my new grandson arrived today at 120 this afternoon he weights 5 lbs 12 oz'z and is 16 and 1/2 inches long he has black hair and is a cutie pie, i will post pics here in a few days ok i need more pics, i'm not proud or anything am i? lol
hi jenny welcome to the forum hope you enjoy it here i'm sure you will, there is alot of people here that can give you good advice when you need it welcome again.
i will be a grandma tomorrow afternoon, she goes into surgery at noon i will get pics as soon as i can probably some time this week but dont hold your breath i'm going to spent alot of time spoiling him :lol:
welcome DDixon hope you like it here as much as i have there are alot of people her who can give great advice on almost anything hope you enjoy it here.
hi ashley welcome, hope you enjoy this forum as much as i have there are great people here with lots advice i know they have helped me alot, welcome again.
hello bamewm welcome to the forum i hope you like it here as much as i do, there is alot of people here who have alot of advice and knowledge they have helped me alot here good luck and hope to hear from you soon and send pics we like to see pics lol.
oh good a club i know i can fit into lol chloe has bit me alot and i had bruises to prove it to but they are gone but i know i will have a new bruise tomorrow she gave me a good bite today, she acted like she wanted me to pet her so i did big mistake she got me before i could realize she was going to bite
hi amberly, i just got my grey a month and a half ago and she is 5 months old and i got her out the first night and messed with her a little then the next day i did it again for longer and she did fine she did m=seem nervous she was ridget but she let me hold her and that so i guess it is up to you but maybe you will want her to get settled in a little bit before you mess with her just a suggestion i'm sure someone else here can give you more advise.