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Everything posted by she

  1. You are so right to be proud of the little fighter,I know I am. He is a tough cookie.
  2. I do let Charlie on my shoulder but pick the moment.Never if I have on ear rings.I judge his mood.He steps up from my shoulder very well but some days he is a grouch and best left to his cage top or stand.
  3. I hope Riley remembers his first owner and shows excitement at being reunited.That will make you feel much better.
  4. Thats fantastic news.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/23 20:43
  5. Sorry for your loss Robin.Davey that was so nice of you.
  6. No carpet down stairs for me,hard wood , so easy to clean.
  7. Charlie sounds like a right character and a much loved family member.
  8. I pray God will watch over the men and women serving in Afganistan and their families who are waiting at home.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/22 20:08
  9. Hi and welcome.My grey is called Charlie as well,he is 6 years old now.
  10. What great news.Just take it slow and I am sure all will be fine.
  11. I am so happy for you Janet,I have tears in my eyes thinking how happy that must have made you.A birthday to remember.Happy belated birthday.:woohoo:
  12. It sounds like she is an escape artist,make sure her cage is secure when you go out.
  13. Thats where I get Charlies from.
  14. They are nice birds.I dont know much about them though.
  15. It depends on the vet,some are more expensive than others.I was amazed the other week when my tiel got scared by a cat while out in the aviary and got a few scrapes, it was Sunday afternoon and only an emergency vet available.I was expecting a hugh bill and she only charged me £18.How good was that.She was also telling me about her own parrots who she rescued and was very confident and calm while checking Cracker out.I was impressed.Not least by the cost.my own avian vet charges about £150 for routine blood work.
  16. Congratulations,I am so excited for you.
  17. I am so happy you have come to this decision,your Dave sounds like a good fella.I just want to say that I know you have gone through hell and back but you know you have the help and support of us all hear.
  18. I know how hard this decision was for you and I admire you for putting Jaspers well being first.It is a true act of love.I hope your friend comes on Thursday and gets on with Jasper,It sounds like the ideal solution.Be proud that Jasper, Keeko and Charlie are loved so much. Talk to you later.
  19. Its a really nice evening hear,sunny NO RAIN.
  20. Judy you can have as much of our rain as you want.
  21. Fantastic pictures Marie.George just loves the shower.I bet you wont be able to keep him out now.I bet he felt so good after that,moults must be so itchie.
  22. Sachi is a sweet bird.Emma sounds mad that Sachi is getting the attention.
  23. woke up to torrential rain,its a bit brighter at the moment so I hope we may have a nice afternoon.
  24. Greys are all individual,some can cope in a busy home full of other pets, most are shy and timid and dont like it.I think introducing other pets to birds needs to be done at an early age so it becomes the norm.Any interaction with other pets if allowed at all needs to be very closely supervised.
  25. You wont get away with that trick again,they will know what you are up to.I wish I had the time for a nap during the day,no chance.Maybe one day.
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