys etc, start fresh...Jay
  13. Thank you Dave so much, I understand completely, what you say is perfectly clear...Jay
  14. Please take the time Ray. There is one name common to all birds, "Companion". Can't wait!!!!!!! ?is it done yet?
  15. Hi, this is a greyt thread!!...Some of our fids like the squash raw and some like it cooked and then you have days when they look at you like "what the heck are you feeding me???" LOL...you can take the squash and slice it and boil it until soft or feed it raw like you are doing. The sweet potatoes that I serve are boiled without skins until they are soft and can be mashed like a soft mashed potatoes. Some parrots eat them raw but I have never tried that with ours. Hope this helps....oh and Joey loves his Wacky Macs pasta raw (comes in rotini shapes and has four different flavors). The others like their orzo cooked. Maggie
  16. If I may " Freud outlined five stages of human development : the oral stage, the anal stage, the phallic stage, the latency stage, and the genital stage. In each stage there is an need for gratification that must be met. Gratification, ie. spoon, syringe feeding, which doesn't apply to parrots. Thanks Jay http://www.essortment.com/freuds-psychosexual-stages-development-50830.html
  17. Jayd


    If I may, a very simple, cheap but useful toy can be found at Walmart, It only cost a couple of dollars, it's 3-4 strand of 3/8-1/2 inch sisal with some wood blocks tied on it. The bird, "Tiels to Grey's love it, a main benefit is when all the wood is chewed off, all our fids will play with the curly rope. What they do is "gum"[?] their beaks!!! just like a baby gums your finger....Are they using this as a "mouth cleaning aid". This is one essential [Huygens] toy we always have on each cage and one on the outside community perch on Joe's cage. [lol] Thanks Jay
  18. Here's a wonderful site Thanks Jay http://www.avianweb.com/galahcockatoos.html
  19. Jayd

    Used cage

    Greetings. If I may, The cleaning method I mentioned is a cleaner and disinfectant. As "Wingy" posted, Simple Green is a Greyt cleaner, it's not a disinfectant. Simply Green sells it's disinfectant under a different label, they have different disinfectant for sale. http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=is+simple+green+a+disenfectant&ei=UTF-8&fr=moz35 In using your favorite cleaner, after everything is dry, spray with vinegar then peroxide or vice-versa it doesn't matter.Bacterial can't live in a acidic environment, the Ph of white vinegar is 2.40-2.80, this is why it is such a good cleaner/disinfectant. We use vinegar for so many house hold needs, I use apple cider vinegar as a tonic, my doc has said it has helped me in so many ways, 8oz water, 1tbs ACP, 1 tbs honey, heat water to 110 degrees, drink it, but first let your fid drink some, they love it. Thanks "Wingy" for your wonderful posts...Jay MSDA http://www.simplegreen.com/pdfs/MSDS_EN-US_AllPurposeCleaner.pdf http://www.simplegreen.com/products_msds.php
  20. When I PMed you, it was to help you and I suggested you add research before you post a reply. Now, I searched gavage on the net, I stopped searching after I found over 4 on the first page, dated 2011 and 2012. I will not post these pages, any one can find them. To every one, I've said it before,"Research" if your not sure or what to make sure your correct. Thank you. Jay
  21. Please see "Forum Feedback" Thanks Jayd
  22. Please see "Forum Feedback" Thanks Jayd
  23. Jayd

    Used cage

    My apologizes, I don't remember saying it wasn't, So sorry. Thanks Jayd
  24. Jayd

    Used cage

    Hi, what we do if the cage isn't to bad is just the vinegar/peroxide, if it's real dirty we scrub with a mild detergent, water rinse and dry, then spray with vinegar then with peroxide. [The vinegar/peroxide is a disinfectant...] Thanks Jay
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