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Everything posted by slmclean

  1. wish i could help you out terri, chloe is 5 months old and she is big for her age to so i dont know how much bigger she is going to get, she eats all the time to but that is good at least i know she is heathly lol, sorry not much help here but if you do find out let us know please.
  2. thank you all, she does love it but i think i need more perches in it she is chewing up the wooden one lol.
  3. hi michael welcome, i just became a new mom to a baby grey to her name is chloe so i'm learning to best of luck to you.
  4. where did you get that playstand at? i bet chloe would love it and i'm going to look for those clothes pins to she would love them i bet.
  5. me either, i can usually find what i am looking for.
  6. i bought it from dr fosters and smiths.
  7. that is awesome you can do that with your bird, thanks for sharing.
  8. 46x36x69 it is pretty big thou.
  9. ok what am i doing wrong here my posts arent showing.
  10. well i tried to post a pic of my new cage here but it is in a new topic lol.
  11. <br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/06/21 00:10
  12. well my birds only get water here.
  13. hi tonja and harley welcome to the forum.
  14. yes we are bcoming friends now she is learning who the boss is lol.
  15. thank you all for the warm welcome, it's nice to know there is still nice people out there.
  16. ok i'm new here but i think i'm figuring this thing out here, i'm owned by a 4 yr old goffin cockatoo and my newest baby is a 5 month old congo her name is chloe, at first we had our problems i was bruised up badly but now we are getting along alot better she has learned the command no bite and step up and step back i'm loving her more and more each day, and i hope i can get some answers to wuestions here if i ever have any which i'm sure i will lol well i look foward to meeting all of you and learning from you bye for now chloe's mom.and if you would like you can call me chloe's mom to.
  17. hi, i'm susan from wyoming and i jsut got a new congo a month ago she is 5 months old and her name is chloe.
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