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Everything posted by Joolesgreyuk

  1. Oh poor Janet! I hope you will feel better soon x
  2. Sadly we live in a throwaway society and this isn't just confined to consumables but to animals, birds and sadly sometimes even marriages and childen.
  3. What a wonderful outlook you have Dee!
  4. CAT LITTER? I used Tiggs as a broom to sweep the snow away, he had gone stiff, his tail makes a good handle. {Feel-good-0002006E}<br><br>Post edited by: Joolesgreyuk, at: 2010/01/06 21:26
  5. Hi Carol, yes maybe it is a macaw thing but Argyle is a moody lil fella. I do love him to bits but unfortunately the feeling isn't mutual lol. He is kinder to Steve and Jordan but doesn't have much time for me. Much of the time he will be less than pleasant to the afor mentioned too so I just think it's the way he is. I have sought advice and it appears that there could be other issues going on with him: 1. Hormones, he is over 5 yrs old now and therefore has become an adult bird with all that that entails lol 2. He appears to be territorial - doesn't like (mine in particular) hands in/near his cage. I have acted on the advice given but there is only so much you can do. As I said before, as a macaw his behaviour will be different than Beau's (a CAG) who is a more placid bird and easier to "read". Argyle was also pre-owned and therefore had to adapt to us as an adult. When all said and done I love him and am willing to take the good with the bad, he is a beautiful bird and doesn't deserve to go to yet another household, it is up to us to accept him as he is. Hey, my husband is moody - I'd rather give him up anyday lol!
  6. Dee, it is very brave of you to post this as it must be upsetting for you, however every publicised case makes us more aware of this disease so thank you for doing this. Lyn is quite right you are a valued member of this forum and we will all look forward to reading updates on Java.
  7. They don't give a monkey's uncle what you call them so long as they get your love and attention, that is all they require. If you'd be happier with a different name change it, it's no big deal.<br><br>Post edited by: Joolesgreyuk, at: 2010/01/06 11:27
  8. Jude it is 20 - 30 years since we had snow on this scale, here in the UK we are simply not equiped for it - simple as that. No wonder the Aussies call us "winging poms." Why can't we just enjoy the snow instead of all this negativity. A couple of weeks ago everyone was wishing for a white Christmas doh! My garden at 7-45 this morning.
  9. I don't see any reason why you can't freeze brussel sprouts. Incidently I tried these with my fids and they don't seem to like them.
  10. This is terribly sad, I share your pain and feelings of helplessness. If you feel this guy has Sinbad then you must keep in touch with him, pester him until he is sick of your calls. Here in the UK it is illegal to knowingly hold on to someone else's bird or demand money for him, if this is the case in the US then you must report this guy. Surely the person taking your call would also know if he had the bird - you can't exactly hide them can you! If I felt as strongly as you that this guy had my fid then I would persue it relentlessly. Please don't give up and please do keep us updated, we all care.
  11. Jayd, Pat has at least two large macaws that I can think of offhand, I believe she also has a severe macaw (smaller) two greys (possibly more lol) and I think she may also have an amazon. Why don't you pm her (it may take her a few days to reply) and she will be able to tell you all you need to know.
  12. Carol that is amazing, something like that would cost a fortune to buy. You are one clever lady B)
  13. I don't understand why they need to close schools - well actually I do elf & safety lol
  14. I'm not sure if you'd have the room but if I had a large house I'd very definately have a large macaw, of the Pat type lol, they are gorgeous and seem full of character.
  15. No wonder you are so devoted to your fids Caroline, they are lovely.
  16. He sure is handsome Caroline.
  17. I know, which is why I offered a kiss :laugh:
  18. Bernie I get the gist of your post but: 1, It was -9 here last night! 2, According to the evening news gas supplies are plentiful and 3, Scotland long with some other councils are having problems getting salt supplies to where they are needed as the average British winter doesn't usually get these prolonged cold spells. 4, We don't usually need the sort/amount of equipment places such as Norway does and wouldn't we be the first to complain if our councils spent our taxes on equipment which was used perhaps once a decade? I know your post is light-hearted Bernie but I had to point this out - sorry :kiss:
  19. Don't beat yourself up about it Penny - there but for the grace of God as they say, accidents will happen at the most unexpected times. I'm sure you are feeling terrible but Rikki's injuries do seem to be pretty light, all things considered. As others have pointed out it was very brave of you to post about this and I know you did so to prevent this happening to others, therefore you have my my karma for the day too. ;-) The main thing now is to ensure Rikki's swift recovery. Did you try the aloe vera gel? Jayd's suggestion of Neosporin Cream also sounds a good one. Please keep us updated.
  20. http://www.parrot-link.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39265
  21. Toxic or non-toxic it isn't something I'd encourage. Just because it's not dangerous to human children...neither are advacados.
  22. skeeterhawk, I know what you mean. Beau picked us too, I was only intending to buy a cage the day he "found" us. I think the smaller greys are so sweet, when I see big CAGs their size reminds me a little of a bird of prey with those big "shoulders" LOL
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