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Everything posted by Summerc25

  1. Awww thank you both I think I am going to run to the pet store and get a few more perches then. The wooden dowel things came with the cage. Should I take them out or leave them since he can use them to move around on? The concrete perch she had in his cage was probably 1.5 to 2 inches in Diameter but it was his only perch inside of the cage I am going to clean that one off well and then put it back in his cage. I thought it might be hurting his feet but now he has choices so he does not have to use it if it does
  2. and last one Sorry so many but SZ and I are very happy with his new cage <br><br>Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/04/26 16:16
  3. Thank you all for the responses Here are some pictures of SZ in his new cage. He decided he would try it out this morning! I am so glad he did because I wanted him in it before Monday. Also, now I have to go move and rearrange stuff in it to make it comfy for him. It was hard to tell where to place perches etc without seeing him in it. Also, the perch that I took a close up of him standing on, is it too small for Greys? The perch that came in his old cage looked way too big and his feet looked too stretched all the time. Do I need to get a bigger one as he likes to stand in front of his food alot hehe Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/04/26 16:09<br><br>Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/04/26 16:39
  4. I bought my baby a new cage. At least for now. I think this one is MUCH better and I LOVE the playtop on it. I have to get it home tomorrow an cleaned up and then start getting him used to it. I hope it is god enough to use for a while, I just happened upon a bargain. Here is a link to it, or one identical. http://www.blueribbonpet.com/showprod.php?id=1681 The one I got looked bigger but I am not sure that it is. What do you guys think? I am going to a bird fair in July and I will look again then and see if I find an even better one. But for now I think he will like this one
  5. Omg I know that was scary!! I am glad everyone is okay and Gil looks FANTASTIC girlfriend His feathers are lookig better and he looks soooo happy and cuddy!
  6. Omg Sameera I am so so sad to read this, I don't even know what to say. My heart aches for you. I really thought she was going to be fine I know there is nothing anyone can say to make you feel better right now. I hope that one day when your heart heals and you get another bird that you will rejoin us here. We will all be praying for you in this sad time. The saying your friend said to you about dark times is absolutely beautiful and it makes sense *hugs*
  7. Good luck to you both! I hope Zahzu has a very speedy recover and problem free health for the future *hugs* and big birdy kisses to Zahzu!
  8. Hope ELi is doing okay today *hugs*
  9. Sarah you have done an amazing job with Gil! He has come so far and is crazy in love with you already in this short time. I happen to like my fingers too so I am careful if Shaka Zulu seems in a biting mood. Earlier he almost fell from his playstand because he lost his balance. So I went and picked him up and took him to his cage because he feels safer there. He was mad and snatched a carrot from my hand and threw it across the room. Glad that was not my fingers hehe
  10. Hi and welcome Karma to you for giving a grey a second chance at a forever home! I have done the same and my grey, Shaka Zulu, is almost 5 and I am sooooo glad I rehomed.
  11. Hi Jon Welcome! We are glad to have you here
  12. Awww he is adorable Cait Thanks for sharing!
  13. I am so sorry for your loss I know that was such a hard thing to have to do but you were right to not let him continue to suffer. You will be in my thoughts and prayers *hugs* Take care
  14. Here is a picture of Shaka Zulu and me. It is my new profile pic too but thought I would go ahead and post it here also.
  15. Thanks Carol I read your post about maybe getting two babies! That will be sooooo much fun I bet! They can keep each other company when you are at work and such. Congrats on both babies
  16. Okay so I know it is a little soon for this (He has been with meone week tomorrow), but I think Shaka Zulu just tried to regurgitate int my hand but nothing came up. He leaned his head down for me to scratch and while I was scratching his head he starting kind of doing this weird head and neck movement and sounded a little funny, kind of gagging and breathing loud, I thought he was choking or something so I almost stroked. Then he kept pulling my fingers with his beak to his mouth. He never actually threw up anything though. Is this regurgitation or at least an attempt? When I left the cage he calmed back down and now he is chattering to me and preening.
  17. Wow Tyco's mom that is a bargain! I wish they could ship to me for a reasonable price. I want him to have a HUGE cage. I do like the playtop for a new cage because he likes it but I also have to get a new playstand andI saw oneI love that has tons of things for him to do so am going to be buying that one. So the new cage won't have to have a playtop, bt if it does that is cool too. Do they have a website? Thanks everyone for all of the replies and compliments He will be getting a very nice cage asap, next Friday likely. That is when I get paid again. Thanks!!
  18. I will check on the bird rescues about cages then. I don't tink there are any in myimmediate area but maybe some within a few hrs away. He stays out of the cage alot. She never shut him inthe cage, probably because it is too small. He is settling in unbeleivably well. He is talking his head off and he is soooo sweet. He has been stepping up for me since day one and now he lowers his head for me to give him scritches. Yesterday he climbed down the cage and waddled right over to me while I was laying on the floor in here by his cage. Although I hate leaving him unattended all day long and out of the cage, I have been. That cage is too small so I do not ever shut the door on it. H was used to never having the door shut so he likes it this way. When we get a new giant cage, then I will have to see how he does when I shut the door. He just started in the past few days jabbering away with me in the room, when I did that video I had to leave the room so he woul think he was alone lol Now he talks just as much or more with me sitting here.
  19. Hi guys! Sorry I have not been on. I have been too busy playing with my baby So I got him home and her are some pictures. The cage is the one he came with. I am buying him a newone in two weeks. While scrubbing and cleaning the cage up I discovered it was a cockateil cage!!! I kne it looked to small to me when I wen to see him. Anyways, he will be getting a new cage as soon a I can afford it. I plan to get himone next paycheck in a week and a half. In the mean time, Iam leaving his cage door open so he won't be trapped in this cage as it is too small for him. Here is a you tube video too. That should be the link to my video. Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/04/16 06:12 Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/04/16 06:15<br><br>Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/04/16 06:16
  20. I think you are right Azzie, I am feeling a little nauseated
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