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Everything posted by slmclean

  1. i really like the one sleeping that is precious. thank you for sharing your pics.
  2. i think around a yr or so, mine is 5 months old and all she does is alot of whistling right now so i cant wait til she talks.
  3. thank you, my poor son is beside himself right now he is so excited and scared lol.
  4. glad to hear he is doing better, and i'm sure it is harder on you i know it would be on me, keep us posted please and best of luck.
  5. awww that is darling what a little cutie thanks for sharing.
  6. my daughter in law just called me and she is going to have a c section next tues or wed the doctor says it is time, i'm so excited this is my first grandson i will take pics and post them later.:woohoo:
  7. he is cute as far as lizards go sorry i'm not a big fan of them but he is cute.
  8. hi nicole welcome to the forum hope you enjoy it as much as i have.
  9. hi jennifer, welcome there is alot of advice here and alot of nice people if you have any questions someone is bond to be able to help you out.
  10. so sorry to hear about your loss my prayers and thoughts are with you.
  11. my bird eats seeds and nutriberries and popcorn and broccoli and carrots and pretty much anything i give her i'm just trying oatmeal with her now she isnt to sure about that yet.
  12. chloe has seeds and she has pellets but i dont think she likes them they arte corn pellets that the lady gave me when she sold her to me but she likes broccoli and baby carrots and seedless grapes and im trying to get her to like oatmeal but she didnt like the bannana bread one today so i will try another one tomorrow and i just got her avi cakes which is is loving right now and popcorn and nutriberries she seems to like them but it is mostly just trying different thing to find out what your bird likes i guess.
  13. oh i know how you feel i couldnt wait til chloe came to me, it seem to take for ever for the day to come and pick her up my stomach was in knots but dont worry you will get over that as soon as you see your new baby best of luck and cant wait to hear more from you.
  14. wow you were brave, i havent had chloe outside yet need to buy another cage for her to be outside.
  15. awwww nice pics what a pretty bird.
  16. welcome cagal,hope you enjoy it here i know i do.
  17. that is cool he will ahve lots of room lol.
  18. oh i'm so glad you finally got help for the little guy hope he heals good best of luck and keep us posted please.
  19. oh i'm so glad you finally got help for the little guy hope he heals good best of luck and keep us posted please.
  20. yeah i think i'm going to order that playstand i know i can get the tape from a store here that sells vet supplies for cows and that.
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