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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Jayd


    Your a wonderful "Parrot". What a wonderful job you are doing. May I suggest, probiotics, or plain yogurt high in bacteria, a half to whole teaspoon a day is perfect, you can feed as much of it as she'll eat. This is for her stomach...[Yougurt is safe for parrots, it's not the same as dairy.] Jayd Side note: Cinnamon is Greyt for our fid's, but nutmeg is poison...
  2. Salsa is a Orange-wing Zon, they're the only Zon with the color orange in their feathers. Thank Jayd
  3. Everyone is welcome to check the photos out, there all birds..[lol] there's over 700 now... Janet, let me know what you like...Jayd
  4. Here's our [?] year old IRN, Pistachio and his buddy "Buddy",a Mitered conure. We rescued them from a druggie house, they would blow crack smoke at them, and pulled the IRN's feathers out for the fun of it...We've had them for about 5yr's now. They would scream and flog themselves in their cage till they bled. Pistachio is tame now, and Buddy still cowers, he bites if you try to touch him, but he'll take a treat between the bars from you, and Maggie can clean his care with out him attacking him. jayd
  5. Please read this... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190343-Amazon-of-the-Week-Index
  6. Thanks, this is not only ok, but is practiced by most all parrots. There's nothing to be discourage or worry about..No one is dumb on the Grey Forums...I was fledgling Salsa and her 3 siblings, they were about 8mo's and I was weaning them, six clock each night they would all land on me, wings out, squawking and begging me. Salsa's ot in this photo.
  7. No Syringe...Do you know how easy it is to aspirate a Parrot, even an adult????? If the food or liquid goes into their lungs, if it doesn't kill them immediately, it can cause other problems in their now shortened life. There is nothing better nor a better way to continue a bond or just as a special treat for any Grey, no matter how old, is a spoon of warm food. When you use a spoon (not a shaped one) even though they are lapping or gulping it down, they are doing it at their own rhythm. It is still dangerous so if you are not extremely confident and know to look for the signs of them breaking their rhythm or being startled by some outside influence, then leave the warm mushy food in a bowl. Oatmeal- as Dave told me, get a variety pack of instant flavored oatmeal. They eat so little that it won't hurt them. Give them a bite every other day or so. Each evening, we feed all our fids what we call "Sweet Water". This is organic apple cider vinegar, we use Bragg's, we heat a cup of water to 110 degrees (Never any higher) and we add two tablespoons of the organic vinegar and one to two tablespoons of organic honey and stir until blended. Let them drink it out of a tablespoon or they can drink it out of the cup as long as the cup itself is not too hot. What they leave, you can drink because it is very good for your body. Vinegar is one of the most beneficial things for you and your fids and can be given on a daily basis. Jayd Side Note: Don't forget....A Grey does not become mature until around 4 years old. Their first eye color change is not until around a year old plus. The same goes for their true red tail or full maroon as a TAG goes. So, yes, they are babies for a long time.
  8. No mater how much, your always rewarded for what you have and for what you've lost. You can't put a price on memory's.
  9. Thank you, Dawn!!!! You are the right track and definitely going to make a Greyt Grey Parront! Check out Maggie Smith's book and check out this site. Thanks, Jayd https://companionparrotonline.com/CPOM.html
  10. Hay all, let's not prejudge and stereotype these companions... There is over 30 different Amazon's alone.. "TOO's [The "TOO you mentioned sounds like a "Bare-eye" "TOO]. Name just the 'TOO's familiar with! : Let's see, Lesser Sulpher Crested, Galah, Greater Sulpher Crested, Rose-breasted, Bare-eyd, Calyptorhynchus [black], Read Palm, Citron Crested, Cactua [true white], Moluccan,Umbrella, Eleanore and the Major Mitchell.[by the way is a $3-4000. 'TOO.who is very grumpy.] Greys come from a large Area in Africa, Besides TAG's, they come in different sizes and shades of gray. So the point I'm trying to make is "No two birds are completely alike! research and study the parrot your interested in, some are better suited to one personality than another... Greys have in common, "intelligent's" 'TOO's are all basically noisy, some more than others. Both Greys and 'TOO's need a lot of Love. Jayd
  11. Jayd

    Baby Grey

    There is "no" set age to bring a Fid home...They all age differently...A parrot 'Must be "Fully Fledged" and "Fully Weaned" for more than a couple of weeks!!! I've re-raised fids that were on 1 feeding a day at 40+ weeks because their diet wasn't right while being hand fed by their original Paront. No mater how much you want a baby parrot, please follow the "Fully" rule....Thanks Jayd
  12. When we got Joe our 6yr old rescue CAG, we were going to chang his name to "Jim Kirk", to go with our Spock, Side Note: The safest way to change a Greys name is to start calling the their old/new name together, JOE/JIM, then after a while "If" they accept that, switch the names around,[JIM/JOE], then if this works, drop the old name...Back to my story, for the first year, Joe hardly talked, then, out of no-ware he said quite mater of factually, "I'm Joe not Jim". okay, he Joe, period... Jayd
  13. Maggie here...LOL...love this subject! They all use both but of the eleven Fids we still care for, Spock was the only one that was right-footed. Everyone else is predominately left-footed. Maggie
  14. Thanks Penny, this is one of those things I could be completely wrong about, I have no proof either way, just my personal experience's.. A Zon is a creature of attention, their main concern is themselves. I've noticed you can get away with alot of things with a Zon, that you could never get away with if it was a Grey.lol. As long as there not "Mature" or laying eggs and don't show signs of "Regurgitating", I strongly feel "Cuddling" is okay. In Grey's I've seen serious damage, in Zon's, they turn their heads and fly away....Try cuddling, then stop and give Nilah a treat or toy or put her down, watch what she doe's, does she try to get back to you? or does she go for the treat/toy etc.....Jayd
  15. Sorry I am responding so late...I see no reason to discourage it. I haven't seen any problems, just give her all the attention and love and cuddling that you can. If she quivers too strongly, then just tell her how much you love her and set her aside like we do our Greys. Amazons are so much more resilient and get over things far quicker than Greys. They can regurgitate one minute and then turn around and go play or eat dinner with what appears to be no ill effect. Salsa climbs under my beard and likes to cuddle... Jayd
  16. This is a few days ago, Salsa with Joe and Spock in the background, Maggie's cleaning cages...Jayd [click photo]
  17. Please tahe your baby to a vet....ASAP
  18. Thank you very much. What you say say is true for a MaCaw, not so much for a Cag or Tag. In the MaCaw's case, there's some that are very suitable for a first Macaw and others not so much. A little known fact about a Grey is that in most cases, as a Grey ages, they liked to be handled less and less. Sometimes a Grey never adapts to being handled. The "Key" to owning a Grey is Pre-research! as much studying, reading, talking as one can do. One factor is you can't leave them alone for any length of time like you can other bird, you need to arrange for them to have someone spend time with them as you would, they must also like them and are comfortable with them. When I repeatably say "They're just like a child", I'm speaking the truth...Thanks Jayd
  19. Don't do it, In 37yrs I've seen to many Grey turned into perch potatoes, with blank stares..For those who don't know it, it will be another 200,000 years before a parrot becomes a domesticated animal like our beloved dogs and cat! Think about it! A parrot has "More" wild instincts then most people realize...Owning a Grey mean you must change for them, not change them for you! There's no such thing as a "Trimming" any one who clips a bird deeper then safe down ward flight is wrong. When a bird is Trimed[clipped], thew don't only lose lift, but they lose the abilty to control foward flight, not being able to stop foward flight and crashing or tumbling, possiable injuring themselves. A clipped bird can still fly, a gust of wind can lift a clipped bird into the air, combined with their combined flapping can carry them a long way, usually ending in a dangerous crash... Another example: Your fid is on top of his cage, their startled, they jump flapping and fall, with no spontaneous lift the stall and can't recover, injuring them selves...Make a paper glider, toss it, it lands right side up, now clip the back half of the wings off, toss it, see what happens. To Parront a Grey is to live by their needs, not ours.......Jay
  20. Every person on this forum made the right choice in having a Grey as a first parrot, no exceptions. When a person chooses a Grey as a first parrot, everyone who knows me knows I'm the first person to be there to offer any help I can. This instance is speacil. It doesn't fit into the example stated. If anyone wishes, please check out these posts... Thank you, Jay http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot/page5 #26-35
  21. Sorry, didn't mean anything bad. Jayd
  22. Please see my "A note or two" thread, thanks Jayd
  23. The reasons I asked the questions I did, is because I feel your baby is older the you were told. You are doing everything Greyt!!! Stick with the pine nuts as her "Special" treat. Visit a health food market and get some "Juniper berry's". Your on the right track..Smile, your doing Greyt!!!!!
  24. Hi, please check out these threas we did on a couple of our rescues, #26- 35 Joe and Freddy. Freddy is a 'TOO but you'll understand when you see him, he's 23 now. Bless you...Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot/page5
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