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Everything posted by JungleDreamz

  1. That is SO precious! I love it when they try to get all snuggled up to you as colse as they can : ). How old is your baby? His/hers feathers are gorgeous
  2. Sorry it didnt work...I dont know how to post pics yet.... I will work on it
  3. I am feeding him 3 times a day (thats what the breeder had him on when I got him) About 35 CC's And I am feeding Zupreem Embrace plus, And here is a pic of him from the other day when we first got him!
  4. I have only had hom since monday, haha, so 4 days...What do you use for disinfectant? Seems like everyone tells you to use something else. But yeah, I figured now was a little too young to mess with him too much. So just a couple more days and he will be 5 weeks and I will start holding him and cuddling him a little more. Still just for short times though like you said. dont wanna stress him out! And do you think his weight is good? I think you replied to another post of mine, and said just as long as they are gaing SOMETHING everyday, its good, So I guess its good?
  5. Hi I posted a question in the nursery, Do you think anyone could check it out and maybe give me some advice??? I would really appreciate it...I just know most of everyone is here, but its a baby question so I didnt want to break the rulz by posting it here, haha...Thanks if anyone can help!
  6. My Little Echo (thats what I am naming him) is 4 weeks old and 3 days, He will be 5 weeks on Monday....He is doing really great, Eating great and everything...he was 279 grams on Tuesday, 293 grams on wednesday and 303 grams today, Is that good weight gain a day? And I was wondering should I be getting him out of his brooder to hold him and stuff yet? Or is he still too young? I dont want to do anything wrong...I hand fed my Quakers, But that was a couple years ago, and I know hand feeding a grey is differant cuz its a differant kind of bird...So I was just wondering these questions if you could please give me your input, oh and I am using Nolvasan to disinfect everything ( syringes, brooder, ect...) Is this a good disinfectant? I used bleach water with my Quaker, But now I have been reading bad things about using diluted bleach water for disinfecting things like syringes...SO let me know, And I will post a pick of him too {Feel-good-000200B9} Thanks everyone!
  7. Yes I did just get him, And Yes I do have experiance, I hand fed my quaker..But a Quaker and a Grey are totally differant, So I just wanted to know the weight for a grey. So just as long as it gains a little every day huh? Sounds good to me! Thanks!
  8. I was wondering how much a 4 week old baby CAG should weigh, and how much they should gain a day or a week. Thanks for any responses in advance! They will be much appreciated!
  9. I am getting ready to go pick up my baby CAG todaay!!! I couldnt sleep at all last night, I woke up every 2 hours, lol {Feel-good-000200B9} I need help with names, I would like something Tropical, My birds names that I have already are, Lola (cockatiel) GiGi (lovebird) Mango (Golden conure) and Kokomo ( Quaker Parrot) I have been contemplating for the new baby the names, Echo, and Katunga...I think Katunga sounds african, and since they are from africa, I dunno.....And echo since they repeat things....I need help though! any good tropical names?
  10. OH good! She says there will most likely be more, So if she even says so, then I think it will be good. I just cant wait! Its like uuuggghhhh, I HATE WAITING! haha My hubby finally said I could get one, and now I have to wait! haha But looking on the bright side, it will be just that much more time to do research on them. And to get ready for the baby!
  11. Well the breeder I was going to buy my baby from sold all the babies She was very nice though, she asked me first when she was down to one, I just havnt got all the money up yet. I HOPE I HOPE I HOPE she has more this year she said it was the 1st clutch of the year, and she has quite a few breeding pairs...So I think my chances are pretty good, But I am not expert, What do you all think? Think there will be more clutches this year if that was just the 1st? I know you can never know, but is it the typical to get more than one? espeacilly when you have like 14 breeding pairs?
  12. Well I am not buying the baby just for talking ability. So....I was just wondering if the screeching would keep him from talking if he was going to. But thank you all for your advice! I do hold to conure all the time, He is from a recent owner who didnt have time to give him attention, that is why she rehomed him, she said he would scream all day long for attention...He just has to know he doesnt have to scream for it anymore Cuz as soon as I put him back onto his cage he will start screaming...I think he will get use to it though, I have only had him about a month, so he is still adjusting to his new life...And judygram, your right, he does love to eat while we eat, and eat what we are eating, haha, silly babies.
  13. All the birds cages are open all day...And I am just a little nervous about the down payment thing. I have trust issues, haha, Also, You never know, my hubby and I could like both loose or jobs or something, YIKES! Then we are out the down payment, without enough moolah to get the baby
  14. I know this is a hard question to answer, But the breeder I am getting my baby from has 4 baby greys, And although I will be for sure able to get the baby in like 3 weeks...I am afraid they will all be gone. So here is the hard part, how fast do they sell from just a private breeder...I know almost immpossible to answer since you cant predict the future, But just like on average. I dont know if maybe there were any people on here that might breed them and know how fast they sell them...And the other question, do you get more than one clutch a year? So if she does sell them all, will that be it for the rest of the year? Or do they lay again? I know a lot about greys and keeping them as papmered pets, just dont know a lot about the breeding of them. I am just SO afraid that when I am able to finally get one in 3 weeks, they wont be there I have been waiting like my whole life for this, and even to wait another 3 weeks seems immposible, haha...So anyone that can shed a little insight my way would be great! Thank you so much! OH I have another question, haha, I have a queen of bavaria conure, that screams a lot, will the grey just pick up on screaming like him and not talking? And any ideas on how to get the queen to stop screaming, its when we sit down to eat...I have tried giving him treats and that doesnt work, the only thing that works is to cover him, which I feel bad about doing at like 7, haha...He also screams through out the day... So i cant keep him covered all day, any ideas? SO sorry for the long post, Just got a lot of questions :blush:
  15. It is a baby Congo. And it depends on how old he is when I get the money up, lol, Should be within like 3 to 4 weeks. So he should be JUST weaned or close to it. he was hatched in late feb. Hopefully he or she will talk, I have a quaker that talks up a storm, so maybe that will help the new baby get started. I do wonder why some just dont. I also have a lovebird a cockatiel and a Queen of Bavaria Conure that someone just GAVE me with his awesome cage and all cuz she wanted him to go to a better home. So after the Grey I will be done adding to my "flock" Cuz I also have my Baby, he is my dog, and the best "baby" I could ever ask for, and I have a chameleon, A tortise, A cat, And a reef tank Hence the name "JungleDreamz" Cuz I have created a jungle around myself, haha
  16. Hi! I am new here and I am going to be a new Grey mommy very soon! I have been looking for a job so that I could make them money to get one, And I landed a job, AND found a baby...I am so excited...The African Grey is my dream bird...Ive wanted one since I was a little kid...I am just SO excited and have been waiting for this forever. I was also wondering, I know they say some greys dont talk, I dont care if my new baby talks or not, but it sure would be a plus :blush: So I wondered if anyone here has a grey that doesnt talk...Cuz I have NEVER met one that didnt talk...Just curious And GREAT website,I love it!
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