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Everything posted by she

  1. she

    Wet Dusty

    Great photo.Dusty is so cute.
  2. Thanks everyone.Charlie has never picked up words I have tried to teach him. It has always been things that he just learns himself,from me saying thing as I do certain things such as feed him and clean cages and verious house work,such as He will shout heres Henry when I get the Henry vacume out or who made that mess.He can say lots of things in the right context , yum yum when eating,come on hurry up, when he wants out or im making toast and want some if I am eating something he wants.I guess I will have to just be more inventive.
  3. Marie has just text me.George is doing fine. He has had no more fits is eating and talking away.
  4. It has been ages since Charlie picked up anything new,He just does not seem to say any new words.He is now 6 years old.He is a very good talker and goes through most of his vocabulary often.I am wondering if he is just fed up of my voice,I am always chatting to him. Has anyone any bright ideas on how to end the stalemate
  5. I use the large quick links on Charlies cage,so far so good.
  6. Pat your home sounds adorable,I love all that natural wood,wish my house was like that. Yes its too early,go and have another cup of coffee and make some new toys.:lol:
  7. I love the name,I wonder if he will take after his name sake.:lol:
  8. she

    Parrots Cold

    I can see it hear clearly I ordered it from www.24parrot.com.It is called a wingabego carrier.
  9. she

    Parrots Cold

    This is a picture of Charlie in his carrier. It is ideal for preventing situations like this.It is perspex and people cant get fingers near him,its ideal for vet visits.It was very expensive but gets used daily for both my birds so it was money well spent,
  10. You have a very nice looking baby,very nice.
  11. I have a grey and a cockatiel.At the moment thats where I stop.It is not thatI dont want another one,I would in a flash but time and space keeps my feet on the ground.I do mind my cousins grey when they go away so I know what two greys entail,Blue is coming to me in September,I cant wait.
  12. Harley will be so happy to be home with you.Just relax and enjoy.
  13. Congratulations. Your baby is home safe and sound.
  14. Marie has just been in touch and the vet said George is looking a bit better today and has settled in ok.
  15. Marie I dont know what to say.The vet sounds great and I am sure he will Look after George.He is in the right place.I wish I could help.
  16. I have just got a glass of wine,cheers everyone,we deserve it.
  17. It is .so sad that six greys are missing in this area. I am very concerned about that,whats going wrong.I dont think Laney has been lost for long,he was not in bad condition .I have not seen him myself yet but from what petmania told me he was fine.We will continue to look for his owner and Steve and Margi are keeping him untill the owner is found.
  18. No luck yet in finding the greys owner.Cant believe someone has not claimed him.Six people have been to see him but all have said its not their bird.:ohmy:
  19. Such a shame your baby got such a fright.I agree with Judy, it may not have put him off kids for life but this is something that you will find out in the future.I would just make sure children react in the right manner around him in the future.I am sure he will be fine.
  20. I got Charlie when he was 7 months old(he may have been a little older)I still thought of him as a very young bird .I think I got him at an ideal age,not such a baby to need feeding and pampering but young enough to adapt very easy to me.I had no problems with bonding,he is very much my bird and loves an evening head scritch when he wishes.He is 6-7 years old now and a fantastic companion.I would not let the age of this bird put you off if you get along with it.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/31 13:09
  21. Jilly, I think you may have my Charlie.Sounds so much like him.Oh and he is six now.I am turning grey and many times needed to see the bottle of wine empty.Mind you My little hooligan has just shredded a load of paper and flapped his wings so the living room looks like it has snow on the ground so maybe Charlie is still hear.Oh well back to the cleaning.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/31 12:51
  22. So glad Indy is ok.Thanks for the warning and the picture of the hooks.They are very common on bird toys. I replace those ones on Charlies toys with much thicker stainless steel quick links.Karma to you and Chris.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/31 12:28
  23. Davey the house poet does it again.well done Davey.
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