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Everything posted by lovethatgrey

  1. The ceiling protectors and Atom are ALL worth it. My parrots enjoy them. What color ceiling protector did you purchase?{Feel-good-00020114}
  2. Welcome home Alex.{Feel-good-00020114}
  3. Atoms are great for parrots! Did you purchase it from Motherplucking Birdtoys?
  4. I am very sorry to read about this sad news. Thank you for sharing with us during {Feel-good-00020114}this difficult time.
  5. I purchase dandelion leaves at the market and offer the leaves raw or iclude them chopped in their birdie mash.{Feel-good-00020114}
  6. I really don't believe that pickles are appropriate to give to our parrots.. even if they appear to like them.
  7. Just to expand on the above, my parrots have alot of out of cage time but those moments when they must be in their cage, I'd prefer to provide the very best that I am able to afford for their safety and well being.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/27 02:27
  8. Yes. I understand Dave. You bring up some very good points.
  9. Wowee!!! for Ana Grey!{Feel-good-00020114}
  10. Definitely locate the beam with a studfinder and then nail it in. It will give your hook a solid hold and it much safer for your parrot since they tend to like to swing and rock and roll on their toys.{Feel-good-00020114}
  11. {Feel-good-00020114}Thanks Luvparrots. I came up with an idea this morning while looking at the 2 existing cages. I will have him make stainless steel receptable and cups to hold their foot toys in as well.
  12. Well.. I've decided that stainless steel is the way to go. If I don't buy it now... I'll certainly buy it later. So I might as well bite the bullet now and move on to other things. :blush: In the meantime, here is a great site done by this owner of Macaws in California, you can tell that he sure loves his parrots. He has the kind of cages that I will be purchasing. http://www.mymacaws.com/bedrooms.htm
  13. Congratulations! He is adorable!{Feel-good-00020114}
  14. Wow!! You are all very creative. I wish I were as imaginative. :blush:
  15. Thanks for your input Dan. Much appreciated.I agree that it makes no sense to downsize. I guess I was wondering why there wasn't more of a discussion or commentary/experiences on this forum. By the way, here is another cage{Feel-good-00020114}site that was recommended to me http://www.birdcageoutlet.com/
  16. How wide are their cages Talon? I made sure to think about all of that when I was figuring out the dimensions for Emma's cage. It has to be practical for me too.{Feel-good-00020114}
  17. Well sounds like you got your little diva!{Feel-good-00020114}{Feel-good-0002006E}
  18. So now I have come across a brand new site and must do so more RESEARCH before I make my final cage purchase. This site is truly very impressive and I can't believe this all exists!:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: All of this is made out of aluminum so I have to learn more about this metal in relation to my parrots. :blush: :blush: {Feel-good-00020114} http://bennettimps.com/index.php/Custom-Travel-Cages.html http://bennettimps.com/index.php/Emperor-Cages.html http://bennettimps.com/index.php/Cage-Features- Options.html http://bennettimps.com/index.php/The-Liberator.html<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/24 15:00
  19. Emma has a powder coated cage. I change the papers daily and give the cages a thorough washing in the bathtub once a week to scrub away dried up poopie and stuck on food. Emma also likes to splash around in her water dish. Exposure to water, oxygen, cleaning products and humidity probably contributes to rust and corrosion along with ordinary wear and tear. Sometimes when I am cleaning I see little brown spots of rust and I must admit it irritates me since I've only had the cage since August 2009 and Emma isn't very rough with her cage. I'm thinking that if I'm changing my cages let's say every 7 years.... then that can be alot of cages in the lifespan of my parrot's life. That's alot of clutter and money spent, especially if the life expectancy of a parrot is 50+ years. I figure that the longer I wait to purchase the stainless steel cages, the more it will cost me and the longer I will yearn for one of these cages for my parrots. I know as time passes.. my annual income will increase too but should I wait? How many of you members have stainless steel cages? Nobody seems to talk much about stainless steel cages on this forum.:blush: Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/24 06:08<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/24 06:10
  20. Be careful with them being so close to your keyboard. I made that mistake and Emma removed my ctrl key with one SWIFT SWOOP. I wasn't and still am not impressed.:blink: {Emotions-0002007E}
  21. Aww! Really? What a bummer!! Well these people have the same cages! http://www.funtimebirdy.com/Freedom_Cages.html {Feel-good-00020114}
  22. I was wondering how how many years you guys think you'll be able to use your existing cages before replacing them.{Feel-good-00020114}
  23. Thanks, she is pretty adorable!{Feel-good-00020114}
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