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Everything posted by tanyab

  1. omg,i took my little poodle for her walk and I stop to hear what i thought i heard was a... meow..no didnt hear it..but it went again jump out from under a car.He was so so sweet. he fellows me for my walk then I told him noway little guy my house is full.I went arcoss the stree toa friends who loves cats. I told her my house is full with teenager,dog and my twins.I just cant take anything else.she was happy to feed it and love on it,,about 2 hours ago i hear my dog barking and it was over that cat who has found my house,nononono..i sent it back across the street..lol
  2. thanks for posting the pics...ok i want rock there world around no more ..lol..And ye4s judy its already so hard to think i have to choose.how do you do this??choose???well, it bed time feeding and then they are down for the night,,,good nite friends
  3. ok,i was told it help build trust turn them upside down..and yes also to clean them.dirty bottoms.lol. Ill start playing with sep. bc they are biting me. at the same time.they bite me or each other.ill go tomorrow and get some wooden toys for them to play with.i need to get form. anyway. I did talk to the other mommy and she will be here tomorrow to play with one of them and says bring food for them.Im going to talk to her about if she still wants the baby or does she feel she has to keep her not to hurt my feelings...well they are sleeping again after there there baths...
  4. i have them on the floor with me at all they want to do is bite me?i turned the small upside and she screemed like i scared her to dealth....but after a few mins she was ok...now time to do the bigger one...upside down he will go....but why r they biting so much
  5. sorry, im making a mistake ive been giving them 50cc..I went to walmart and bought scales but they are not showing there wieght. i got the dig. kind.ill try again tonite when i get them out.there food is like baby food. is that to thick of runny? How am I doing??also what size cage should they be in? They are in a small cage for a conure.
  6. lol..lol..I dont think so.I draw line here...lol...should I up there cc in food this week .they will be 9weeks tues.?things are easier now but they still poop every time they breath out.lol.also when will they start bal. better on there porches?anything new for this week??thank you again
  7. Yes i agree they do get hot so easy. I let them play outside maybe 15mins in the shade.i cleaned there cages and just handfeed them.I also gave them a tiny bite of strawberry,melon and red pepper to play with.now, I have to take my son to the mall when i get back im going to wash off there underside.im sure they will love me after that.The bigger grey is wiping his beak on his porch. Thats new today.Be back on later.....after ther little bath.
  8. GOOD MORNING...The twins are doing good. Today Im cleaning cages.Also Im taking them outside, its going to 75 today.i thought that they may like getting some fresh air..getting out of the house some.Also, im going to get the dirty off of them.Im sure they will hate that.Im to fix them a mixtuere of carrots, rice,beans and pappers and something like this.they are drinking some water but not alot.check in later
  9. Ok on the apples..I think Ive been giving them to big of a peace.quarter of a slice.Im going to try carrots tomorrow. Half done i think you said.Yes I do wipe there feets and nails but there tummy is dirty. Im going to clean them tomorrow when its warmer in the house.with a warm soft wash cloth.I son baby sitt tonite.I made sure they have ate and cages was cleaned. I didnt let him get them out but he would walk through the living room every 15 to 30mins to speak to them and check on them for me.He was a big help. I had plans a month ago before the babys to go on a ghost tour of Asheville NC town with friends. Had a good time,but called and checked on the babys.Then it was feeding time when I got home. they was happy mommy was home food.cleaned them up to bed they went. i wanted to play with them but it was already past there bedtime. I told them play tomorrow love them nite nite. cover them up and turned out the light.
  10. can i give them a bath yet???i turned them upside down and there bottoms and tummy is dirty..The bigger one holds his foot inside his wings and the smaller one is climbing up her cage now.I gave them apples and the small grey eats it down but the bigger one just cant got that down yet.i think he trys to hold it and falls.
  11. Sorry Ive not posted..The twins are doing good.The feathers are growing and they are starten to climb.There face are begaining to feel out and the wings are also. Ill send jayd some pics and maybe he will post them for me for everyone to see them.They are eatting seeds , pellits, beans,corn,rice and peppers.Not liking water to much.Im going to try to get them out more this weekend and start with step up...Thanks everyone for your prayers and concerns. and hats off to jayd and maggie.
  12. Would anyone like to come a baby sit the twins???Be here soon...lol
  13. Thanks you so much for HELPING ME with my twins greys ....there in bed...
  14. Thanks...now we are on 3 feedings..at 45 to 50 cc?ok will do.ill feed them about 11 tonite then in the morn.then every 8 hours...ill let them sleep together but i willhave to sep. when they are awake.the bigger one is so much bigger that he really does hurt her.she makes a diff. sound when he climbs all over her.you can just tell...thanks so much and good nite...friend
  15. hi there, I posted this but i guess i lost it.so, if it post twice im sorry. yes i have them sep and ill put them together when im home to watch them.the bihher one is so much bigger that he can hurt the smaller one easy. there cages are together.I feed them at 930,200,715,and i been putting them to bed around 930 or so.but since they ate so early i may try to feed them again at 11.if im still up.the small grey is learning to stand on her porch ..her mommy didnt come tonite. i think shes changing her mind about her grey.i hoipe not bc i cant keep her.i gave them 45 cc to 50 cc at a feeding. is that still ok?? plus they are still eatting there pellits and ppl foods with that.
  16. lol...Hi there....Im sorry but I had to seperate the twins...The bigger one climb on the smaller one and hurt her..and then the small one bite the big one to hurt him back. I know it had to hurt a diff. cry came out and then they started to climb on each other..I put the smaller gry in a diff. cage they are still by each other and ill get them out togther. since ive put them in diff. the smaller one has learned to climb on her porch...Ill wigh them tonite before bed . i just got back from walmart with that. the other mommy didnt come tonite.which i was hoping she would but ok with that.i begaining to think she may have changed her mind..i hope not. things are good so far......
  17. Hello, Baby greys doing good today..Little greys mommy is coming today to see her...wish.. I think its great.I had a melt down last night over them..it seems like they poop every time they breath and Here at home Im getting no help that was promised when I got them.My bigger grey is doing good eatting pellits .There wings are growing so much.Once Again Ill say I wished I knew how much work it took to weaned them But Its ok..Jay has been alife savor for my babys and me. Its over whelming sometimes when Ur life is on 4 hours time .Ill be across town and have 30mins or so to get home..its hard.But I already love them, and they are so worth the all the time they need.Thanks so much
  18. good night..just feed them about 9. and played with them a few mins ..then to bed they went.cleaned there cage AGAIN...clean blanket for them to sleep on.ill check on them in a little whle before i go to bed.good day today...the bigger one learned how to walk on his proch a few steps then fall off. the little one want try.GOOD NIGHT MY NEW FRIEND
  19. ok will wiegh tomorrow.thats going to be fun...they get so scard to be picked up.they hold on for dear life....they are staying awake more now there in a cage.they have changed so much in this past week....the other mommy wanted to know how old can she take her baby??i told her when they are wened bc she want handfeed..ok thanks, im making spagg tonite for dinner.ill give them a noodle to play with...should it be cooked??
  20. ok ill feed them like norm..they are having a good day.playing with there peppers...im sure its going to take time to get them to just eat food with handfeeding them.they are doing real good...with foods.I want to take mine to the vet in a few weeks but my friend dont want to take hers.so, i may put it off till my friend takes hers home. thanks aGAIN FOR ALL YOUR HELP...dont know what i would have done with out you.
  21. wow i put 2 middle size tablespoon of mixture with a piece of red pepper and they are eatting...do i handfed again at 3?there are really eatting like they have done this before...they like the rice and corn,pepper...not much on beans
  22. things are doing good this morn..the biggest one is trying porc h...he did for a few mins then fall off.im fixing them there mixture of beans ,rice and corn. im give hem some peppers also.will i need to cute back ona feeding ??the bigger grey will eat but not suer about the small one. ill have to watch and see what happenes...thanks for all the concerns on my bigger one from last night. he seems to eb fine today..we think he got to hot...its a cooler day today outside...ill keep u updated on the food mixture..thanks so much
  23. i wish they could be together bc they love each..thery always look for each when they are sep.Thanks to you that Im even been able to keep them. I sure didnt know how much work and time babys are.they are worth it.the reason i ask about sep. is bc i have to pick one then my friend fay is getting the other one. i didnt know if i need to start sep. any yet. like during the day ..if not thats fine also. i wish i could keep them both but i cant and i really dont know which one to pick...i keep leaning to the bigger one. the one that got over heated. also, i hope u enjoyed your lunch..i knew u would get back with me i didnt worry about that. i trust you....thanks again...
  24. after lieing with me for about ahur he was fine acten. went to sleep and then i wake them up to feed them washed them off .clean there paper towls out of ther cage put in a baby blanket to sleep on then to bed they went. i covered the cage turn there nite light on and ive checked on them a few times and they are a sleep.i guess he just got to hot...when did u say to separate them?
  25. the air is on 72 but i didnt have the air on..no his in his cage with the small but the small one lies on top of him.no tub...but the house wasnt hot i didnt think...
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