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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. For those who are still working on the weight, exercise, etc:) Exercise more than a little walking has become very difficult for me BUT I have gotten rid of most of the ten plus pounds of fluid (with medication) and have lost five more pounds. Hopefullu it isn't muscle!
  2. Still so tiny but good news he is progressing. Wonderful he has mommy's milk!:cheer:
  3. Just read this! Whew!! What a relief to know you have Schroeder home again!!!:cheer:
  4. Re: "bird flu." I just checked the CDC site that was updated 10/08. H5N1 (bird flu) is still around. The WHO and CDC are still tracking it but it doesn't create the sensationalism that H1N1 does so it isn't considered newsworthy now.
  5. Have I missed an update on tiny Dino? I don't see where I sent congratulations on this precious bundle either. Shame on me!!!:ohmy: But that doesn't mean I don't mean the very best for you, the baby and all his family.
  6. YES!!! Really good news!!!:cheer: {Feel-good-000200BB}
  7. Congrats to all of you with your fids coming into your lives. They are real children, aren't they? :laugh: Precious came to us on July 2.
  8. Congratulations on your grand-daughter! Suger and spice and all that's nice!:ohmy: :cheer:
  9. Please get better soon!:ohmy: No, being sick isn't any fun at all:( I hope you are on medication for the bladder infection because that can make you very ill. (I know. I have been very sick from one, was hospitalized, etc).
  10. Congratulations, Erika!!!<br><br>Post edited by: kittykittykitty, at: 2009/07/13 05:17
  11. What a sweet baby! Poor darling! I, too, am praying for good news.
  12. Oh, I am so sorry!{Feel-bad-00020072}Our babies whether furry or feathered are such an important part of our lives. Chole is in my thoughts.
  13. Judy, you are a very special lady. Thank you for your very warm wishes. Howardine:)
  14. UPDATE: The sutures were removed today. Everything looks good. Thank you everyone.
  15. What darling kittens you both have! Oh,my!
  16. {Feel-bad-000200A3}It's in the 90's in the Inland Empire.
  17. Really good!!!{Feel-good-000200BB}{Feel-good-0002006E}
  18. There was a lot of excitement when H1N1 (swine flu) first appeared in California. Schools were closed and there were some deaths among individuals who had pre-existing serious medical conditions. From what I have read the mortality rate is no more than from what we called ordinary flu, maybe even lower. Now the same warnings are out as usual: cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, wash your hands frquently, drink lots of fluids especially water, eat a balanced diet, get adequate rest and exercise. See your physician if you think you have the flu. Some antiviral medications help. STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK. DON'T SPREAD THE "BUGS." Hope this helps.
  19. Really sorry about your disappointment. Hopefully the right one will find you soon.{Nature-0002009A}
  20. It's almost time for the fireworks here. Thank you all for the happy birthday wishes to the USA.{Holidays-0002010C}{Holidays-0002010D}{Holidays-0002010E}{Holidays-0002010F}
  21. Thank you for sharing a lovely day with us.
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