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Everything posted by tanyab

  1. I walked by the cage a few mins ago and my bigger grey was lieing on his side head down breathing hardand his wing was lieing to the side also.. I had my air con. off so it was warm in my house.so, i picked him up ..turn on my air and lied him on my lap, his falling a sleep some and his breathing is better.im holding him and his a sleep now...
  2. ok enjoy ur lunch and talk tonite..thanks again..camera ready always now..lol
  3. they sound like the are growling at each..are they talking???they are talking deep.. (growling)
  4. ok will do. i feed them like norm. and they are full now....talking and walking around some.
  5. ok thanks..did u see where the vet told me to feed them rice,beans and corn mixture???what kind of beans would you. also he said to feed them every thing..i cant beleive how they like apples....they are trying to play more. it seems like they been awake more today..
  6. no not as full after a feeding but has food in there...the lg greys has been eatting pellits and apples the small grey has been picking. no the first feeding is was at 10:00.
  7. Babys done good during the nite in there cage. I put a blanket on the bottom and you can see they havnt moved much but today the vet called and said to start with some beans,corn and rice mixture and try a little apple.i need to run to the store for the mixture but did give apple and they are picking at it. the lg grey is eatting it the small is just picking at the apple.also, the lg grey is eating pellits. its time for a feeding but the crop looks like theres food still inside..Do i feed?ok as im typing they are eatting some apple....what do i do now??
  8. tanyab

    just asking

    i was talking to jjhoney and she told me the alful news of her grey dieing..omg,i just put mine in a cage at 8 weeks and herws 14 weeks when died in the cage.i put a blanket over the grate on half od the side of the cage, which they are a sleep on. i also covered them up but one conner is uncover.they seem to like it
  9. tanyab

    just asking

  10. tanyab

    just asking

    I so agree with judy...thank you again again....thanks judy they are sweetheart...
  11. tanyab

    just asking

    Thank you. ive been trying to rub that off after i feed them but it dry so fast.I will.Thanks for telling me how with out hurting them.i was told not to rub the hard feathers that it hurts but the dry feed is stuck in them..will do....the smaller grey has white toe nails...i thought they was to be black.shes the shy one...(smaller grey)
  12. tanyab

    just asking

    Thanks for the pics!!!!i will tonite in the cage they go.
  13. tanyab

    just asking

    they can have wood toys and paper toys right???and put crumble pellits for them..thanks
  14. tanyab

    just asking

    sorry, i just re-read your post....and i see i can put hem in a cage. i will do this tonite....nomore light for the warm....the lg grey was begaining to get hot in the light box.i will send pic of the cage tonite on your email...please tell me what u think...thanks again
  15. tanyab

    just asking

    wow sweet. he looks like my smaller grey....so, when can I put them in a cage???love your grey..
  16. tanyab

    just asking

    they do walk but on there beak and very low to the ground.they will stand stright up and look around but they dont walk stright with there heads up. when i pick them up they use there beak to hold my clothes first before the feet or legs and body even touch my clothes.is this making sence? maybe they are scared?the other grey mommy is pushing to pick out the grey i want and i think i want the bigger one but not sure. he fellow me with his head raound the house.also,the bigger grey will climb out of the box. his learned to use his beak and feet to pull himself up....his the quacker.the big quacker. the small one is lay back and watches everything he does first...i really wanted to send u a pic bc of the size and the diff. in how much feathers one has then the other...the small one is 3 days younger....thanks
  17. tanyab

    just asking

    ok.Im to put them in a cage now???together??they been under a light bed.and i have giving a stick of mellit to them. the small grey like it butt the bigger grey dont even try....also my question is...one grey is going to be on seeds ,my grey is going to be on pellits.how do i do thid them together??also do u have a fb. i was going to put pics on there of them up close for you to see them or you have a email?i dont know how to put pics on here yet.I have fleece blanket for them. I laid them on the floor ona blanket yesterday and laid with them. they dont walk really...thank you soso much for sticking with me. the nurse called from the vet today and the doc vet will call me tomorrow.talk soon
  18. tanyab

    just asking

    THANKS!!! I have been with them every min of the day,i even get up with them at night but today i was pulled in every dir. there was.I have kept on the same schedule since I got them. I do agree with you and I have made most of my plains around them and will keep doing this till they are older.I can say this I have learned so much with them and they are such a wonderful gift to have.I already love them both and its going to be hard to give grey away to her new mommy after Ive taken care of them. I had a neighbor come over today wanten to see them and i made him wash his hand before he touch them and WILL NOT let anyone hold them yet.Im very careful with them myself and I just dont want anyone to hold them and drop them. Whats should I be doing this week?they will be 8weeks tuesday.
  19. tanyab

    just asking

    Todays I had to be somewhere at the time it was time to feed.so, I gave them half of what they was eatting 1hour before time then I when i got back it was 3 hours after and they was hungrey.I gave them there reg, feeding then.I think they ate a little to much . so, Im going to hold them off for 41/2 hours or 5 before there next feeding befor bed.Do you think they should be ok???Did I do wroung about feeding them??Or how would I handle this .when I have to be somewhere and it in between feedings? Today grey 2 new mommy came to see her and played with her grey.which was nice to see her coming to see her grey.Im going to miss grey 2 when she goes to her new home.I beleive I have picked the bigger grey..and named him alex or jackson.he seems to like me more. he fellows his head around watchen me when im walking around the house. nothing much happened new today.they sleep alot today but we was up late with friends over last night.baby greys are doing ok....
  20. Today The babys are playing with wooden feet toys.chewing off wood already. I also gave them a stick of millet.They are picking on that.They seem happy this morning.Thanks again for everyones help and the great info. Also, looking for names..what would you name your new baby?
  21. my fb is Tanya Brooks Cathey...ask to be friends

  22. tanyab

    just asking

    ok will do....yes please stay with me...And Thank you so much.....i put pics on my profile...they are so sweet....they learned how to kick there bedding out of there box today.lol..
  23. tanyab

    just asking

    I am Judy,Im writing everything down and doing what they tell me....I agree that Im over my head but I do have them now and I have to have faith that i can do this with help of friends.I already love them both and I want to do everything i can for them.I taking them VERY SEROUS and I dont want nothing bad to happen to them.Im n for doing everything i can for them...Thanks for ur help and just put a little prayer up for us...
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