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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. A pet Congo African Grey Parrot:o The history of African Grey parrots kept as pets dates back over 4,000 years. Some Egyptian hieroglyphics clearly depict pet parrots[verification needed]. The ancient Greeks also valued parrots as pets. This custom was later adopted by wealthy Roman families who often kept parrots in ornate cages. King Henry VIII of England also had an African Grey parrot. Portuguese sailors kept them as companions on their long sea voyages. Thanks Jayd
  2. In the year 2000 the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources and the World Parrot Trust published their “Action Plan.” Noting that “No other group of birds has been subjected to more exploitation, numerically and financially, than parrots,” the WPT called upon the millions of ordinary people who keep psittacines to “accept more responsibility for the survival of parrots in the wild and the welfare of existing captive parrots.” I’m one of the millions of ordinary people who live with a parrot, so I’m going to try to do my share. According to journalist Mira Tweti, author of "Parrots and People," there are between 40 and 60 million companion birds in the USA alone, perhaps half of them parrots. If just 1% of us bird "owners" began to lobby vigorously for the conservation and protection of parrots, we’d have an enormous influence. But we can’t do it alone. We also need the cooperation of the parrot industry—those who profit from parrots. They includes cage and accessory makers, food suppliers and distributors, pet stores, and of course breeders. On the conservation side of the equation, 28% of the 330 known parrot species are threatened with extinction. The parrots we love are decimated by the bird trade, destruction and fragmentation of native habitats, and hunting for food, feathers or for crop protection. Parrots did fine for many millions of years before they ran into people. Birds in general are perhaps the only living dinosaurs. They survived the extinction events that finished off other dinosaurs because they had the most powerful brains. That made them more adaptable, more capable of prospering in emerging ecological niches. European parrot fossils have been dated at 54 million years, although modern parrots may be “only” 20- 23 million years old. Parrots flourish in warm regions of South America, Africa and Australasia. They love the sun, the verdant tropical forest and the open sky. What got them in the most trouble with us? Their brains, their looks and the fact that we want their land. But conserving their habitat and outlawing their importation is only half the battle. We also have the vast responsibility to protect those many millions of parrots who live in captivity. Most of that job is educational. We need to teach our children that parrots are not commodities, not things. We need to acknowledge the sanctity of parrot life. As awareness increases, we’ll become better (and surely fewer) parronts. We won’t buy and sell parrots on a whim. We won’t release them to fend for themselves or kill them when we get bored with them. We will treat them with the respect we accord to people, to each other. They will join our “each other,” our community of consciousness and conscience. Illustration: Sinornithosaurus millenii, a flying, feathered dinosaur ancestor of modern birds Posted by David Howard at 10:03 PM 0 comments Labels: african grey, african grey parrot, animal consciousness, animal rights, Deep Ecology, wilderness, World Parrot Trust
  3. Fingers crossed with prayers, please pm her......Jayd, Maggie and Spock
  4. Jayd

    just asking

    Crops ok now, you want to work them up to 50-60cc over the next 4 weeks, you'll be surprised how much they'll grow each day. If you feel they're ok, than stay at they're feeding, give them a little more each day.I'm hoping Dave007 and Spinner we'll read your posts, it's always good to have a 2nd opinion, and if there's is not the same as mine, there's is correct also...Remember, don't rush hand feeding, their only young once and this age is extremely important to they're growth. They can stay together till their eating good and fledged, they train each other....Jayd
  5. Jayd

    just asking

    Your doing grey't, keep as your doing...Make sure the crop is spongy, not firm, if you stretch the crop it loses muscle tone. I feel it is best to stick with a exact feeding times, maybe 5 times a day right now. At night make sure the crop is empty. Personally I like Zupreem plus formula. Give your big guy 40cc,s. There's no reason to part, them keep them together for warmth and companionship. Jayd Good Job... Example: 6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm, 10pm.
  6. Very good post, I agree with it completely except for this last part. I feel that if this were true, there would be no poetry, no Moby Dick, or even newspapers. Please don't take this wrong. I think maybe I'm going to stick to my "Amazon Room" for a while, let Maggie and Spock write their story's, I'm tired. It seems that people are reading only the parts they want to read, not the whole thread or post, in turn not receiving the whole meaning. There is someone here, at all times , that can answer any question! Be it Dan or Dave or Judy, luvparrots, or Elvenking and all the rest[Jilly], no disrespect if I didn't mention a name, the list is long. This forum is a gateway to knowledge....Use it wisely! My PM is shut down, so I'll talk to you all Later. Luv you all Jayd
  7. Your right!!!!, I was completely wrong in all I said, You win, You have the last word on this thread. I bow down to you....Your correct in all you've said..... Jayd
  8. Every one here has spoken the complete truth! I have a 3yr old rescue Grey, his name is Joey, if you would like to read about our experiences, there under Spock or Jayd posts and threads. [with Joeys name in them..] My 2 cents, it takes time and patience, but there's no greater reward. You can get no better advice than what the others have given you...Jayd
  9. You know their cage is as big as a house and costs as much!!!LoL Jayd
  10. I agree, the two Hyacinthie I worked with were Gentle Giants, a Ruby would go for your nose as look at you,or any other meat it could find, and the noises of them all, a Green-Wing, never made a scream....Each they're own...I love 'em Jayd
  11. The simple solution I've mentioned before is, if you don't like a post, don't read it, don't give your 2 cents, don't critize "Grammer, spelling,etc". "What get's into people" is attitude!!!! In the last couple of weeks I've seen new/young members act like they know everything and show disrespect to some of the most knowledgeable bird people on earth, your post is a good example, I've been polite up till now, but "Respect earns Respect!!!!", Elvenking, it's not what you say but how you say it. If you don't know, or don't enjoy a thread, ignore it!!!! To every one: This is your forums, use it, don't destroy it, think of others, THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!!!!!! The Grey't people of this forums deserve much more. Jayd
  12. http://www.avianweb.com/severemacaw.html The Severe is on of the better Macaws to own, this last year we raised 3 Macaws, plus socialized 2 Hyacinthie,,a green wing etc...I would much rather work with a mini then a large. A large doesn't bite, they snack!!!!!! Comparing beaks, a mini is a paring knife, a large is a meat cleaver!!!! I love them, ask tycos-mom... Jayd
  13. These are "Mini-Macaws",A whole different type of bird compared to they're large brothers.....Jayd
  14. Hi, don't worry about this, this is normal action. Spock and Joey are the same way. Which bird is older? Jayd
  15. That's what is so great about the forums, we can read what we want, ignore what we want, write posts and answer threads, agree and disagree... Isn't freedom Greay't!!!! and even let other people read threads we are tired of. To :xcelprinting.com [bold to show who comment is directed to] A excellent choice o bird for you and your family would be a "Ring Neck Dove", They like humans, are tame, can be taught to"step-up", and coexist with Grey's. There coos are very relaxing. I'm not joking, http://www.diamonddove.info/bird11%20Ringneck.htm http://www.diamonddove.info/index.html I prefer a Ring Neck... Jayd
  16. Please let us know your doing, did you find the cord for your camera? Jayd
  17. Caitb2007, would you please update us all on how school is going!, and your future plans... Jayd, Maggie and Spock...
  18. No offense intended to you! Bold letters were meant to draw attention to a right we all have on the Forum.... Jayd
  19. Salsa has become quite the character, including trying to be a Casanova....When we kiss our birds, we always ask for kisses or kiss with our nose (Mine at least is certainly big enough to pass as a beak...) Salsa goes straight for the French Kiss...beak open, tongue touching our nose...no shrinking wall-flower is our Salsa...lol...:D Salsa loves to eat. She goes from cage to cage and samples all day. It doesn't matter that all the seed/pellets are all from the same container...it always tastes better when it is in someone else's cage and she can steal it out from under their beak. :pShe also has good manners. She likes to eat with her spoon. We had to change from plastic to metal though. After she was done, she liked to recycle the spoons and chomp them up...She likes to clean up after herself too...When she is done, she walks to the edge of the cage before flinging all food off of her beak, thereby ensuring that the food lands on the floor, not anywhere near her cage. She loves to play with Jay too. Whenever he sits down on the couch, she runs over (literally) and jumps on his shoulder and flips over on her back on his chest, wings spread, feet in the air and wants him to play with her and rub her belly, while she flogs her legs and bites him back....too funny... She is not above using the helpless damsel in distress cry also. She climbs in Joey's cage to play with his toys and when she gets caught by Joey or Spock (who likes to climb in Joey's cage too and play with his toys), she cries like a baby, sounding pitiful and saying "Step up, step up!!" until I come to the rescue...lol... Maggie
  20. What this person has done, I don't like!!!!, But he doe's have as much right to Thread andpost here as any of us!!! Jayd
  21. Your signature explains everything, I wish I read it first: "Due to budget cuts, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off." Mr. Jay-d Sheppard
  22. I HOPE YOU DON'T BUY ANY MORE BIRDS. You've never heard a Grey scream, or a Conure, or a Amazon!!!! And yes you don't know the trauma these two helpless creatures are going to receive, Oh-Well, they'll be re-homed any way, why not do it twice, and really traumatize them!!! Your doing the same thing the people did to you, in a perfect world they would have never lied to you, and you would have asked the forums before buying, how long did it take for me to answer you 'TOO question? Bird spelled backwards is Love, for Life. Mr. Jay-d Sheppard......
  23. No problem, Ecko won't hate you, he might even get closer to you, You hve to finish your schooling!!!!!!!!! He'll never forget you. Spock
  24. What ever tastes good.....Jayd http://birds.about.com/od/birdcages/a/travelcages.htm
  25. In your case, the only way to go is with a small cage...I will post a example later.. Jaydhttp://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2754303&lmdn=Bird http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2755099&lmdn=Bird
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