Hi Joking, welcome to the forum. I have a pug named Lily, my most precious little friend so loving and cuddly. Pugs are great aren't they. My advice would be to read through the threads of information provided in this forum. There is an abundance of helpful information to remind you of what your obligation to a grey should be. Ask any questions and experienced members will be glad to help you. How did you feel about Paco 7 years ago. Was it a good relationship. And will he remember you, of course he will after a little get to know time. Paco needs to have time out of his cage please help him. Greys are wonderful companions and if you find he doesn't fix into you home, hey you're a flight attendant if you come to the Portland/Vancouver area bring him to my house and I'll take care of him!! Good luck on your decision. I believe your new hubby will love Paco.