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Everything posted by lovethatgrey

  1. Me: How are you Emma? Emma: I'm just a baby! Me: Really? You think you're just a baby? Emma: Now, that's for sure! {Feel-good-00020114} What a joker she is! 2nd conversation. Today when I went to wake up Emma.. this is how it went. Me: (as I am giving her a good head scratch) - Mommy loves you. Emma: SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Carol, here's a great cage for the twins one day!! http://www.getbirdstuff.com/getbirdstuff/prod-ff8081811fad166c011fb90126f60b7d.html{Feel-good-00020114}
  3. {Feel-good-0002006E} Those twins are too funny!
  4. Well guys, I received the quote for both cages yesterday. The damage will cost about $7600.00 USD and that includes shipping. It is a bit more expensive than I expected, all I can say is thank goodness I only have 2 parrots. :blush:
  5. Oh Wow!! Ahmani has complete trust in your son. She is just letting herself go! Your son must be very special to have earned that so fast.{Feel-good-00020114} Make sure to start a regular routine where YOU are the person cleaning the cage and changing their water and food bowl as well as spending quality time with them and handling them OFTEN so that they can BOND to you. It is really important. When they are on you, then you can verbally introduce them to other members of your family and pass them over to the other person, but first and foremost they need to recognize that YOU are their MAMA! Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/23 05:03<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/23 05:04
  6. Carol, we want another update, and more pictures and videos too. Better yet, we want a play by play like they do for sports. Thanks in advance.{Feel-good-00020114}
  7. I am so happy for you! Those pictures are so touching and your babies are just adorable! I wish you many years of Bliss together!{Feel-good-00020114}
  8. Still waiting for a quote but I've been told that all cages come with the buffet system. I think that is AWESOME! {Feel-good-00020114} http://www.freedomcage.com/original/freedom_buffet.htm
  9. {Feel-good-00020114}The Global Swing. Hands down! Ask any grey!!
  10. Sounds like they really enjoy their OUT time and it certainly won't be Boring at your home!
  11. Someone from another forum posted this. During the early morning hours today, my wife and I lost all 4 of our Amazons to a tragic death. We had a new GE Profile Microwave/Convection oven installed in our home after the original one in our home stopped working. At 1:30 AM my wife, not having eaten for most of the day decided to cook a small microwave dinner. About a half an hour after wards, our 28 year old Yellow Nape fell from her perch in the cage to the floor. It wasn't long after that that "Pedro" gasped her last breath and died in my wife's arms. Just then I heard a crash in the room where our 2 Double Yellows are in their cage at night. One of these birds, "Goldey" is the close companion of "Pedro" and I thought he was watching and heard what happened and was upset. I went to the area where that cage is and found "Goldey" on his back and in distress also. Shortly after picking "Goldey" up from the floor of the cage he took his last gasps and died in my arms. I had noticed that the other Double Yellow in the cage with "Goldey" seemed at the time to be fine, and I went to the cage where our Blue Front "Ollie" was and found her in distress. After picking "Ollie" up she died the same horrible death as the other two within 10 minutes. Within 30 seconds, I heard the horrible cry of our last bird, "Casey" also a Double Yellow as he fell to the floor. Within 5 minutes Casey was gone also. Need I tell you that my wife Lisa and I are devastated. This after having lost our 5th bird, a Double Yellow "Harley" to cancer in February of this year. Not a good year for us. The reason for my email to you is two fold. One, we would like to know the cost of the birds if we were to buy them today, and second we want to make sure that everyone seeking to buy a GE Profile combination microwave/convection oven not do so until GE has addressed what toxins have been emitted taking the lives of our birds. Thank you for any cost information you will provide. When we have weathered the grief of this days events, we will most likely be coming to your store bird hunting. Also, we have been in contact with GE and they so far are reacting in what we think is a responsible manner to address what has happened here. Thank you. PLEASE POST THIS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. It is quite apparent that the death of these birds was due to this oven. There were no warnings contained anywhere on the oven. :(
  12. Thanks Caitlin! As are yours from what I can see of Ecko and Mango!!{Feel-good-00020114}
  13. Thanks Bonek. They make me very happy too!{Feel-good-00020114}
  14. I don't think that it is possible to control this.{Feel-good-0002006E}
  15. By now, some of you have read that I have decided to purchase custom made stainless steel cages for both of my parrots. Both of my parrots are still babies, so when I think about how long they will live it makes ALOT of sense to purchase the best cage possible and keep it for their entire lives.{Feel-good-00020114} The company that will build their cage is located in New Jersey and specializes in this niche service/product, all materials are american made and they ship internationally. In the last few days I have been doing some serious thinking about how high, deep and wide I want my 2 cages and then there are details such as , bar spacing, bar thickness, types of doors, i.e french doors, no french doors, sliding grate, collapsible cage, one piece cage, pullout grate, pullout tray, sliding tray, one sliding tray or 2, playtop, dome top, what type of stainless steel finish that I want..... etc etc etc.. As a client, you can let your imagination run wild and they will let you know if your creation makes any structural or logical sense. After two days of thinking and pulling out the measuring tape to figure things out, I finally came up with something to submit. Now I just wait for a quote and hope that it doesn't put me on the streets. :blink: Here are some pictures that he sent to me to show some examples of what they have done because that is what the client asked for.
  16. One more night and they'll be Home!! Are you anxious!!{Feel-good-00020114}
  17. Yup! It looks pretty neat so far.{Feel-good-00020114} Keep us posted.
  18. Yup! It looks pretty neat so far.{Feel-good-00020114} Keep us posted.
  19. If you do purchase the Atoms, your greys will be pretty happy. In our home, one is hung in the living room and one is hung in the guest room. The great thing is... that they can hang out on either one and when I am doing major cleaning of their cages in the living room and need them OUT of there, then they have another room to hang out in. I have placed it in an area so that they can watch me while sitting on their beloved Atom. The Atom can be hung anywhere and it gives them a chance to hangout independently in a different area of the home without getting in trouble! I also purchased our Boings there too. Do not forget to purchase Ceiling protectors to go with your atoms. We have 3 - blue, green, and red.{Feel-good-00020114} <br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/20 03:53
  20. They are Located in Canada and I am certain that they ship to the USA.
  21. Thanks for sharing Tina. Very interesting to know this considering my Emma took 23 weeks to wean.
  22. This is pretty depressing. Anyway they are having a 40% off sale until May 22nd. http://www.birdbrains.ca/en/resources/news-events/goingoutofbusiness.html
  23. May I ask you how long you have had Talon and did you go throught a terrible twos stage with her?
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