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Everything posted by Summerc25

  1. Thanks all I am in for a lifetime treat, He is such a sweetie and already adapting soooo well. I just wish I was off work Monday so I can stay with him lol I am going to take some new pics soon and maybe a video
  2. My sweet little Shaka Zulu moved in today So far everything is great! He is stepping up for me and being so sweet already He spoke tonight too, he only said his name but I think that is good his first night in a new home. Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/04/11 09:59<br><br>Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/04/11 10:00
  3. Awwww he is so precious Carol Great pics!!
  4. Awwww he is so precious Carol Great pics!!
  5. Julie I am so sorry for your loss Gomez was a beautiful little guy and that horrid vet should be out of business. I hope that every pet owner in your area sees this and never takes their pets back to this man. *hugs*
  6. That is a scary link. If that stuff is true, that "director" needs to be thrown under a jail!
  7. I am so happy that she is doing better
  8. I am praying for you and little Sherlock. *hugs* and prayers for you both! Please let us know how she is doing as soon as you hear anything.
  9. Hi Joe I just read your background story. Karma to you for taking Joey in and giving him a loving forever home! Glad you are back with us! Summer
  10. Thanks Tyco's mom I don't really have a room where there is absolutely nothing that he could get into. Hmmm I will have to try to figure out a way.
  11. Thanks Carol Your baby is sooooo adorable btw!
  12. Thanks all for the responses. Well Shaka Zulu is a 5 year old bird so he has been living in freedom without being shut in the cage for 5 yrs. She has his cage there but leaves it open so he can come and go from it as he pleases. She has done a phenomonal job with him, raising him and all. He is very even tempered and not a much of a biter. This might be bcause he is allowed so much freedom. I am getting home on Friday or Saturday though and I will see how he reacts to the cage some if I leave to go to the store etc. He is keeping his current cage for now. She and I thought that would be best because he is comfortable with it. I will be looking to buy him a new bigger one in the next few months. It is a cage that is fine for Greys but I would rather he had a huge cage when I am going to be gone 8 hrs a day to work. He only has one toy in his cage now. She said he does not care for them but I am going to have some new ones waiting on him to try them out. I think when he destroys the toys, she took that to mean he does not like them. Really, they love to shred toys up.
  13. Thanks all You're right Storm it is going to feel like a year. I will have to stay very busy so it can pass quickly. I hope he will not be too traumatized since I have gone to visit several times and held him and talked to him, etc. My main concern is that he is used to being out of the cage 24/7 with the door never shut. I work everyday and I don't want him to be able to hurt himself when I am gone and he is roaming freely in a room but I also don't want to make him very upset by being in a cage during the day when he is not used to that. Any suggestions? Do any of you let your birds stay out when you are not home?<br><br>Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/04/05 06:48
  14. Thanks guys The weather was really nasty Thursday and I just got to go today. I posted a new topic about it but I will say it here too, she said for sure today he is mine She is bringing him next weekend!!!
  15. Yay I am so happy !!! I got the final word from Shaka Zulu's current owner. She said he already seems to trust me and like me and she is bringing him to live with me next weekend. I can't wait! He is just the best bird ever and has such a good temperment. Once the little guy gets settled in I will take some more pictures to show you all and maybe even some videos if I can figure that one out
  16. I am so sorry for your loss *Hugs*
  17. I just read this. I am so so sorry
  18. Yay heard from her today She said they all really like me and now it is up to Shaka Zulu to see how much he likes me. I am going to visit again Thursday and she wants to show me how to clip his nails and wings. Let you all know how it goes Hopefully he won't be too mad about the nails and wing. I really would take him to the vet. I do not want to do it myself at all Hopefully she is only going to show me again...lol
  19. I know you are right Luv. I am just a worry wart. I will feel better when she emails back. The only thing that could make her change her mind is if she decides she cannot bare to part with him...lol She really loves him and I can tell she is torn. She wants him to get more attention yet she feels like life will slow down later and she will regret letting him go. I am only worried because she was emailing back the same day always and now it has been since yesterday afternoon but I am sure she is just busy. I am just using my worried energy to get everything ready for my little man and if for some reason it does not workout, another bird will come along I am sure. I just want this one lol
  20. Thanks allfor the comments. I am getting really nervous that she has changed her mind or something though because we have been e-mailing pretty regularly. After I got home Saturdy I e-mailed her t say thank you for letting me come spend time with him and that I just loved him. I told her I definitely want him as long as they all approved of me and now I have not heard back from her She had said to come anytime this week to spend more time with him and get him used to me before I take him. Now I am just so worried. I don't want to bug her e-mailing again. I guess if I don't hear back tomorrow I will call or e-mail. She talked as if it was a done deal Saturday, gave me the book she read when raising him to take and read and she showed me how she clipped his nails and wings. She was even saying that she was going to clean all of his stuff up for me, etc. I am probably just worrying for no reason but I cannot help it I really feel like he is the bird for me. I have been calling him "my bird" for days. Since sh and I discussed me getting him on April 10th, I have been painting my whole house because I was planning to anyway and I needed to do it asap now because I can't once I have him here and I needed to be able to leave windows open and air it out for two weeks lol
  21. I am glad to hear that Sue. I hope this means he is starting to come back around to you He is gorgeous btw!
  22. Summerc25


    I am so sorry about Cracker's accident I hope he is feeling better soon! Sending some prayers to you nd Cracker!
  23. Beautiful grey! Welcome to the forums! You will find all of the help you need with these great people Congrats on getting your baby!
  24. Thanks Carol I was relieved. I asked her but she said money was not the issue really that she wants a good home for him. I just emailed and asked again though if when I come to visit this week I should bring a deposit...lol She evn called her husband in and said look how relaxed he is with her! lol
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