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Everything posted by pearllyn

  1. Janet this was an excellent excellent idea. I looked into it for Alfie last year, but the man I spoke to had said they had to be a permenant fitting which obviously put me off, then I forgot about it when we got on ok with the harness, I would still think about a set for Alfie though - I think it's a lot less intrusive than the harness and Alfie lets me play with her legs too. Could you possibly post some close ups of Ana Grey in her new get up? Thanks for posting Janet.
  2. How sad. It's still early enough for Mum and Dad to start again though and have a healthy brood. Bless your man for burying them.
  3. Lol - good point! Next thing we'll be hearing how Jill has rescued a shoelace out of a puddle!!!!! LOL!!
  4. Hahahahahaaaaaa Jill - v. funny!!! Imagine you risking life and limb to rescue a crisp packet!!! Priceless. Thanks for owning up and giving us a giggle!!! x
  5. Aah smashing photos Jill. Harvey really is a handsome boy, he's gorgeous! I think the pillow on top of the door look is a winner - you might start a new trend!!! Thanks for sharing.
  6. Wow, it's great to be able to get to the bottom of it, even though you were controlling it, it's a relief for you to know what is actually causing it and be able to put a "label" on it! Hopefully the tests will confirm it. x
  7. I'm dead chuffed for you Bernie - it couldn't happen to a nicer bloke. But I suspect there's more to it than you being a thorougly nice chap - they'll obviously be wanting someone who knows their stuff, and you sure do know what you're talking about with this astro business. Dead proud of you, "our Bernie"!
  8. Praying Aoodi is back home with you safe and healthy soon.
  9. Lol - thankyou Ma'am!!! Happy Hatchday Argyle! Enjoy your treats! x
  10. Aah Dee, this is just beautiful I love it! It's great to see it coming along - you're putting alot of time and effort into in, and how kind of Kopi to offer you encourement - a real team effort! Looking forward to the next update!
  11. Bless him, poor baby, it's awful seeing them so afraid of something they start to shake. No, I've nver seen Alfie so afraid of anything she starts to, oh wait, yes I have! We were at the vets once and while in the waiting room, there was a cockateil sitting in the cage next to her wolf whistling through the bars at her - she did cower and shake in the farthest away corner of her travel cage - that cockateil was soooooo scary! She doesn't like the atom I made her, but just flies away from it! I hope Sasha gets over his plane phobia - it would be a shame if every outdoor trip was potentially ruined by by such a traumatic experience for him.
  12. Dee, Alfie has been wearing a harness for over a year, but she chewed her old one and this was her first outing in the new one, which is a different colour to the old one and I thought that might have put her off, so it was this one that had been lying around for a week.The timing is definitely a huge part of it though, there are somedays when we want to take her out, but her mood is wrong and we don't even bother asking her to put it on - I'd rather not try it, than give her the opportunity to refuse it. On the whole though, she is fairly accomodating - there are times when she isn't too keen on putting it on, but will humour us!! Also, she doesn't like it on her when she is moulting, so we don't bother with it then. You will know yourself when Kopi is ready to try - it is sooo brill being able to take Alfie out with us for walks, and the little camping trips - David and I were just saying, you don't need to go far from home to find a lovely little spot and just enjoy the tranquility! Thanks again for all the lovely comments folks - much appreciated.
  13. Hahaa - honesty is the best policy!!!
  14. pearllyn

    Avian Game

    Lol - that would be Alfie!!!! Just out of interest - we have a GoldenEye Duck! Which birds nest in burrows? (more than one answer - I can think of three)
  15. A well known historical figure standing aloft, guarded by four lions at his feet.
  16. Geez!! Let sleeping suns lie I say!! Excellent news about the link up with the ISS Bernie - I can't wait till the 25th - and I love those links you gave us! I think I've seen the space station before, but wasn't certain that's what I could see - I can't wait to see it and know for sure that is what I'm looking at - I'll def have to dust off my telescope for that - although it might be easier to watch through binocs! Thanks for these, AstroMan!!!
  17. Oh wow!! What stunning pics! The ones of Timbo are fantastic - I love the first one! And the photos of the hawks are just awesome - you're so lucky having all these wonderful animals round you! The spider creeps me out - excellent shot though! Thanks so much for sharing these with us!
  18. Lol - thanks. She is good at the being cute isn't she!! It is ok for me to blow her own trumpet isn't it........?! Haha Bonnie - I think I use my phone as a camera more than I use it as an actual phone!!!!
  19. Happy belated hatchday Biscotti - hope you had a lovely day with lots of nice prezzies!! x
  20. Lol - very funny videos all of them! Thanks for sharing folks.
  21. Hahahahaaaaa - I can't bloomin find Alfies!!!!! Lol!!!! Funny. It's lovely though to hear that Calypso is becoming quite the chatterbox - it's just great to hear all the new words - thanks for sharing.
  22. Oh how scary! Maybe you could contact the place where you bought it too - the writing on the belt looks too frayed to be new. I do check mine every time i use it but how can you check inside that little metal bit!? Glad you were inside and it wasn't any more serious.
  23. What a handsome boy he is! It is sooooo exciting when they come out w ith new words - I still get a buzz from Alfie saying something new!! Looking forward to you catching it on video!
  24. Alfie won't entertain the flower part, but will play with the leaves, although she doesn't eat them!
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