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Everything posted by Summerc25

  1. So I went to visit the grey today It went very well. Much better tan I expected. He did not even bite me at all and he stepped up for me, several times. He fluffed his feathers up and he shook his red tail feathers. He laughed a few times and said hello. His owner sometimes gives him baby food with a little spoon and she had me try it and he ate for me. It went very well. She didn't say anything really for sure but she did give me a book she had on greys and she was saying stuff like when I have him that I will notice he does this or that. Oh and it turns out he is 5, the ad was wrong that said he was one. I think that is even better. I am going to back to spend some more time with him later this week. I probably won't have the full amount to pay her until April 10th so I won't get to bring him home until then. She did say another lady to came to meet him but that he didn't seem to like that lady very much... whew hehe
  2. Thank you Dan great post Karma to you! Sounds like if I get my little one year old grey that I may be getting bitten alot lol I hope he doesn't turn on me in a few yrs and pick a new favorite lol<br><br>Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/03/28 01:33
  3. Thanks Tyco's Mom for the advice on cleaners:) I hope I get to bring him home. I am supposed to go Saturday morning at 11 and spend some time with him, weather permitting. We are supposed to have some nasty storms here tonight and tomorrow nigh and Saturday but unless there is a tornado warning right then, I am going hehe. I will be on here as soon as I get home to let you all know how it goes. I am thinking that I may visit with him and go back one or two more times to visit if that is ok with her. That way he hopefully will not be devestated when I take him. I know it is hard on them to leave someone they are attached to. I told her I might need to wait until April 10th to pay for him and asked if that would be ok and if she would hold him for me until then if things work out and she told me that money is not an issue for her. She wants him to go to a loving home. So I should know Saturday if she is going to sell him to me but it may be a few weeks before I bring him home which is fine because I am busy getting my home ready to be his home. Parrot proofing and such. Thanks for all the well wishes
  4. Hi and welcome I am new here too but so far everyone has been so nice and helpful. I know you are going to love this site too. I am so happy that Gilbert has a wonderful and loving home now. Thank you for taking an older bird that needed love and a forever home
  5. Hi and welcome I am new too and the members have been invaluable to me! Hope you are enjoying the site!
  6. Thank you very much Dave Very helpful response!
  7. Thank you I think she did tell me he was dna sexed, I will ave to go back to double check that in the emails.
  8. Yes she just wrote me back and said not to bring him any treats because he prefers one on one time as a treat and not edible treas as much. She said he eats that stuff all the time, fresh fruits etc and to just come and spend time with him. I know he will likely bite me ornip at me and thats okay with me. I just hope its k with her and she realizes that he may not be thatfriendly to me up front. I am sure she does. Thank you all for the compliments on my future baby ( I hope) and for the advice
  9. I read alot of the posts on cleaners and other toxic items. I also read some other websites. If I have my Grey on the other side of my house, three rooms away, and I clean my bathroom and have the window open, will it still be harmful to him? I am going to make some of the other cleaners up but in my bathroom I use scrubbing bubbles and I love that but if I have to change it I will. I am a little overwhelmed at all of the things that are toxic to birds. It is scary lol I am writng a list up of everything I need to get rid of before my baby, hopefully, comes home with me Ohhhh one more thing. If I just painted the inside of my house and stained concrete floors, how long does that need to air out before I bring the bird home? If it is a few weeks before he moves in and I open the windows a lot when I can, should that be okay? Thanks
  10. Well she was calling him SZ to me but now she has told me his name is actually Shaka Zulu. I may just call him Zulu. I wanted to name him myself but I hate to change his name and make him confused. Wow there are alot of things that are toxic to these guys. I am about to do a major clean up. I burn scented candles all the time so I have tons. I will have to give them to my sister to take home. I have to figure out cleaning products next...lol I use Clorox wipes all the time. Does anyone know if those are okay to use in a room he is not in?
  11. OMG that is terrible if that man who found her sold her. That makes me sick. If it was really Tui I would be willing to donate so that Andrew could raise a big chunk of money that they could not resist and get her back. If everyon donated some money he could get a nice sum up an get her back maybe if he can find out who has her. Poor Andrew and poor Tui
  12. And another Hope I am not doing anything wrong by posting photos that I didn't take and that she sent to me? Let me know if this is not ok and I will remove them. Thanks
  13. I am going to try to attach three pictures of my (hopefully) future grey that his curent owner took and sent to me. I love him already, he is beautiful. He comes from a really great and loving family and I can't wait to meet them both this weekend. She said he loves apples and french fries and he asks for french fries. She also said he is bilingual hehe That is really neat. I canot wait to go see him, I am in love with him already! Anyone have suggestions on what to do when I meet him for the first time to make him more comfortable? I am going to bring him treats already. Now I need to go read up some more on parrot proofing to make sure I have nothing that is bad for him around. Thanks in advance for any advice
  14. His name is SZ right now, that is another thing I wondered if I can change his name or if that would be too confusing for him. I cannot get the pic to upload but he is gorgeous I just hope she lets me get him. I just emailed her back alot of stuff about me and that includes that I have kitties so I hope that does not end this for me lol
  15. Hey all I talked to the owner of the bird again. She is very nice and she is sad to let him go but she feels it is best for him. She also wanted it in the contract that if I decide to ever part ways with him for any reason that she will get him back. She said he is her baby and very much a part of the family but she is trying to do what she feels is best for him now even though she may regret it later. She said money is not an issue if I have to pay her part later but she just wants him to have a loving home. Hopefully I never have to part ways with him but just in case some health emergency or something happens that is very nice to know she wants him back. It also tells me that she really really loves him and took good care of him. I am going to tell her I will be glad to send her pics and videos of him too if I get him. They have to all meet me first and make sure he and the family all like me Talk to you guys soon! Tried editing to add the picture she sent me. It says it is too large. I will add it to my profile temporarily instead if that works. Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/03/25 04:36<br><br>Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/03/25 04:37
  16. Thanks all and great advice Tyco's mom The poor little guy must be very lonely alot right now. The owner is working on her PHD, has twin 2yr olds and a 4yr old, is working a full time internship, and writing a dissertation. I think that is why she is looking for a new home for him, because she does not have time to give him enough attention. I am waiting on her to email me back about when I can come and meet him. She must only check her e-mail once a day and I am dying to get a response lol I know she has two other people that are asking about him because she said they wanted pictures too so she was going to take some when she had tme and I told her forget the pictures because I am close enough to just drive to see him. Hopefully that puts the other interested parties back if they are waiting n pictures lol<br><br>Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/03/24 13:46
  17. Thank you I hope it works out to. I will let you all know after I go visit the little guy and see if he likes me or not lol
  18. I just saw this thread by chanceand had to comment. Tui was one of the reasons I became interested in getting a grey. That video of Andrew talking about osing her broke my heart. Does anyone know if he ever found Tui or at least found out if someone else hd her? If someone found her and just kept her, that is so cruel. She was such a smart pretty bird. I pray she at least found a kind person to take her in. I am guessing that Andrew never got her back because there were never any new videos
  19. Sending some healing prayers and thoughts to your sweet little Emma. That is so cute that she said I love you and are you ok when she was the one hurt. What a sweet baby you have! I am sure she will be ok but I am thinking about you both
  20. I have been e-mailing with a girl that lives about an hour away from me that I found on Kijiji about her one year old grey. She is willing to sell me the bird, cage and accessories for $650. Playstand included in that! Sounds too good to be true lol Depending on the cage I may still have to get him a new cage. I told her that I would like to come meet him and see if he likes me or not and if he does I want him. She is really busy and does not have time for him. She says he is friendly but we will see. She has had him since 4 weeks old. Isn't that a bit young to have gotten him? Maybe she had previous experience with parrots and raising them. That part makes me a bit nervous that he may not have been fed well as a baby but I am going to go see him and go from there. Wish me luck Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/03/24 05:33 Edited to fix my typos lol<br><br>Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/03/24 13:49
  21. Hehe well I hope I am that lucky then. Thanks for replying
  22. That is beautiful but so sad Makes me want rehome a bird instead of getting a baby. I was looking at rescue places but none are close enough to me to do an in-home visit etc that they require.
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