I have three parrots, a cag, a tag and a zon. My greys are not screechers and my zon will give a good screech now and there but not excessively. My three follow me around the house from room to room and they have ceiling perches and boings in each room they are allowed in. I prefer that my parrots stay out of my bathrooms and office. I just close these doors or have a mesh screen in the doorway of my office. The parrots can see me at the desk from their bird room and are okay with that. The office is off limits because my TAG loves to eat keyboard keys and my canary, who is flighted lives in my office. My TAG would eat Cappy alive if she gets a hold of him. If I am on the phone, my parrots love to talk so they can be heard. If I want it quiet, I just close the door to my office. Frankly, I do not find my parrots go be a nuisance anymore than I do my grandkids when they are around.