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Everything posted by slmclean

  1. that is a nice pic thanks for sharing
  2. slmclean


    try a piece of cardboard on the bottom of the cage that is what i did when i moved chloe into her big cage it is just a suggestion it should help with the fall plus she wont get hurt by the bars hope this helps.
  3. yeah i'm going to call tomorrow
  4. on his left side you can see his ear hole yuck i feel so bad for him.
  5. it is kind of hard to see but you can see where he has been plucking around his mouth.
  6. here is what he looks like.
  7. i just gave him a bath in a bowl he isnt happy with me now:blink:
  8. i will we have always had probems with him plucking we just got his chest and legs looking good and now this:( i just dont know what to do anymore with him
  9. he is grabbing them with his feet he is about 6 yrs old no he hasnt been to the vet so i will make a appointment if he isnt getting better he has been with hubby for a month and he brought him home for the week cause he wasnt home enough for him i have tried to get ahold of the feathers but he wont let me but i think maybe if i towel him i can help him, thank you for your help.
  10. hubby bought home our goffin cockatoo, he has pulled almost all his feathers off his face tave tried to help him by here is only feathers around his eyes now, i have tried spraying the aloe vera juice on it but i'm scared i will get it into his eyes and i have tried rubbing the aloe vera gel on it but he wont let me, there is a few big pin feathers there and i have tried to pinch them on the tips to help them out but that isnt working, any suggestions he is so miserable here he isnt eating well either. thank you. i will try and get a pic of him later to show you.
  11. i put chloe in the shade and only keep her outside for about 30 minutes course this is new to her to.
  12. yeah i would say she likes it alot.
  13. that is one beautiful bird i wish i had the room for one. congrats on your new baby.
  14. yes i would say so is she been eating anything different then usual? please keep us posted on her.
  15. sounds like you are going to have fun with it, let us know how it goes and good luck:)
  16. good to hear she is fine dogs are si forgiving so maybe she will forgive the bird if she remembers.
  17. so sorry to hear about your loss.
  18. oh yeah just cant wait for the molting chloe is loosing down feathers she shakes and it is raining little feathers but of course she is still a baby.
  19. those are great pics looks like he is having fun thanks for sharing
  20. awww these are all cute pictures
  21. i have a hand held spot remover shampooier and i use the pet ordor shampoo in it and it hasnt bothered chloe, there isnt much of a smell.
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