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Everything posted by slmclean

  1. i like that collapable one i think i will order one for chloe i have been looking for one thank you judy.
  2. i'm not sure about bleach mel but vinager is good for cleaning with water, maybe someone else can help you out with it but i dont really think it would be good but not sure.
  3. hi tiffany welcome, have you read up on greys they are very time comsuming they need alot of attention and time. there is alot of threads here that have good articles and advice here you might want to read up on them before you decide to get one, just a little friendly advice here, and if you do get one there are people here that would be more then happy to help you out with any questions. good luck.
  4. i got a couple of pics of ehr in the photography room she braved it but not for long lol.:laugh:
  5. thank you.she isnt to sure of it yet lol.
  6. chloe got her new play stand today she isnt impressed at all lol i will get a pic of it later it is a cheap wooden one but it will work for now.
  7. slmclean


    yeah yeah i feel like a dummy now.
  8. slmclean


    ok thank you i never noticed it before.
  9. slmclean


    has anyone ever noticed there birds eyes while they eat? i was giving chloe some cup of soup and i noticed her eyes pupil goes big then small i was wondering if anyone eles birds eyes do that.
  10. nice pics thank you for sharing.
  11. oh chloe has been hit with her toys to she gets so mad at them and attacks them lol guess she doesnt realize she is the one who cause it to hit her.
  12. slmclean


    does anyone have a link to the harrison food?
  13. awww he is beautiful congrats you will have a blast with him i know i do with my chloe i have only had her 2 months now. we both have learned together and still learning.
  14. i use a bowl sometimes it is very colorful with the colored food and pinata things in it lol. maybe that is what it is confetti soup.
  15. my bird has the fire siren down pat lol.
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