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Everything posted by Summerc25

  1. Good luck and I hope you find Sammy a wonderful home! I am glad you care enough to try to find him a home with an experienced CAG person. Sounds like you love him alot and I hate that you cannot keep him
  2. Awww poor little guy Have you taken him to the vet? Maybe something is wrong. I agree with the the others, force feeding could kill him accidentally. Just make sure he has constantly fresh food and water. If you are watching him a lot maybe leave the room for an hour or two and leave him with plenty of fresh food and water. He may be scared and maybe he will eat if he is alone for a few minutes. Please keep us posted, I will pray for your little guy!
  3. I hope Spock will be doing better soon!! Prayers your way!
  4. Awww Jennifer, I am very tempted here because I am in Alabama which is not too far away. I think my grey would be very upset at having to share my attention though. I am so happy to see that you are looking for a good home for him on a forum with a lot of people who love greys. Good luck to you on finding him a wonderful home!!!
  5. Any news on Sindbad? Just wanted to check on you and see if you have had any sightings or anything or better yet found Sindbad.
  6. When you call your family who is keeping your fid while you are on vacation and ask to speak to your parrot....lol Great thread btw!!!
  7. That was so cute! He even had his wings going
  8. Thank you guys so much! I am definitely following all of your advice. I had to go out for a while this afternoon and luckily he seems happy to see me right now and is being sweet. I think he is molting a bit as well because I feel the pin feathers, so it must be a combination of the two. I gave him a very good long shower today and I hope that will help too. Thanks again, I know it is just a phase, this happened once before (several months ago) and it only lasted a few days to a week thank goodness
  9. ohhh I did put a new toy in his cage but only because he seemed to love it and took to it right away maybe that is it. Thanks for the response!
  10. oh I forgot to say it is only when he is on his cage, when I can get him off the cage he is fine. I always handle him when he is on the cage though and never have a problem. I don't know if it just because he is feeling territorial or what. The problem is I can't get him off the cage easily right now because he is going for the fingers if I try to get him to step up and he usually doesn't do this.
  11. Shaka zulu has been really ugly with me lately(past week or so) and biting much more than normal. I was searching the forums for stuff that makes them grouchy and I found that if they are horny they get grouchy. Well he does the dropped wings, panting and trying to regurgitate stuff at me quite often. Could this be why he is so angry?? It is off and on. This morning he lunged and bit my lip and made it bleed then a few minutes later he was back to normal talking and calling me but he has still been very nippy. Tried to bite me two other times but I got my hand back in time. Now the problem is he is going to think he is all boss and I am scared of him biting. I am trying to not allow myself to pull back but when I know the bite is coming I can't help it..lol What should I do when he does that dropped wing thing and all that? Leave the room for a few minutes? Please help me get my bird to be sweet to me again. I cried and cried this morning, because it hurt my lip and mostly my feelings.
  12. I am so sorry lindsey It does get better eventually. I have never lost a grey but I lost a cat before that I absolutey loved and adored. I thought I would never get over the heartbreak and to be honest I won't totally. I do think about it much, much less often now but I still cry when I think about him. This has been 4 years ago. It is always heard to lose a beloved pet and never easy to get over. *hugs* I hope your heart feels better soon hun!
  13. Thanks Luv and thanks for the advice Lambert I had a really hard time getting him to try new foods since I have had him. I was so excited when he went after that corn with such relish. We have tried corn before and he removed it from his dish and threw it on the ground...lol I read a thread on here somewhere saying pretend it is so delicious and its yours then offer it to them. Works like a charm. I got my piece of corn and gave him his. Then I carried on about how delicious it was and he went over and tasted a little bite. Then he tore it up lol
  14. I leave shakazulu's tv on Disney or Nick Jr when I am not home. He makes a lot of crazy cartoon sounds but I don't think I have ever heard him say anything from the tv. Well with the exception of wiggles wiggles wiggles lol from that show the wiggles. He was on that big time for a while. He loved yelling wiggles wiggles wiggles!! I did notice when I tried the news one day to see if he would learn any words instead of cartoon sounds, he was not in a good mood that night so I changed back to cartoons. He seems to prefer them hehe
  15. They are replaced. My baby is 5 yrs old and he has new ones coming in all the time and like Char said it will look like an explosion of little down feathers around his cage.
  16. Everyone else gave great advice. It could take him weeks to feel comfortable. He may talk and just not be talking in front of you yet, however some greys don't ever start talking. Most do, but some don't. Just show him a lot of love and patience and he will probably want to communicate with you and therefore start talking. Hope to hear more about your new baby
  17. We had some corn tonight He scratches his beak up ALOT, you can probably see it in the pictures. Is this normal? The last time I took him to the vet it was like that and the vet said it needed to be trimmed a bit (which I don't think it really did and we will NEVER EVER be doing that again) It traumatized him and hedidn't eat as much as normal for a few days and I was freaking out. When I called, the vet said it was just because his beak felt different. and got some new toys, which surprisingly one of them he took to right away. The other one he was petrified of so it is sitting near the cage so he can see it and get used to it for a day or two. Ignore the corn on his cage, this was just after he tore up a piece of corn hehe Here he is just stretching Here he is on his playstand with another toy <a href="http://s993.photobucket.com/albums/af56/Summerc25/?action=view&current=szonplaystand1.jpg" target="_blank"><="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
  18. Karma to you for taking in a rescue Glenda! Welcome to the forum and we are glad to have you There are some awesome people here that are very knowledgeable. Trust me, I have asked plenty of questions. No one will think they are stupid questions. I think everyone here is concerned about the well being of the greys so we are all glad to help in anyway when people have questions. I am not nearly as knowledgeable as many of the other members but I will try to help anytime I can. You are already giving that grey a second chance at having a happy life with a companion and that is just AWESOME!
  19. Hi and welcome to the forum Cool name for your baby! Can't wait to hear more about Piccolo.
  20. Welcome Kevin and Dorian Glad to have you here!
  21. I am so sorry it was not Sindbad I hope someone who loves him buys that grey too since that guy was going to be so fast to sell him for 1K. I really hope you find Sindbad soon. Praying for you and Sindbad! *hugs*
  22. He is quite a beautiful little guy but I am at work min. of 8 hr a day. Shaka zulu gets out as soon as I get home and stays out. Everything I read about that little bird says they need a huge aviary, they love acrobatic flying. I had never really heard of them before but I would love to see him fly. The person said he tried to get hm to stop plucking with showers and treats but nothing works. I think it is because he cannot fly freely. I told the guy that everything I read said they need a very large space, ie. an aviary, to fly in and that I could not get him for that reason. I said I hope you find him a great home with someone who has enough space to let him fly alot. Poor guy He is only 2 yrs old too.
  23. ohhh thanks Mareeee :)I can definitely use that!! Zupreem is my little guys favorite. I have tried getting him to eat some Harrisons and things and he throws it out of his dsh. I have even tried every other flavor of zupreem and he is totally not interested. Only fruit flavor for him. When I mix them with the fruit he tosses everything else out of his dish....lol
  24. I e-mailed the person back and this is what he is- http://www.parrots.org/index.php/encyclopedia/captivestatus/red_winged_parrot/ That is why he plucks I bet. I was considering getting him because I have been thinking of getting one more bird but I had to know what he was for sure so I could research him and he needs to be able to fly alot and have an aviary and I don't have any space that big. That's so sad. It says they should have at least 3 feet in a walk in enclosure and he lives in a cage:(
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