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Everything posted by Summerc25

  1. Thank you all for the replies btw
  2. he is eating and drinking fine, acting cuddly and normal. I still think I am going to call and get him checked just for my peace of mind and great idea about just a nail clipping. I will spend the money for a full out appt if he needs it but I have spent over $600 with this vet since I got Shaka Zulu in April or May and he is healthy and not sick. He always sells me some vitamins and stuff everytime I am there lol He knows I love my bird and if he says he needs it I buy it. I do think it is just the crop though, it is normal looking again.
  3. I looked through his cage and nothing at all is missing. He has not been doing that either Dave so maybe it is just normal. I have been more of a freak lately about any little thing because when he had loose stools a few weeks ago and I had to take him to the vet about that it scared me. So now I am noticing every little thing. Casper I don't think you could even see it in a picture. I think it is probably nothing but if I still notice it later I will call the vet and see if I can just run him by to set my mind at ease. Thanks
  4. I have never noticed it before but he usually does not like me to touch his throat area so I really felt it and not saw it. I am going to look through his cage and make sure nothing is missing. He is acting fine but they do until it is too late. The only other thing I have given him that he does not usually have is Pine Nuts. I tried them before and he threw them away well now he decided he loves them. Surely he did not eat any of the shell. I saw him breaking them open and spitting shell out lol
  5. I don't know if I am just really paranoid about my bird or what. I spent $200 taking him to the vet a few weeks ago because his poop seemed a little runny. The vet checked him and did a gram stain and said his good bacteria is still a little low and gave me meds for that to give him. Now I noticed last night that he seems to have a little lump in his throat and maybe it is just his crop being a little full? I noticed it last night and he still seems to have a little lump in his throat unless he really stretches his neck. Does this seem normal to you guys?
  6. I cannot even read the article. Some people just make me absolutely sick and I agree with everyone he should have his eyes pecked out by the birds that are still alive and his wife should too if she knew about it and did NOTHING. I just don't understand why alot of people do not realize that if a person can be that cruel to an animal, guess what? A human is their next victim. Normal people do not do stuff like that. Okay off my rant... On a lighter note hi everyone Ihave not posted in quite a while but Shaka Zulu and I are doing well and I hope everyone else is
  7. Awww I am so happy for you that he gave you a kiss. It is so sweet when they do that! I am sure he realizes he has the best mommy ever and is so happy and relieved
  8. Oh, I totally understand, I was not trying to be ugly at all. I just wanted to let you know the other ones are there so you could see pictures etc if you had not seen them. Thanks
  9. Hi Judy I did keep his name Shaka Zulu. He seems to like that name and I didn't want to confuse him by changing it. I actually got him over three weeks ago, I was just responding to Sarah David asking me the other day if I got him. She had not seen my other posts. I have posted photos and stuff on here somewhere. I am sure you have already read and replied to many of my posts
  10. My bird whistles for me like he is calling a dog everytime I walk out of the room lol so I think it is pretty normal. He wants me around 24/7 so I think they all have different personalities. Some are a little more clingy than others maybe. I feel like an abusive owner because I have to leave and go to work during the day He always acts so sad and mad when I go!
  11. I did gt him and I adore him He is the sweetest litte guy and h is making kissy noises at me right now while I am typing lol Thanks for asking about him
  12. Also, don't worry about him lashing out or trying to bite when you get near his cage. They are a little territorial about the cage sometimes. Mine was for a few days until he trusted me. Now I can stick my hnd in the cage anytime and he will love on me. Sounds like you are getting a long wel already! My baby speaks Urdu, I think that is the spelling. It is the laguage of Pakistan. He knows some English too though. Karma to you for giving an older grey a second chance at a forever home! You will be so glad you did
  13. Also Sarah David, you may want to take the kitten to the mother for a visit and see how she reacts. If she takes the kitten back in then you could ask th owner to hold the kitten for you and letthe mother take care of it for 3-4 more weeks. I do not think the mother will rejectit at all. I actually think the mothr would be thrilled to see her baby. Cats are much smarter than that plus mother animals often take inany baby, even when it is not their own. YOu could try it and see
  14. I second that on spaying the mother! Please encourage the original owner to do so. There are sooooo many little kittens that need homes. It makes me s sadto think about it
  15. Honestly if you return the kitten, the original owner will likely just give him to someone else who may not be as concerned for his well being a you are. I would take him to a vet. Ask the vet how many times a day he should be eating etc. Get the sneezing checked and ease yur mind on his health. He will probably be fine. I have bottle raised several kittens that I found etc. Please let us know how it turns out. I hope you keep that little baby because at least we know he will have a good home with you Hope everything goes well!
  16. OMG that is one of the cutest hings I have ever seen!!! All black cats are my favorite, they are so sweet and lving. Glad that baby got a good hom with you Sarah!
  17. Congrts on the new baby I am sure he will b so happy to have a neand loving forever home! Karma to you
  18. Great posts! I ended up choosing to rehome a bird and I couldn't be happier. My grey has already gone trough some of the phases they go through at maturity etc and he is a little love bug. I think, similar to what Baxters mom said, whether it is a baby or an adult anyone gets, they need to be devoted to enriching the parrots life and taking proper care of him or her. If they are, either choice will be fine.
  19. Thanks guys He weighs 411. The vet said it would not be a big deal but he was a large structured Grey so he wants him to gain 30-50 by next month.
  20. So I took Shaka Zulu to the vet today, first visit since I have had him. Everything looked pretty good. The Vet said his good bacteria was a tiny bit low so he gave me some benebac, which btw is NOT going so well. Shaka Zulu apparently thinks it is very evil stuff and he hates it. He also gave me some stuff called Bird Rain because I told him when I tried to bathe SZ he freaked out. He is a very calm sweet bird but baths are not something he enjoys at this point. I don't think he had one for quite a while before he came to me. Has anyone ever heard of this bird rain? I want to be sure its okay to use before I do so. He also was a tad underweight. The vet said he was not concerned but he wants him to gain. I have been feeding him several times a day and he is never without food so I have to stop that and give him several meals a day and not leave his fod available he entire day and only small snacks in between. The reason I was letting him have food constantly is because I could tell he was under weight when I got him. Anyway we both really liked the vet. Thanks
  21. Welcome Miki and Gary! You will find all of the help you need here I am a pretty new grey owner myself. I must say I was very lucky and got a very well adjusted and secure bird. Just give Gary some time and talk to him a lot near his cage and speak softly to him. It may take him a little more time to feel comfortable and trust you, especially if he has been mistreated before.
  22. welcome kathy and ziggy :-) glad to have you here! you are an awesome person for giving an older bird a new home and a second chance! well third chance in this case ;-)
  23. Hahahah poor little pepper How can you be so cruel Dave?!? :laugh: My baby really is going to think I am a horrible, cruel person tomorrow because he has to go to the vet Right now he is being tortured with fresh fruit and a nice new cage with lots of toys.:evil:
  24. Welcome Mark Bogie is a lovely little guy! Welcome to the family!
  25. Thanks all he is loving the new cage That is so funny about Fergie, Patricia! She just decided it was hers..hehe
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