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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. That's great to see... Maggie
  2. Funny, I had a feeling you had everything under control.[lol] But fresh advice is always good. Good job my friend. Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock! Hey, Spock here!, can I come visit? It's about time I had a talk wit Issac about how to get more out of you!!!!! Live Long and Prosper Spock
  3. If anyone can do it, you can! Always remember whats worked for you before, where to place the cage, etc....Jayd and Maggie
  4. Jayd


    Thank you, We recommend "Zupreen Natural Pellet" and any seed mix with no or little sunflower seeds! remember, your only going to put a small amount of seeds. I believe, at Petsmart they have "Nutri- gold, [no sunflower seed] for cockatiel's which would be great for your baby right now. There's a lot of threads on pellets here, check them out. Also, put some veggies like small chunks of carrots, zucchini, yellow squash,, don't forget water, and Cheerio's!!! How about some pictures? Thanks Jayd
  5. There always so beautiful...Jayd and Maggie
  6. Jayd


    Hi, welcome to the forum, You got a little one huh! Well, the advice you've received is right-on, your baby should be fed 4+ times a day now, 25 to 30cc's is great. What is your tank temperature???, It's definitely time to have some pellet, and seed,s and little toy,s to keep your baby from being bored! The baby will keep eating when he's full. here's a thread about "Abundant feeding" http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189769-Abundent-Feeding!&highlight=abundent+feeding Kaytee exact! even though the container show's a photo of a CAG, they need more "fat and protein", it is my recommendation to switch to Zupreem embrace plus, or Kaytee Macaw formula! Thanks Jayd
  7. You did it lady! xx Jayd and Maggie....Up hill all the way!!!
  8. Great Annette! All members here at this Grey't forum, are here to help,including you, you watch, somewhere down the line, you'll have something to offer someone, I promises! Thanks Jayd
  9. This is only to thank you for you great concern for these wonderful birds of ours. From what I've seen and read after visiting your site, and reading your posts and threads, We commend you.

    Thank You.

    Jayd and Maggie

  10. kEEPER One day a woman's husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't "anymore". No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more "just one minute." Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and goes away, never to return before we can say good-bye, say"I love you." So while we have it, it's best we love it, care for it, fix it when it's broken and heal it when it's sick. This is true for marriage.....And old cars... And children with bad report cards, and dogs with bad hips, and aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it. Some things we keep -- like a best friend who moved away or a sister-in-law after divorce. There are just some things that make us happy, no matter what. Life is important, like people we know who are special.. And so, we keep them close! Sitting here wondering if I had any wounds needing to be healed, friendships that needed rekindling or three words needing to be said. Let every one of your friends know you love them. Even if you think they don't love you back, you would be amazed at what those three little words and a smile can do. And just in case I'm gone tomorrow... I LOVE YA ALL!!! Live today because tomorrow is not promised.
  11. Greetings, congrats to you. Everything sounds grey't. Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock Please keep us updated!
  12. Judy and Dave,gave you the best advice on both counts, Let the breeder wean them!.Some Greys are small, some are large, and they all eat differently. Sunflowers seeds aren't enough, a ayear old bird should have no more than 1/2 teaspoon of them a day! Besides formula, what else are they being fed? There's a lot of great posts on feeding baby's. If theses guys Aren't eating a variety of food's, you can't imagine the feeding problems you could have! Thanks Jayd Abundent Feeding! Abundant feeding, is exactly what the name apply, To have enough food available for your growing baby that they'll never have to search or worry about food. The change from "Rapid weaning" to "Abundant Feeding came about in the early "90's". A study of wild and hand raised Hyacinth Macaws showed that hand raised H macaw's of the time were stunted, smaller, and out of proportion. At the time, rapid weaning was in favor, hand feeding would be cut to force the birds to wean and eat solid food sooner. Through these studies, Abundant feeding came about. What is Abundant feeding? At all times you have more food available then is needed for the babies, yes some food is wasted, but you have a healthy bird...Have plenty of pellets and seed's available at all times, fresh veggies through-out the day, and most important, hand-feeding as long as the baby wants it, no exceptions.
  13. Point of Interest: If you look on some maps, you can see whats called "Shipping Lanes". On a map, find the Calif/Mexico border, go West, and a little south into Mexican waters.....
  14. Jayd

    Safe Cookware

    Welcome, sorry about Maggie. Most dark green leafy veggie's are high in calcium, as well as your egg shells as you know. Greys don't asbord calcium as well from foos as most other birds. The best source of calcium is sun light, if you could provide 15 minutes a day of unfiltered sun, you'd see a marked improvement, second to this is full-spectrum indoor lighting, which contains UVB, check out some pet supply"s on the net. Check out "bird food room". You'll find all kinds of grey't recipes! Jayd, Maggie and Spock and the flock http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?188081-Calcium-Food-or-Sun&highlight=lighting http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?171946-Spock-s-Favorite-Fid-Food/page2
  15. Thank you, very possible the change in day and night, could have bothered him. Yes, leave the TV or radio on, Find him some outside toys plus his towel. Remember, this takes time, maybe a little setback, just be patient. Question, was the cage returned to the same spot after you cleaned? How old is this baby? Don't let him see your worried or upset, he can read your emotions! So don't show your upset until you leave the room! It seems he might be missing you, he's already moved from one family to yours, maybe a little more attention, sit by his cage and read to him, show him the pictures. This takes time. Jayd and Maggie [spock]
  16. Jayd

    Safe Cookware

    This is from a ad! and Facebook. Cuisinart Green Gourmet Nonstick Fry Pan with Lid, Stainless Steel Completely free of PTFE and PFOA, this eco-friendly nonstick pan heats quickly and efficiently and may be used on all types of cooktops, including induction. * Two-ply construction sandwiches a heat-responsive aluminum core between stainless steel. * Ceramic-based nonstick interior is completely free of PTFE and PFOA and is made without petroleum. * Ensures fast, even heating without hot spots. * Tempered-glass lid.
  17. Always enjoy, Jayd and Maggie ....... "A simple reminder that if I cannot share it with him it's better to eat it in a different room." lol
  18. [i don't know what room to post this, it concerns all parrots?] The Beat goes on.. Mid 90's. somewhere off the southern most coast of California, hopefully international waters, dark calm sea, aboard a 35 foot "Cattle boat", ha, commercial fishing boat, off night, a few volunteers along with the skipper had plans to intercept a coastal freighter from a land far south of here. We new she was carrying illegal parrots! So, 1990's everyone in the business new the new import law would take effect soon, mad rush began between the legal and illegal importers of wild parrots. Most ligget people decider to become breeders. Bird farms started dotting the maps. At that time, we were paid twenty dollars a day to hand feed baby parrots of all kinds and sizes, that's 80 to 100 baby's a day.[Galvage fed] The breeders at least had control of who legally got the parrots. Grey's weren't to popular on the west coast at that time, the east coast took care of them, but boy did we have Amazons and every other kind of parrots there was! A lot of the coastal bird farms had little sections set aside for any recovering of illegal trade that was rescued. They would care for them and integrate them in to the normal flocks to insure they'd get a good home. Illegal? yea, but a far better fate then the one they were headed for. Lights out, the freighter was in view, most coastal sailed with there nets over the side's, parrots weren't there only traffic. In the last month we rescued parrots from two coastal, this was our last for this month. If caught, we'd get our hands slaped, it was worth it. So far so good, lights, what's going on??? O NO, THERE THROWING THE CRATES OVER THE SIDE!!, take the boat around starboard, get the crates out of the water! Move it!!!!! We recovered about half the crates, what a loss, we signaled ahead, the Coast Guard was waiting , they won't be sailing for a while, but there's so many to replace them. 2010, The Beat goes on!
  19. Jayd

    Sad yet Good!

    Mon, 2/8/2010 - 11:19 AM - By Jennifer M. Wilson Powell, OH - More than 1,000 endangered African grey parrots were delivered to the Limbe Wildlife Center in Cameroon last week after being confiscated as part of a $1.5 million illegal shipment at the Douala Airport. The shipment—that was scheduled to be loaded on to Ethiopian Airlines—was the largest on record and is the third major bust of African grey parrots in Cameroon in the past two years. The Last Great Ape Organization (LAGA), in conjunction with Cameroonian law enforcement officials, coordinated the bust. The parrots were destined for Kuwait International Airport and the Bahrain International Airport. Limbe staff members are scrambling to treat the parrots, many of which are injured or ill. Forty-seven parrots were found dead at the bottom of the crates upon arrival and another 30 did not survive the first day. “It is crazy,” said Limbe manager Simone de Vries. “It makes you sick to see how the parrots were packed in the boxes, the weaker ones trampled by the strongest.” http://limbewildlifecentre.wildlifedirect.org/2010/02/02/african-grey-parrots-the-illegal-trade-continues/
  20. HI!

    Glad to see you back online! How are you feeling? Everyone misses you!!!!

    Jayd and Maggie

  21. Hi, I'm Fatzon every now and then I'm going to bring you little tidbits of info about all us Amazons! It is recommend that a Zon be fed a fresh, natural diet that avoids overly processed or high-fat foods. Amazon parrots require a diet high in natural beta carotene. Root vegetables such as carrots, beets and sweet potatoes are important additions to the diet. Don't feed Amazon parrots a processed pelleted food as their main diet. Pellets do not contain the phytonutrients (chemical compounds found in foods that may prevent disease) that whole fresh foods have. Sprouted seeds and grains are also recommended.” Foods that are rich in beta carotene are green leafy vegetable,s such as Mustard greens and dandelion greens, and deep yellow or red vegetables such squash, red peppers, green beans, peas and broccoli. Soak or cooked grains that are high in nutrients but low in fat, such as quinoa, are also excellent to feed to Amazon parrots. As for treats, the usual goodies we feed our Greys, like nuts, must be reduced to "Special Treats", a little almond or walnut are fine. We also must cut down on cereals like cheerio's which are high in iron. Try keeping some thawed frozen pea's, not to many,their high in sugar! One of a Amazons favorite foods is sugar snap peas and fresh string beans. Par- boiling brings out the beta-carotene, especially in carrots and string beans. In mashes, we reduce the amount of beans we normally use for our Greys, use extra rice sweet potato's peppers, both bells [no green] and hot, mix in a little sesame seeds More to follow! Thanks All !!!! Fatzon.
  22. Thanks Dave, right on! In the part of Arizona where we live, we have both, on dry days we run the swamper, and on humid days the air conditioning. The Monsoons seem to start earlier each year, so were using more air. The average electric bill jumps in the summer to $350.00 to $500.00 plus! ours goes from $60.00 to $360.00, that's when we stop eating. We try to keep our temps at 72-74 degrees, year round. Jayd
  23. All's well, thanks to your quick response and your knowledge! Thank You.. Jayd and Maggie
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