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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. It's Spring, when a young man's fancy turns--- And so do the birds, at least the outdoor ones have.
  2. A wonderful story of happy-sad-happy Ki. Thank you for sharing. She is so fortunate to have you.
  3. How exciting to hear of older Greys! Precious is still a chick, isn't she? Now for me---but I have a computer, a gift, and I spend WAY too much time on it especially enjoying all your birds
  4. Jay, this is fascinating! Little did I know I could be seeing so many different species or subspecies when on the Amazon. They are beautiful!!!
  5. Welcome! Such a young baby! It's GreYt you are reading to him!
  6. Toni, How are you?

  7. Aren't we all their willing slaves???? The same for my kitties.
  8. This is such fun, except for Kim's fracture. I hope it heals quickly. When Tiernin, who will be five in June, is playing near PRECIOUS, they frequently start talkig to each other. We adults don't always catch all the conversation, but the two of them seem to understand each other perfectly. As an only child Tiernin's vocabulary is very adult, using adult words in context so of course Precious does also. It all seems to make sense. Precious says, "Good-by, I love you, I'll be back," when I am getting ready to leave, but she waits until the others are actually out the door before she says "Byyyye" to them. When she wants to go to bed she asks, "Would you like to go to bed?" If she doesn't get a quick enough reply she sometimes adds "Good bye." She says, "Here's clean water" or just "Water" when she wants her water changed. She goes through her whole list of food when she thinks it's time to eat.
  9. Oh, Spock! I am so glad for you!!! And not to mention for Maggie and Jay. also. Big love and kisses blowing your way.
  10. Happy St. George's Day to all the Brits. (I have Welch, English, Irish and a lot of others in my backround. I really am a mutt.)
  11. So from your side of the Pond: I still watch reruns of reruns at times, i.e. Keeping Up Appearances and some others on PBS.
  12. Penny this forum is awesome! I just have to learn my way around and I want to be friends with all of you. When I figure it all out.....
  13. Welcome, Logan and Ki!!! I am sure everyone will tell you to take your time with your new friend. Time and patience. I think we really don't know how our Greys will behave in a new situation, we just have to wait and see. But I do know it takes a lot of patience and love, love, love. So glad you have joined us.
  14. I am very thankful Yoshi is home safely. Chipped? OK Clipped?? Not so OK.
  15. Ray, please stay on the forum. It's not easy to fall in love and decide it isn't right (even if it is a Grey!) You are really special and Greyt. I wish you AND yours the very best.
  16. I haven't been on for awhile and wanted to say welcome to all of the new members as well as visitors. Please join the Greytest forum!
  17. Do your homework first. That is, read all tthe advice from the experts here and be prepared for two or three times the amount of work and time everyone says these exceptional creatures require. These birds are not toys but are sentient beings and require the same kind of love, care, nutrition, love, patience and did I say love as a human child. The best to you.
  18. Not into much TV but do watch Grey's Anatomy. I'm waiting to see what medical mystery will come up next and will they ever learn its the RNs who do the work and solve the problems, not these lame brained interns??? (Oh, I know! I'm prejudiced!)
  19. My understanding is Precious has an IQ someplace around that of a five year old but her emotional age is closer to that of a three. And yes, the work can get out of hand for someone my age. The only person in my family who has a life expectancy equal to hers is my great grand-daughter. However, as I have said many times I still would not exchange this experience for anything in the whole world!
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