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Everything posted by tanyab

  1. Thanks, I thought about goodwill..i like going there for baby toys for my birds.. The twins ate good this morn.. trying to get a hold of my vet to see about bringing them to be weighed.Ill let you know
  2. no cant keep both ..love to but only one is mine.
  3. ok ill give that much to them in the morn. yes, when i put there blanket in there cage after there last feeding they will climb back in and scrach around there blanket till its where they want its.like a dog fixing its bed. what are they going to do when they get to big for there blankets?they still sleep on the floor of there cages.i wanted them to stay warm and lie on something soft...good nite..talk tomorrow morn.TAnya
  4. thanks jayd for this post..yes i want to hear what to be looking for next as my babies grow. tell me ur storys...how fun they can be and yes even some bad things also. i love my babies and they are growing so fast but having 2 of the same age is a handful. help me out.....thanks
  5. just put the twins to bed they ate great...55cc wanted more.but they eat some seeds and pellits beforei feed them. i didnt want them over full.but they are done and in bed on there baby blankets...
  6. omg, its almost time to feed and the twins have been eatting the last 20mins non stop.so, i hope they eat good form. before bed.we will see.they are doing really good eatting the seeds but not much pellits. the smaller one drink water better then the bigger one.just to let u know..thanks
  7. ok ill try to get some scales asap...i a little low on money right this min but ill get some. ill call the vet tomorrow to weigh them. thats better then nothing....Thanks for all of your help....
  8. i dont know what to say??ill try to find some more scales then...sorry....
  9. when i weighed them again its the same .5kg which says 1lb and he is .6 which is 1.25lb again. is this better.i did it 3 times and it says the same. are they ok?
  10. ok im going to wiegh again in a few..
  11. hey OK i weighed them on a baby scale..the smaller is .5kg the bigger one is .6kg...what does this mean?good pr bad?thanks
  12. Thanks sounds like fun..love to read everyone storys..Thanks again jayd
  13. Just called the vet.they are closed today.so, ill call again tomorrow to weigh them.
  14. Ill feed them at 930 and again at 930. My son goes to bed at 10. so, I try to get all babies in bed at 1000.Im going to call me my vet and see if i can bring them down there to weigh them today. they eat really good in the morn. they had 55cc this morn.and now, eatting again at out there bowl. i have there seeds and pellits mixed together should i put them in 2 bowls. i dont really want my on seeds.I think ive picked the big one and im naming him jackson.
  15. why is my twins eatting like they are?they are not eatting much form..should i be scared.
  16. I just feed the twins for the last time and they just dont want the form. i had to make the bigger one eat what i could till he spit it out or slings his head and the smaller one didnt want it, aftershe ate what she wanted. i stoped then she went to her bowl of pellits and seeds to eat. they just dont eat like they did days ago....
  17. i know...ive tryed the last two weeks.. just to let you know the smaller grey has been eatting for 30mins inseeds and pellits.none stop...but she dont like my dog. every time my dog passes the smaller greys cage that mouth pops open and she growls at her..the bigger grey dont care bc when i had himn ouy lillie licked his beak...lol
  18. I agree they are diff. but i do think ill keep the bigger one but dont know for sure...lol.its hard...i still have a few weeks.....im calling my dog vet tomorrow and ask if i can bring the twins over to weigh them..he might let me.. he really dont like birds but ive bought him lots of cars..lol...with my poodle wich broke her back a few years ago by jumping off a table. shes only 5 pounds..the bigger grey is almost the same size as her.. i got the twins some diff seed mix last night and they love it..but i want my on pellits.well,taking lillie (dog) for her after noon walk back on in a few...thanks
  19. ok, ill go back to walmart again this week to see if they have that one. i got a reg. scale to weigh on.sorry.i tryed and tryed to get it to weight them but they just dont weigh enough yet.
  20. ok thats said easier then done. Ive tryed to pick one but its hard. they both love me. i thought that one would pick me but they both fight over me. i love them both and i would be happy with both.so, maybe if i can tell you alittle about them that everyone can help give me idea.i really dont know!ok, the bigger one is more playful,talkive,likes to see what u are doing.. the small is smaller then the other,likes to cuddle,eats good but likes to hide.not as talkive and playful yet.
  21. I got dig. scales and they still want weigh...i even tryed a food scale they weigh to much for that.so, i dont know there weight still. ill ask my neighbor if they have scales that will weigh. these that i bought was the only ones at walmart.sorry...but they are eatting ppl food,pellits and seeds. i dont know what else to do.sorry!
  22. ill try that again after i eat dinner....weigh
  23. Cleaned cages today..fun fun..also the twins didnt eat as much today. it seems like during the day they dont eat as much as they should. the smaller one ate 40cc and the bigger one eat 30c. half of what they norm eat.they eat again tonite before bed.maybe they will be more hungrey....
  24. Also new pics under the other post ,thanks Jay for posting them.
  25. Im looking for ideas on the names for the twins.Everyone has been watching them grew till now,so, Im asking what would you name them???
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