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Everything posted by tanyab

  1. ok I will...good idea jay new post..no,the bars are the same as the one the bigger grey is in the cage now.just taller.twins ate good like norm.they are eatting more pellits and seeds.they are playing more on chewy paper toys. but they want to bite me??why?
  2. can I put the bigger grey in my bigger cage. its 2/2/3 cage??his catghing his wings on the side of the smaller cage.I know someone on here was telling the alful story about her grey dieing ina bigger cage whenher baby was 14weeks i think..he can bal. on one foot and his wings are touching each side. also. the little grey has out grown her small cage and i can move her into the one the bigger grey is in now...also, its time to name them...give me some idea. i know some ppl say it will come to me but its fun to hear ideas of everyones. i think everyone has watch them grew to this piont. I call the bigger one jackson sometimes..le about me know what u think about the cage and names?
  3. Thanks. again...They do look good..im so proud of them...i love them both....but i know so much more to look forward too
  4. Been in and out all day....The twins are doing good today..I sent new pics of them playing to Jay.They are eatting seeded treats.still not sure about them but I crumble them up and they will eat them out of my hand. They still want to bite on me???Still working on step up..not getting it...the smaller one is closer to step up then the bigger grey.Takes time..Thanks
  5. The twins are good.They was out playing and loving when i was gone to my grad. i got home i feed them and put them to bed. my smaller grey eat 55cc and the bigger one ate maybe 45 to 50. he has started to sling it all over me.He just dont want much at night to eat. he eats good in the morn and after noon but at night he dont and he dont the little one eats real good in the morn but at night it take her loner to eat.well, there in bed and talk tomorrow..nite nite..love
  6. ok,they ateonly eat 45cc. and yes, my other half loves them very much.And i think im going to put them basket to bal.and ok on the file do that tomorrow..thanks i hope i have a good time....post when i get back and let you kow how they was with the baby sitter..lol.. thanks love
  7. no its a porch i made...it like a T stand....ill send a pic tomorrow when i get it out of the basement.Ill have grad. at the high school tonite but my other half is staying with the babys while im gone.so, who knows what they will be doing...LOL..i just thought it would get them out of there cages with out me having to hold them.but i think they want me to hold more.also, those nails they have are like needles going through my finger and arms..what to do??
  8. Do you think the twins are to young to set on a porch outside they cage. is there bal. good enough?I hate that they sit at the door of there cage looking at me when im doing things in the house or reading i cant read or doing anything with out together....they have the sad face going on for me to hold them.The bigger one likes it out and walking around and see whats new in his world but the smaller grey wants to cuddle and hide her face.the new mommy came last night and pushng to choose one...and im having a hard time with that. ive not heard but maybe 2 sneezing today.which is good.
  9. ok I do..i talk to them all the time.i made them a mixture of rice,peppers, carrots, and afew cheerios.they will be busy for a little while.I garee with the name MRJAYD. I was confused at first .I agree he needs a name change please.Thanks and talk later....love
  10. Good morning My twins has eatting there breakfest ...55cc and ive cleaned ther cage.now , im fixing some rice and peppers for them to snack on. they seem to be doing good. Ive heard one sneeze i think .i wasnt in the room to know for sure.They are playing with there play cards chewing on them.Ill post again in a few when i get them more settle for the day. Thanks JAYD for your help and info and loving my twins
  11. i will post after i clean them up and feed them...ill see how they eat.good nite and thanks again...
  12. yes they eat there other feeding...im sure they will be hungrey in the morn.I really dont know how much seeds or pillets they ate today bc i was gone most of the day and tonite the other mommy came to see them.Ill try to get those scales this weekend and weigh them. walmart is on the other side of town wish it was closer..ok maybe not then i wouldnt have money...but anyway,they are a sleep.i dont hear anything out of them when i sit beside ther cage...thanks again..ill be worried all night about them..ill get up and check on them again in a few..not usre what to check on bc they are coverd up....
  13. there nose is dry..no fluids...they sound o sleep today when i was holding them.my vet is only on tuesdays.and i tryed to weigh them on this scale i bought but its not working and ill be taking it back this weekend to walmart.the temp is cooler at night but i have them coverd up.The last few days i see a diff in the bigger one eatting. he doesnt eat as much at night..and the small ones crop was full but the bigger greys wasnt. they was a sleep when it came time for a feding i had to wake them up. the smaller wanted to go to bed. i gave her her blanket she kicked around and lie down. the bigger want in my lap and dint want to eat or go back to his cage for bed.im trying to stay calm...omg what did i do wroung, ive tryed so hard to do everything i was told to do....
  14. ok.,i emailed u..i tryed to feed them but they wouldnt eat but 40cc or so.the bigger grey didnt want to eat maybe 30cc but i got close to 40 in him. he wanted me to hold him and not go back to his cage but i put them to bed...cover them up and gave them there baby blankets. ive vaccuum today but i do that everyday.i have them in frount of the door window where it would be the warmest of all. the sun comes in.i shouldnt have to give them a bath now that i took the place mate out the walk on the bottom of there cage but at nite they do have the blanket to sleep on.ummm...poop..the nose is dry,i look at the at every time i feed them.
  15. ok...yes i gave them a bath..i sit them in warm water bc there bottoms was dryed with poop and food and i tryed to get it off first with a warm cloth but it wasnt coming off. the smaller one kelp picking at it.also,the air con. is 72 in the house.no there nostrils are clear and dry..i keep watch them. also they are eatting.the smaller one eats better then the bigger one.im giving 50 to 60 cc. of form. they are playing like norm.they are sneezing a few times.im not sure how to keep it 78 to 80 in the house. that would be hot in here.ive not heard no cough at all.im on line
  16. Hi there..my twins sound like they have a cold.there sneezing(sp?)and they sound a little like a horse. or is that a sound they have??I have them at frencg door windows but theres no cold air coming in on them since its in the 70 plus here. i do have the air con. on but not on them. They are in cages on the floor.i cover them at night..the air cond. is set on 70.im kinda worried here..
  17. hello things are good. I have them sitting in frount of a window with the sun coming through...way to hot outside for them.There are starten play more. I put in new toys today for them to chew on.The other mommy is coming tonite. omg while im typing this the bigger grey just pour his water over...be back later.. they are moving around so much now.
  18. Hello, Why is the bigger grey not wanting to eat as much. This morning I went to feed them and the smaller one sucks it down but the bigger one isnt wanting to eat as much. i after about 20cc he acts like he dont want. He keeps food on the bottom of his beak and i he is begaining to look around and see whats going on around him. I dont know if he dont want to eat bc he wanting to be out into stuff or what???ill get some pics todayand send them to jayd.I have notice that they are up more playing inn there cages.
  19. ok ill send pics tomorrow. i just feed them and they must know its bed time bc i bed them in frount of there cage on a mate and when im done they turn around to go back into there cage for bed.i put in a baby blanket for them to sleep on and they go and lie down on it and then i cover them up telling them nite nite see u in the morning also,i ment to ask you when im feeding the bigger one he is starten to bob his head real fast and sometimes hard for the food. its like he gets excited. but he dont eat it fast also, his put his beak on me more like nippy me.the smaller one is still shy and cuddly.
  20. hi there I have the stypic powder and the apple cider vig. already.But i do need to get a carry cage for the vet. i have a small cage that i was going to use. for the vet and to sit outside. when can i move there porches up a little?they are still sitiing on the cage floor.also can i move out the place mates. the little poops on her and lies in it if i dont clean it first before she naps. things are good...i was gone alot today and will be tomorrow.but will be here on time for there feedings.wed is pt during the day for a few hours.i have to go.its for my stroke. i hope u had a good day today?? the twins are doing good but they are growing and featers are coming in so soft.
  21. Thanks Judy,i agree...The big grey seems to be the one i always reach for and he seems to like me more. he is into everything u have to watch him every sec. the small one will play in the same spot and not move. the bigger one is every where. u cant leave him.Thanks for your post, you have been such a great friend over this past year losing my phoebe to getting this baby. thank you for being there over these past months.
  22. Thanks jay. i will read it for sure.Eveery thing is mostly quite tonite. I had a friend over and we played with the babys for a long time. they are a sleep but im sure theyll be awake in a few mins to eat...These twins has been so much fun.Lots of work but worth every min. I had a stroke a few years ago,which took me out of work but the twins seems to bring alot of joy and for me to feel like i doing something again for a reason. If this make sence.They have kelpt me busy with out feeling sorry for myself...I do wish that i got them older but ive learned so much and met someone new friends through them. now, i have to choose..i still have a few weeks but i just dont know how im going to do that.It will break my heart to choose and to lose one.i love them both.there my babys thats put a smile on my face
  23. Hello, The other mommy came tonite with food and bedding..which im glad to have.I think shes wanting the small grey. she always wants to hold that one.The twins are pretty quite tonite..just playing in there cages. I had them out earlier.Feeding is at 10:00 then bed they go.Tomorrow if i get to the other side of town ill take the scales back.if not it will be this weekend before i can go to walmart. the twins are playing more with there feet and chewing on hanging toys.
  24. yes i tryed to weigh them but the scale isnt taking there weigh. its dig. but i dont understand why its not weighing. i think im going to take them back and get diff. scales.i do need to get them out more and play with them. jay told me to play sep. now bc they are biting me...there so funny.ok as im typing they are napping.i do try to play with them as much as i can..in between the norm of things i do during the day.this is why i need the other mommy here to help me play and spend more time with them. my son likes them but dont want to touch them.hes scared of them.thanks for getting back with me...
  25. Good morning..Yes i agree about the cat. I dont need anything else. my neighbor took the little cat and i hope she keeps him. The twins are good. I fixed them a few things this morning to snack on. The smaller grey jump into her snack but the bigger one stands back and looks at it.The smaller grey is a good ppl food eatter,the bigger grey isnt. I have to watch him and try to get him to taste things.Things are pretty quite this morning.Ill get them out in a few mins.They norm. take a morning nap but today they seem to be up and awake.they seem bord,just sits there looking at me. i gave them toys and chewing wood and paper things to play with.ok ill check back later today and give u a report on there day.If you have info please send it....Thanks again jay,maggie,dave and judy.my twins are so lucky to have u guys
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