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Everything posted by Luvparrots

  1. Sleepless in Seattle- Tom Hanks<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/11/04 02:51
  2. Wow Pat, sounds like Gizmo is a well-mannered guy. I'm so happy that you were able to give him a loving home because he sure sounds like he deserves it.
  3. Looks like Congo likes his new toys. Roger, did you check out some of the homemade toys posted today. They might help with your budget.:silly: I'm sure going to try them out.
  4. Marie, George looks great and if I didn't know better, I would think that is my new grey's travel cage. What interesting things are you learning about George, come on now share with us!!!
  5. Well hello Harro, I hope having a grey works out for you this time. If you have any pictures you would like to share we are a willing audience.
  6. Disguising fruits and vegetables in oatmeal is something that I understand works with greys. Or because greys love to have the foods you eat--suck it up and get healthy, for Sassy's sake!!!:silly: :kiss: Realistically, there are some great recipes in the food room you should check out. Good luck!!
  7. Yvette, I lost my mother when I was 21 so I know your pain. I am so sorry and may God bless your mother and those who love her.
  8. Oh my gosh an honest man!!! How are things going on the getting acquainted? We would love to see some pictures of the Mrs. and Kai if you have any you would like to share.
  9. Luvparrots

    Avian Game

    Palm oil/palm nuts What are baby birds called?
  10. Luv these toys and out of things I already have at home. Great job Nora. And thanks for giving me something I can do to keep busy until my grey comes home. Karma to you, you crafty fid's lover.:silly:
  11. Luvparrots

    Avian Game

    Broccoli Name a toxic food to fids.
  12. Hey Caroline, I'm sure glad that you are now a moderator. I know I'm going to be needing a lot of help with my first ever parrot, a baby TAG. And I really appreciate this great background information on your qualifications cuz now I can cancel that FBI investigation I was having done on the new nursery moderator. :silly: You know how it is with our fids; cuz I want only the best for my new baby. :silly: Seriously, I have enjoyed your posts and truly appreciate all the help and information you have so generously provided to us. You go girl!!!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/11/03 22:01
  13. Luvparrots


    Make sure there is no draft where Kaskoo sleeps or is sitting. At night can you cover Kaskoo's cage with an extra sheet or cloth? Perhaps a small box or basket in his cage he can cuddle inside to stay warmer. Good luck on finding a solution.
  14. Thanks for sharing that shower video. Sassy seems like the most perfect grey. You were so lucky to find her.:cheer:
  15. I'm sorry but my first image was a big dude with a patch over one eye and large gold chains around his neck with a cigar stub between his teeth flying down the freeway on a Harley with a grey flapping in the wind behind him anchored by a harness. This of course is not what you have in mind. When you speak of dirt bikes do you mean riding over bumpy ground over hill and dale, because that would not be cool. A grey could not hang on and they are delicate. Going for long walks on the beach or bicycle rides in the country side of course would be great for both of you. Good luck on finding a grey of iron. And I mean that with the best of intentions.:blink:
  16. Great looking cage any grey would be proud of. The relief when the decision is finally made. Good choice.
  17. This is marvelous news Marie. Can't wait to see your pictures and to hear what George has to say. Please rest up and get to clicking!!! We are all anxious to see what George looks like.
  18. If you will read through some of the threads posted you might have some of your questions answered. I believe it's personality rather than sex which determines a grey's aggression or protectiveness.
  19. Looks like I'm going to have to go pine cone hunting. Thanks for the picture of this great looking toy. Even I might be able to make that.:cheer:
  20. Somebody won't want their dinner tonight!!! Thanks for sharing Maxi's Halloween treats with us.
  21. Kiko is a lovely looking grey. You really did the right thing going to the bird mart. It's always wonderful when things go really well. Your daughter is certainly a cutie by the way. They look so very content together.
  22. Tanner looks right at home. He is certainly a magnificent looking creature. Thanks for sharing these shots. Has he been talking at all or tried to come out of his cage?<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/11/02 21:32
  23. Sheila, sounds like you made the right decision. Now your grey and tiel can both have a relaxing winter and you can have a pain free holiday season.:silly:
  24. Jason, have you tried asking personnel at the Copsewood Aviaries to contact the other buyers and give them your phone number with the request to call you if they would like to keep in touch. Just a thought.
  25. Ste congratulations on the anniversary and good job to the present selection. How many years have you been married?
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