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Everything posted by lovethatgrey

  1. I purchased a new table perch for my parrots and really cannot be any happier about this product!!{Feel-good-00020114}
  2. And many happy returns!{Feel-good-00020114}
  3. Your stuff looks awesome!! By the way.. what exactly is a Bird mart? Is it a fair of some sort?{Feel-good-00020114}
  4. Blue and Gold macaws are beautiful!{Feel-good-00020114}
  5. Maybe she is reminding you to file her nails!!{Feel-good-000200B9}
  6. Maybe it's just me but maybe the bright colors scare and overwhelm them. I would place it on the floor in their room for a few days or weeks and see if they become curious about it. I would also keep trying every few days. It certainly is disappointing when they don't seem as excited about the toys as we are to provide it to them. I had a brand new mother plucking sisal boing for 9 months left untouched because my pionus was terrified of it. Since then I made the firm decision to not buy sisal and only buy neutral colored swings if possible. I finally gave up and sold it to someone who has parrots who LOVE it! Sometimes it is just hit and miss. By the way, what colored Atom did you purchase?{Feel-good-00020114}<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/06/10 01:11
  7. Thanks! I will try out the links.{Feel-good-00020114}
  8. If the weight loss is 10% or more.. then there is need for concern. For the moment the weight situation is fine but only you can make that call.. so when in doubt, contact your avian vet.
  9. I would like to purchase a second one for my parrots however, am not able to find a place that ships to Canada and still has the product in stock. Do you guys have any ideas?:blush:
  10. I'm really glad to read that you forged ahead and things seem more positive right now. Thanks for letting us know.
  11. Motherpluckinbirdtoys also ships to the UK. I know of several parrot owners in England who own the Atom.
  12. Wow!! That was an incredible poem. It gave me goosebumps. Thanks for sharing!{Feel-good-00020114}
  13. Awww!! She look GREAT!!{Feel-good-00020114}
  14. Wow! I love happy endings! Thanks for sharing.{Feel-good-00020114}
  15. Wow that is pretty incredible that you haven't received it yet. I live in Canada and it has never taken more than 5 business days. Either way, you will be very pleased with the Atom. Emma has loved hers since day 1!{Feel-good-00020114}
  16. I own a sleep cage but don't use it for that purpose. I do know of several parrot owners who do use sleep cages and it has helped them with territorial issues.{Feel-good-00020114}
  17. Not to worry Anna, a sleep cage will really come in handy.You can place him in it when you wish for him to sleep in a quieter room. You can even use it to place Alex in it while you are cleaning his main cage. Who knows, perhaps you will add another parrot to your flock to keep Alex company while you are not at home.{Feel-good-00020114} A spare cage is always a good idea
  18. Thanks for the complements everyone.{Feel-good-00020114} To answer your question Judygram, I would not describe her to be at all like a sun conure. She is very playful... but in the mannerism of an african grey. She is calm, mostly quiet but has her moments of vocalization, very laid back, has a wait and see approach like all pionus parrots, is extremely affectionate once trust is gained. Here is a link for more information about the pionus parrot. http://www.pionusparrot.com/PionusParrots.htm<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/06/03 05:01
  19. She weighs 210 grams and is about the size of a Hahns Macaw but without the long tail!{Feel-good-00020114}<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/06/03 05:04
  20. Thanks.{Feel-good-00020114}
  21. It is quite normal for Alex to be a little nervous about climbing down. It is part of the learning process. Not to worry. In time he will get the hang of it. Just try to make sure that his food and water bowls are not difficult for him to reach. The rest he'll figure out on his own.{Feel-good-00020114}
  22. Here is a picture of my white capped pionus parrot named Sachi. In my opinion, pionus parrots are a great complement to anyone who has an african grey in their flock. She is my first parrot and Emma came afterwards.{Feel-good-00020114} Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/06/02 14:48<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/06/03 05:03
  23. Emma has a LARGE. It is the perfect size for the african grey parrot. I'm sure that most of you have already seen her on the Atom in the pictures that I have posted. Anything thicker would be too difficult for her to hang upside down on... Then she would fall and injure herself. Stick to the Large.{Feel-good-00020114}
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